Month: November 2012

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    RT @KnitGuildNSW: You can now join the Guild or renew your membership online.

    Went to Atlassian’s new offices tonight to practice my GGD speech for next week. Very cool place – freezer full of ice creams! Thanks @pyko

    #sewvember day 8: It was hot today so I wore the Sorbetto I made last year.

    RT @redditflipboard: My worst fear for Star Wars ep. VII [r/funny] // Let’s be honest. I would SO buy that DVD.

    Every time I open the closet to feed the cats, I’m like DAMN, what smells so good? Oh right. 100 scented IKEA tea lights @drkknits bought.

    At first I was doing the topknot ironically, but now I kinda like it. Feels like I’m from a dystopian future

    @toastman BRILLIANT idea. Putting it on my list.

    RT @catehstn: Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked “female” – /via @triketora

    RT @GGDSydney: Only 5 more days until the next GGD meet up at Atlassian – register your spot now πŸ™‚

    Anybody else get an email about an invite-only sale at Morris and Sons??

    RT @acarboni: Dad changes all references to Link in Wind Waker to female so his daughter knows girls can be heroes: …

    @steven_noble That’s a feature, not a bug. You have a little snoozle in the sun, and then the cheers wake you when something happens!

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    #sewvember day 8: It was hot today so I wore the Sorbetto I made last year.
    #sewvember day 8: It was hot today so I wore the Sorbetto I made last year.

  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon – Five Decades – This exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW looks amazing. Anybody want to go with me?

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    @zephyrama @redambition Nah. In my experience, if you’re a white literate English-speaker who can afford fees, Australia welcomes you.

    Indiana, I am disappoint.

    @nolim1t You’ve met @lemon_lime, right? πŸ™‚

    Just collected my share of yesterday’s office Lotto syndicate win.

    @randomknits very cute!

    RT @BarackObama: RT if you’re on #TeamObama tonight.

    Mourdock lost, so at least I can celebrate contributing to that. Suck it, jerk.

    @gilmae Rape babies are a gift from God.

    My Australian co-worker: “Looks like the world is safe for another four years.” I may have to go get a beer.

    Did I mention I was BORN IN OHIO? Yeah, I’ll claim that one today. Buckeyes rule.

    RT @swandives: I might have to go buy some more of Campos’ Obama coffee blend to celebrate. #election2012 // Amen!

    Wait, Maryland’s same-sex marriage law is winning? I am so thrilled for @lemon_lime right now. Almost makes me happier than Obama win!

    RT @dana_olinsky: I’m so excited to wake up tomorrow & take my birth control #4moreyears

    So in 24 hours: my Melbourne Cup horse won nothing; my Lotto syndicate won me 90 cents; my vote won me a President. On balance: winning. πŸ™‚

    My favourite gif of the last election, and it still makes me laugh and laugh. WOOOOO.

    RT @pixel8ted: Well… Thank fuck for that. #election2012

    “By the way, we have to fix that.” NO SHIT.

    I get a thrill when @the_snook mentions me on Reddit. Michelle Obama just got that times, like, a bajillion.

    Stayed at work late to listen to Obama’s speech. I’m going to have to walk home in a thunderstorm. Still worth it.

    Llook out Llarry! It’s the llandllord! Perfect day. @ Peace Park

    And yes, that’s a llama with a chicken on its back. I love Chippendale.

    RT @DanJCass: Obama – Hillary texts: @bow_and_arrow #hillary2016

    Obama and a llama. Good day.

    Our differences unite us // *SOB* (cc @lemon_lime)

    How-To: Dinosaur Heels // This is totally for @redambition

    Hey Knitters…. It’s alive! Many, many thanks to @lemon_lime for all his hard work!

    @spycoredotnet I just discovered that place on Monday. I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

    @Helen__H You guys are making the rest of us very jealous. πŸ™‚

    @Helen__H Yeah. I’m actually coming over tonight to practice with @pyko. Can’t wait to peek at your new offices. πŸ™‚

    RT @EaterNY: Momofuku Milk Bar Now Serving Thanksgiving Croissants // @drkknits – idea for Sewvember Thanksgiving?

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    Llook out Llarry! It's the llandllord! Perfect day.
    Llook out Llarry! It’s the llandllord! Perfect day.

  • Boxers or Briefs? | Mark’s Daily Apple

    Boxers or Briefs? | Mark’s Daily Apple – Over the past year or two I’ve read a lot of articles about Paleo… but none that used the word “scrotal” so much. *giggle*

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    Just collected my share of yesterday's office Lotto syndicate win.
    Just collected my share of yesterday’s office Lotto syndicate win.

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    Voting via email is pretty cool, but you don’t get a sticker from the polling place.

    Good grief. If I was standing next to the accountant, we’d look like Jess and CeCe from New Girl. And spoiler – I’m not the CeCe.

    Woo! Won office prize for Best Dressed Female. WINE! #winning

    I did not win the sweeps. Hopefully this is because the universe intends me to win the Lotto tonight.

    Just remembered why I always associate US election results with a hangover. #MelbourneCup

    @mattgemmell Not judging by my Facebook wall. I went to high school with a lot of people who tend to vote against their best interests.

    RT @BarackObama: This guy’s counting on you:,

    @randomknits I had one. Love the idea of it, but had it removed after 6 months. Didn’t work as well for me as my Depo.

    @nolim1t I suspect you cheated on that one, Barry. πŸ™‚

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    Woo! Won office prize for Best Dressed Female. WINE! #winning
    Woo! Won office prize for Best Dressed Female. WINE! #winning

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    #sewvember day 6: the Hazel dress I finished last night and a giant horse flower for Melbourne Cup!
    #sewvember day 6: the Hazel dress I finished last night and a giant horse flower for Melbourne Cup!