RT @KnitGuildNSW: You can now join the Guild or renew your membership online. http://t.co/Hooof8lb
Went to Atlassian’s new offices tonight to practice my GGD speech for next week. Very cool place – freezer full of ice creams! Thanks @pyko
#sewvember day 8: It was hot today so I wore the Sorbetto I made last year. http://t.co/qfY6W4om
RT @redditflipboard: My worst fear for Star Wars ep. VII [r/funny] http://t.co/TSiGfTon // Let’s be honest. I would SO buy that DVD.
Every time I open the closet to feed the cats, I’m like DAMN, what smells so good? Oh right. 100 scented IKEA tea lights @drkknits bought.
At first I was doing the topknot ironically, but now I kinda like it. Feels like I’m from a dystopian future http://t.co/09ilNGBr
@toastman BRILLIANT idea. Putting it on my list.
RT @catehstn: Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked “female” – http://t.co/X2swODYj /via @triketora
RT @GGDSydney: Only 5 more days until the next GGD meet up at Atlassian – register your spot now π http://t.co/L7VL5UtY
Anybody else get an email about an invite-only sale at Morris and Sons??
RT @acarboni: Dad changes all references to Link in Wind Waker to female so his daughter knows girls can be heroes: http://t.co/ZEngX8Y8 …
@steven_noble That’s a feature, not a bug. You have a little snoozle in the sun, and then the cheers wake you when something happens!