Month: December 2012

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    @wooboard I JUST GOT ANOTHER EMAIL FROM YOU. What’s going on? Why can I not get off this list?

    My Secret Santa gift! Leanne knows me SO WELL. 🙂

    All gussied up for the Christmas party in my prom dress!

    Christmas Party! (Where is @kunaal84?) (@ Small Bar) [pic]:

    Just won Christmas award for Biggest @Sitback Supporter and/or Google Whore. Woooooo!

    Ha! And @kunaal84 got Most Succinct Speaker at Stand-up Meetings!

    The women of Sitback!

    On my way now to Google’s Christmas party. Such a social butterfly!

    @catehstn I’m here!!!

    Anybody else at Google Xmas party? Find me!

    Me and the lovely @catehstn at the Goog party!

    The Google Christmas party theme is “Mexican.” Seriously.

    @brown_note I didn’t find him! I tried. There were a lot of people dressed as dodgy Mexicans.

    @AusVintageGrrl I was prepared to judge it totally lame… but truth be told, it was the best Christmas party ever.

    On the bus home. It occurred to me that I’ve been drinking for 8 hours. Also, I seem to have acquired a sombrero.

    @jezfletcher How did I miss you there? Were you wearing a fedora?

    @catehstn Somehow I totally missed the shoes!

    RT @Colvinius: For the umpteenth time I’m disgusted by how much abuse women get on the web, including here on Twitter: …

    @venks79 It was more of an Opposite Award, I think. 🙂

    Just woke up with The Hangover of the Gods. Then read the news. Universe, how about a cosmic do-over?

    Apparently I’m a “PANK.” If I lived closer to my nieces and nephews, I would definitely spoil them!

    Hobbes is finished! He’s very huggable.

    Just remembered the pretzels I got from Secret Santa yesterday. YES. Hangover win.

    RT @adamhillscomedy: RT @welsh_gas_doc: The Onion at its most incisive – when it’s being deadly serious. Says it all

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    Me and the lovely @catehstn at the Goog party!
    Me and the lovely @catehstn at the Goog party!

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    The women of Sitback!
    The women of Sitback!

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    My Secret Santa gift! Leanne knows me SO WELL. :)
    My Secret Santa gift! Leanne knows me SO WELL. 🙂

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    @lemon_lime @KnitGuildNSW @drkknits That one’s been going around a lot this week…

    @drkknits @lemon_lime @KnitGuildNSW YOU GAVE IT AWAY. Now how is @mrs_sockvictim going to give me the blue ribbon and still look impartial?

    Following up on @randomknits’s suggestion to try to get Margaret Stove for Camp. Only problem – can’t find an email for her! Anyone?

    @witty_knitter @Tash2point0 Ooh! That’s a useful connection! 😀

    @knitsch That would be great. Can I email you?

    @knitsch Brilliant, thanks. Will email you tonight!

    Lasted about 15min at #webblastSYD. Just too crowded & this week’s been too hectic. Apologies to @mikeefreedom and @misswired for bailing!

    @drkknits I didn’t stop in. Finally crashing from the week! Say hi to folks. They might be at Bowlo?

    @drkknits Ah. They close at 7 anyway.

    @drkknits I’ve still got half day tomorrow before parties begin…

    @lemon_lime Nice! What was your topic?

    RT @brown_note: The frustrating thing about the label “business analyst” #pmot #baot // I totally agree!

    @gilmae @randomknits @handmethepanda Haha, I thought I was then only one doing that. I’m usually a lot less subtle about it though.

    @handmethepanda @gilmae @randomknits Well, you succeeded in getting it stuck in MY head. I don’t mind tho because it is totes awesome.

    @redambition Good sleep then?

    Couldn’t figure out why all my Tweetbot links were opening in Readability. Turns out it’s a setting. Must be new.

    Last working day of the year for me, and it’s again taken 20 minutes for the bus to get two blocks past Town Hall.

