Month: November 2012

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    RT @GGDSydney: Registrations for the November 13 GGD meet up at Atlassian now open! // I’m speaking! Sign up now!

    @drkknits This is for you, btw:

    @webblastsyd You still need any sponsors for summer #webblastSyd? My company @Sitback might be interested!

    #sewvember day 5: another Tova top, made by me a couple months ago.

    @drkknits Have you ever seen Community? A couple AD actors have cameos in it (including Buster). Also, it’s HILARIOUS.

    @drkknits Community takes a few eps to hit its stride. Lots of crazy movie homages, weird genre pieces, etc. Kinda geeky.

    @drkknits Yeah, it’s the setup so fairly conventional. Give it some time. Also, New Girl is my new fave sitcom. Loving it.

    @drkknits My mom got Joey a little black dog. They named it Theodore Roosevelt Garberick. Rodd started singing”It Ain’t Easy Bein’ White.”

    @drkknits We actually did suggest Franklin to them. As I said, it was a black dog. 🙂

    Today I sewed little plastic horses onto a giant flower that I plan to wear on my head tomorrow. Seriously.

    I have to say, standing in front of the picked-over rack of cheapass fascinators at Lincraft on the day before Melbourne Cup is depressing.

    @pixel8ted Yikes. Did you at least win?

    @FortWayneDaily @MiscMarci My Aunt back home in Indiana just sent me the link on Facebook. Very sad for his family. He was a great guy!

    RT @MargaretAtwood: Elephant speaking Korean: Mr. Shucks the Elephant would like this! // ANNYONG!! HE SAYS ANNYONG!

    @drkknits But, but, Halloween is all commercial & offensive & American! Now I’m going to go drink my face off and gamble like a good Aussie.

    #sewvember day 6: the Hazel dress I finished last night and a giant horse flower for Melbourne Cup!

    And in case you’re wondering, I’m wearing the giant horse flower on my head ON THE BUS right now. An old dude smiled at me. 🙂

    @AndyVo20 Thanks! Fourth one I’ve sewn, and second of this pattern. I’m getting better…

    @AndyVo20 Nah. Just an idea I had with some friends. Most of us are aiming for one thing a week.

    Emailed my vote last night for the election. I hope Mourdock suffers crushing defeat so I can tell him he should see it as a gift from God.

    Arrested Development reference in the SMH! Paging @drkknits…

    @redambition Curly red hair! Oh, how I wish it were mine. Very pretty. 🙂

    @crumpet Ooh, I like it! Need to do more thrifting in my sewing…

    Forgot to mention: I paid my Guild renewal via PayPal last night. THIS IS THE FUTURE, PEOPLE. Exec is testing it now. Live very soon!

    @randomknits Very pretty! I am so envious of your easy access to such beautiful fabrics. 🙂

    Just suggested we form a syndicate for tonight’s Lotto drawing. Enthusiastic reception from staff. MORE MONEY TO LOSE, YAY!

    @twelveeyes Freeze them and turn them into ice cream!


    The eternal debate: do I pick my horse to back based on the punniest name? Or the one where the jockey has the prettiest colours?

    RT @DDsD: Battlestar Galactica prequel Blood & Chrome will launch this Friday, online! // cc @drkknits

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    #sewvember day 5: another Tova top, made by me a couple months ago.
    #sewvember day 5: another Tova top, made by me a couple months ago.

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    Mom called. Dad called. Nothing brings the family together like an overtime Irish victory!

    @AndyVo20 @pixel8ted Fantastic game, eh? I’m hoarse from yelling in my living room. Wish the NBC stream didn’t suck so much!

    @pixel8ted @AndyVo20 Fan and very proud Domer alum!

    @drkknits Very cute!

    RT @Salon: “We’re sending $612,500 overseas every minute in support of our current automotive lifestyle…”

    Holy shit. I sewed myself a fully lined Hazel dress! Not perfect, but definitely wearable. Just need to hem… #sewvember

    @knitdra Yay for finished dresses!

    @kateslemay It’s the fabric. It’s a border print along one edge!

    @knitdra @randomknits Mine’s for Melbourne Cup! But I still need a hat…

    Back is worse. Self-medicated with wine and episodes of Community.

    @devvyleys Too late! Kris and Snookums in the morrrrrrning!

    @venks79 Wow, great run!

    @randomknits Beautiful! I think the design suits you better than me.

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    RT @jchyip: This American Life on loopholes

    #sewvember paralysis. Need to make my Hazel smaller on top but bigger on bottom. They join with gathers. Can I just do that?

    @randomknits So just don’t worry about it? The gathers will take care of everything? Just wondered if I should angle in top of skirt.

    @pixel8ted They don’t align though; it’s gathered so you can force it to align. Just wondering if it will be too full with extra width.

    2nd #sewvember question: should I line the Hazel? Fabric is kinda sheer. Make full dress and hang inside out? Or is it trickier than that?

