Month: December 2012

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    Being silly at the La Brea Tar Pits! @ La Brea Tar Pits

    Somehow only one kid managed to get tar on himself, and it was the oldest one. @ La Brea Tar Pits

    We heard this place had good burgers. (@ Five Guys)

    I just unlocked the “Flame Broiled” badge on @foursquare for checking in to burger joints! Cheeseburgers all around!

    Five Guys and then Menchies. I feel a stomachache coming on…

    @drkknits Haha. I usually never turn it off!

    @drkknits Ah, yeah. My lappy is quite old and the battery doesn’t hold a charge for more than a few minutes.

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    Being silly at the La Brea Tar Pits!
    Being silly at the La Brea Tar Pits!

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    Buster (the dog, not the horse) has barely left Rodd's side since we got here. #buddies
    Buster (the dog, not the horse) has barely left Rodd’s side since we got here. #buddies

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    @drkknits Nope. I expected my luggage to go missing and Christmas to be ruined, but it wasn’t.

    The Carbos take their gingerbread houses very seriously.

    @drkknits Maybe their schedule is messed up for Christmas…

    @drkknits Nice!!

    I told you I’m not the best cookie maker in the family.

    @drkknits Yes. Just settling in now. Snooky had a brief nap earlier, but I haven’t slept since plane (and that was crap).

    @drkknits I have a theory that oven runs hot. It definitely has a hotspot at back right corner.

    @twelveeyes @drkknits I wasn’t aware of this either, and it’s my oven!

    @LeeanneField Waves exhausted from my sister’s house in LA…

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @twelveeyes Wait, what? You can set a temp. The fan is fan-forced. Then turn the 3rd knob to change temp!

    @web_goddess @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @twelveeyes When it’s on grill, it shows percentages. When it’s on normal use, it shows temps.

    @web_goddess @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @twelveeyes This is the manual, if that helps.

    Buster (the dog, not the horse) has barely left Rodd’s side since we got here. #buddies

    Penn is really good at Angry Birds. These kids!

    @drkknits Awww! It just takes him a while. 🙂

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    I told you I'm not the best cookie maker in the family.
    I told you I’m not the best cookie maker in the family.

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    USA - we are in you! LA is rainy and cold. We're tired.
    USA – we are in you! LA is rainy and cold. We’re tired.

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    Final pitstop. Lunch with Dr K on our way to the airport! (@ Bourke Street Bakery) [pic]:

    Massive thanks to @drkknits for playing taxi driver and cat sitter!

    @witty_knitter @drkknits Like it or not, the right to bear arms is in the Constitution. And you don’t change that doc with a simple 50% vote

    Security confiscated my toothpaste! See @drkknits? I *told* you something would go wrong.

    He really is a awfully good sport. @ Sydney International Airport Departures

    @drkknits It was too big. EVERYTHING’S RUINED! 😛

    We found a bar serving large beers and showing the cricket. Life is good. Only 90 minutes to kill…

    @Alacaeriel @witty_knitter @drkknits There’s a *lot* of room for interpretation. Personally I think they should be banned. But it’s not easy

    @ryleedanielle Sorry, I’m just about to fly overseas for a few weeks. You’re best to ask your questions to someone else!

    @NickDeverell Merry Christmas to you too! Tell Carrot we’ll see him when we get we back. 🙂

    Boarding soon, so I’m going dark. Goodbye Sydney, and we’ll see you in 2013!

    USA – we are in you! LA is rainy and cold. We’re tired.

    @drkknits @NessNomster He’s a poop. Give him a pat for us! 🙂

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    He really is a awfully good sport.
    He really is a awfully good sport.

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    @ryleedanielle Sure. What do you need to know?

    This is it! Leaving for US in eight hours. Flying via New Zealand, so I’m excited to look for hobbitses.

    @3rd_Gen_ Just via-ing, unfortunately. Must get there for a proper visit sometime!

    @stufromoz Only about an hour. Just passing through

    @justjussi @witty_knitter Air NZ via Auckland. Only an hour’s layover, unfortunately. Need to go back for a proper visit sometime!