Everybody knows tigers like to warm their tummies by the fire!
Month: December 2012
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Winter storm Draco was a dud, but Euclid is pounding us. The kids love it though. -
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The Snook and I achieved victory in the family Trivial Pursuit game. Huzzah! (TBH, they nearly wouldn’t let us on the same team.)
@drkknits And I won it on a sports question, which they picked thinking I wouldn’t know it. And it was a Notre Dame quarterback!
Everybody in Michiana keeps raving about Rise’n Roll donuts, so we had them for breakfast. Good grief. My heartbeat is RACING. #puresugar
I just reached Level 2 of the “Bookworm” badge on @foursquare. I’ve checked in at 5 different bookstores or libraries! http://t.co/GlSOy3jJ
Visiting campus and catching up with my old RA Elly! (@ Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore) [pic]: http://t.co/V5GXwXVK
Winter storm Draco was a dud, but Euclid is pounding us. The kids love it though. http://t.co/CoTcCWbS
Made it through the snow from Goshen to Syracuse! Now enjoying the fire… (@ Boner Lake) [pic]: http://t.co/trgdo3ul
Everybody knows tigers like to warm their tummies by the fire! http://t.co/ZbsepTah
More present opening! I got a tailor’s ham, which coincidentally is EXACTLY what I asked for! http://t.co/vVbIK67S
Iron-Man and Optimus Prime are facing off. http://t.co/4Fp3NyrT
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Merry Christmas! Wait – there are going to be HOW MANY kids and dogs here today?! Bring on the nog! -
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Happy Christmas! A beautiful sunrise here in Indiana. -
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It has begun. Watching Ralphie in my Ralphie jammies, sipping on spiked eggnog. http://t.co/8PeCB8dD
Happy Christmas! A beautiful sunrise here in Indiana. @ Goshen, IN http://t.co/iLUH6Itb
@drkknits Yay, I hope you like the tea towel! Got that at the Eveleigh Artisans Market. Totes hipster. 🙂
Merry Christmas! Wait – there are going to be HOW MANY kids and dogs here today?! Bring on the nog! http://t.co/CmX3bH5o
Just a boy, a book, his tiger, and his pretty proud aunt. http://t.co/sagbifV4
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It has begun. Watching Ralphie in my Ralphie jammies, sipping on spiked eggnog. -
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This is Teddy. 25% dog, 75% Muppet. -
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Merry Christmas to my Aussie friends and family! Still one day to go here, but it looks like we’ll have a whitish Christmas after all.
This is Teddy. 25% dog, 75% Muppet. http://t.co/Btorovvq
@KathlynthinY245 Looks like you’re hacked.
Christmas Eve bento box lunch! (@ Wasabi Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi) http://t.co/8BBQ6lRy
I just reached Level 2 of the “Bento” badge on @foursquare. I’ve checked in at 5 different Japanese Restaurants! http://t.co/bo6ZryL4
Ha! My Dad’s fave holiday movie. http://t.co/VDMAB8H2
@drkknits @mrs_sockvictim Awww, don’t spoil them too much or they won’t eat real food when we get home!!
Three hours til the Ralphie marathon begins. It’s all about Ralphie. (Also, I may have had too much egg nog.)
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The Snook got me earrings. Discovered that my upper piercing is still good after like 10 years!