Month: December 2012

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    Chicago deep dish – GET IN MAH BELLEH!!

    RT @web_goddess: Chicago deep dish – GET IN MAH BELLEH!! // with @imdominating and @the_snook

    Said goodbye to @imdominating in preparation for flying early tomorrow! (@ Hilton Chicago O’Hare Airport)

    Happy New Year, Sydney! It’s 7am in Sydney and we’re about to fly to Seattle and then Hawaii.

    @toastman Whoops. I knew that. Just tired. πŸ™‚

    @traceyh Ha, I knew that. Just tired! Meant to say Chicago.

    Meant to say Chicago. It’s too early and too cold here to think properly. πŸ™‚

    Hello Pacific Northwest! I wore flannel for you. (@ Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) w/ 56 others)

    I just unlocked the “Swarm” badge on @foursquare!

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    Chicago deep dish - GET IN MAH BELLEH!!
    Chicago deep dish – GET IN MAH BELLEH!!

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    OMG. Sorry, Sydney. This is what Hart’s Yard aspires to be. (@ Big Jones w/ 5 others) [pic]:

    Hot mulled wine to take away the chill… (@ Lady Gregory’s w/ 6 others)

    @knitterjp @drkknits Awww, she misses her Momma.

    Gearing up to venture out in -9C temps for brunch. Luckily @imdominating has offered to drive so @the_snook doesn’t freeze to death.

    Brunch. This is civilised. (@ M. Henry) [pic]:

    Finally saw it! Pretty great. (@ AMC Showplace Village Crossing 18 for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey HFR 3D)

    @Lackadazy @imdominating @the_snook He was fantastic. Not enough beauty shots, though.

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    Last night in Indiana. I’m just chillin’ with Buster.

    @drkknits He’s practically a cat. He just likes to sit quietly on your lap. I like that type of dog.

    @drkknits Rock and roll.

    Last minute shopping on our way to Chicago. (@ University Park Mall)

    Lunch and medicinal beer! (@ Granite City Food & Brewery) [pic]:

    Hello Chicago! (@ O’Hare Oasis)

    Safe and sound at @imdominating’s apartment! (@ Andersonville w/ 2 others)

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    Last night in Indiana. I'm just chillin' with Buster.
    Last night in Indiana. I’m just chillin’ with Buster.

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    Proof that I, the oldest, am actually the shortest of the siblings.

    @drkknits Hahaha, that’s Buster. We didn’t actually realise he was in the photo! Dog photo bombing!

    @drkknits We managed to herd all the children out of the photo, but he slipped through!

    @drkknits We’re at my aunt’s house, which means *another* dog. This is Sydney (named after our city). Welsh terrier.

    @chewxy My uncle was quite the hunter back in the day.

    Hey @avechoco – I think you’ve been hacked! Just got a dodgy DM from you.

    @mrs_sockvictim Oooh, pretty!

    RT @imdominating: Dear @web_goddess, my apt is tiny, but the shower & sheets are clean. And you can be as liberal as you want. πŸ™‚ #heathens

    @imdominating So say we all. (I got Dan Carbo Triad playing cards for Christmas along with a Viper keychain.)

    Grandma Vee giving me the hard sell on having babies. “YOU DON’T WANT TO END UP OLD AND ALONE!” Argument fails because I like being alone.

    @JustShireen I’m okay on that front. My brother and sister have produced 5 grand kids so far, so that argument won’t work!

    Then she spent 10min telling me SIL’s horrific birth story. “She nearly DIED? And you want me to have one?!” “Well… YOU’RE STRONG!”

    @knittydotcom Yeah, I have a tiny fear that I’ll regret someday. But the truth is that I know I’m happy now.

    We sold our Next tickets for tomorrow. It’s disappointing, but neither of us feel well enough to appreciate 3hrs of Japanese food & alcohol.

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    Proof that I, the oldest, am actually the shortest of the siblings.
    Proof that I, the oldest, am actually the shortest of the siblings.

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    Visited Grandma and Grandpa Harter this morning!
    Visited Grandma and Grandpa Harter this morning!

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    Awww yeah, the High Life. I crushed it (after I drank it).

    @knitabulous Life at my brother’s house is a simpler affair… πŸ™‚

    Visited Grandma and Grandpa Harter this morning!

    Hey @omidmozilla – I think you’ve been hacked. You sent me a dodgy DM.

    @witty_knitter @knitdra Thanks! Was great to get to see them at their new house.

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    Awww yeah, the High Life. I crushed it (after I drank it).
    Awww yeah, the High Life. I crushed it (after I drank it).