    @pixel8ted I’m mostly asking those who have already made it if it’ll be bulky. @randomknits thinks I should just go for it, so I will.

    @RoseRed_Shoes You might be right. I don’t even know where to buy one! Suggestions?

    We hung our new art today. Suddenly our place feels very grown up! Thanks artbuds!

    Day 3 of #sewvember: finished 1st motif of quilt! Also started cutting dress…

    Thanks for all the lining advice. Decided to make dress up to point of attaching facings and then decide! Also, border prints = MEGA FUN.

    Crap. Appears cutting my fabric last night re-injured my lower back. Bugger.



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    We hung our new art today. Suddenly our place feels very grown up! Thanks @artbuds!
    We hung our new art today. Suddenly our place feels very grown up! Thanks @artbuds!

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    Drinking wine and listening to Mexican music, celebrating the Day of the Dead.
    Drinking wine and listening to Mexican music, celebrating the Day of the Dead.

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    @Opheli8 Shit. We’ve been hearing lots of rumblings from over there. Sorry to hear it.

    Congrats to @Leirith and his missus Alice on their wedding today!

    Kunaal’s final work lunch as a single man! (@ Pancakes on the Rocks)

    Goodbye @kunaal84! Congrats on the wedding, and much love to your bride Kriti!

    The Crack Pie was a big success, by the way. #so #full

    There are only two pieces of crack pie left. A colleague just accused me of giving him diabetes… It’s a fair cop.

    This is the Crack Pie recipe I used, for the curious (and @traveller0112):

    There’s a special street fair on in the Rocks with KITTENS and BUNNIES and CHICKENS. Best walk to bus stop ever!

    This is my 11th Spring in Sydney, and the jacarandas are still magical. PURPLE TREES! @ Circular Quay

    @knitterjp See, right there your baby is smarter than both of my cats combined. 🙂

    @drkknits MISTER F… (sung)

    Another damn ice cream/froyo/gelato place in Newtown? Are they aiming for 1 per capita?

    Day of the Dead dinner with Fernando, Pete, and their missuses! (@ El Cuervo Cantina)

    Drinking wine and listening to Mexican music, celebrating the Day of the Dead. @ El Cuervo Cantina

    @drkknits Nah, she doesn’t sing it. You’ll know when you hear it. And mind the Poppins!

    So full of Mexican food. I ate special molé enchiladas. Amazing. So full.

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    This is my 11th Spring in Sydney, and the jacarandas are still magical. PURPLE TREES!
    This is my 11th Spring in Sydney, and the jacarandas are still magical. PURPLE TREES!

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    #sewvember Day 2. Homemade Tova top. First time I've worn jeans in a month!
    #sewvember Day 2. Homemade Tova top. First time I’ve worn jeans in a month!

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    Decision! I will be making @ColettePatterns Hazel for Melbourne Cup next week. There’s nothing like a deadline… #sewvember

    @drkknits Very nice!

    @AusVintageGrrl @redambition Ah, thanks for the offer, but I can’t make it. Important Baking happening tonight!

    Step 1 of Momofuku Crack Pie: Make a giant cookie. GIANT.

    Step 2 of Momofuku Crack Pie: Giant cookie has become biscuit base!

    @drkknits Interestingly, the recipes online don’t use that weird corn powder.

    Final step of Momofuku Crack Pie: Fill and bake. Yum. @kunaal84’s farewell tomorrow is going to be fun!

    Day 1 of #sewvember: used rotary cutter to make 214 white squares, destined to be hexagons. Then sewed some on quilt!

    @pixel8ted I had already done the central flower motif, so not quite as fast as it looked. 🙂

    Got bored waiting for sausages to cook, so I had some cold Crack Pie. Holy moly.

    @knitdra @drkknits If Sewing Thanksgiving happens, I could make another. (I needed 2T of milk powder. Snook bought me 1kg. I can make lots.)

    Just watched chick on bus apply liquid liner & mascara without poking self in eye. Then driver hit brakes & makeup bag spilled EVERYWHERE.

    RT @GirlEmpowerment: Deep Conversations With My Daughter // I hope my nieces learn this too! cc @carbolicious

    @redambition She was like a Makeup Ninja up to that point. I was watching her in awe. Stupid bus driver.

    @redambition I saw that discussion. This is a big reason why I’ve avoided vintage patterns. Too depressing!

    @randomknits Very cute! I might need to borrow that pattern. 🙂

    Today’s office playlists are all dedicated to @kunaal84. First up: the “My Best Friend’s Wedding” soundtrack. 🙂

    #sewvember Day 2. Homemade Tova top. First time I’ve worn jeans in a month!

    The lesson here is to never, ever put sample copy on a wireframe that isn’t Lorem ipsum. Not even for navigation items. #wireframe #hell

    @Opheli8 Uh oh. You? No way.