    @drkknits Oh no! Are you going to be okay getting into the house? There’s a couple damn stairs. 🙁

    My dress for the Christmas party today is actually my prom dress. I bought it in… 1996, so 16 years old. Does that qualify as vintage? 🙂

    @witty_knitter @knitterjp I hate it. At Broadway there are too many buses when all I want to know is when the next 431 or 433 arrives.

    @witty_knitter @knitterjp Only useful for users at suburban stops. I want my app with real time bus GPS info!

    @Gin_ev_ra We’re so close to the CBD that schedules don’t mean anything. In morning rush hour, every bus is 15+ minutes late anyway!

    @witty_knitter What I need to know at Broadway is how far next 433/431 is, because I can take alternate bus and walk if too long.

    @witty_knitter But there might be 20 buses that come through before the next one of those. No listing service is going to work there. 🙁

    PHWOAR. I’ve been given official permission by @the_snook to perv on the Fireman. Much prefer to ironic ‘taches!

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    All week my co-workers have been bringing in sweet treats. Now it's my turn. :)
    All week my co-workers have been bringing in sweet treats. Now it’s my turn. 🙂

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    @drkknits Definitely. Chi-town is the shit.

    @drkknits Too bad you’re not there a few days later. They dye the river green for St. Patrick’s Day and have a big parade. 🙂

    @ericscheid I am experimenting with “MoodAgent” app on Spotify. There doesn’t seem to be a “BRAIN MUSH WANT TO KILL EVERYONE” playlist tho.

    @imdominating They’d kill me. I’m already pushing it by only spending 9 days in Indiana out of like 20.

    Hey @wooboard – PLEASE STOP SENDING US EMAILS. We don’t use wooboard anymore in our office. I’ve unsubbed. You keep spamming me!

    My Rainbow Paddle Pop just dripped on my leg. #firstworldproblem #summer

    Massive project DONE! 215 pages – longest thing I’ve ever written for work! The weight has lifted – bring on our USA trip! Euphoria!

    @venks79 That’s because you’re a perv. 😛

    @knitterjp Snooky and I are booked in for Web Blast. I’ll try to pop by on the way…

    I think I’ve got a bottle of bubbly at home that I somehow inherited from @randomknits. That is SO getting opened tonight.

    @randomknits He’s been there every single time I’ve ever been there.

    All week my co-workers have been bringing in sweet treats. Now it’s my turn. 🙂

    @PortugueseChook @Globalgig Heh. Not sure if one trip every 2 years justifies it!

    @randomknits This is good bubbly. Cheers!

    @misswired @dancingman The Snook jokingly requested one a few days ago. It would felt like a mofo. 🙂

    @PortugueseChook Nope. Just tether using my iPhone and existing data plan. Here, that is.

    @PortugueseChook You’re good at it! You got me to look and consider. 🙂

    RT @adrianbritton: Google generates Festivus pole search results for the rest of us

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    My Rainbow Paddle Pop just dripped on my leg. #firstworldproblem #summer
    My Rainbow Paddle Pop just dripped on my leg. #firstworldproblem #summer

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    That’s 21 completed pomodoros so far this week. My brain is getting mushy… but it does make the day fly by!

    @imdominating I HAD THAT SCREENSAVER TOO! Right, @EileenDCoE?

    @mikeefreedom Yep, definitely going! I’ll forward you an email I sent round the office yesterday about the pomodoros. 🙂

    @redambition @GGDSydney @pixel8ted Not sure. Giant project rules my life. May have to work all night. 🙁

    I think it’s going to be a late night, so no @GGDSydney for me. I’m disappointed – I know how much hard work @pyko puts into each one!

    I shouldn’t have complained about yesterday’s 10 hour day. There’s no way I’m getting out that quick today.

    Finally going home after 11+ hour day. Strangely energised, but my brain is mush.

    @VenessaHunt @chrisgander Please give our regards! Snooky and I leaving for US the next day, so way too busy. 🙁

    RT @nytdining: The Tom and Jerry: a relative of eggnog and a regional oddball: // Wonder if we can find it in Chicago?

    @Jinkeez Sadly, not getting anywhere near there on this trip!

    Just spotted worker on a ladder dressing the Three Monkeys for Christmas. Surprisingly depressing. They should do it at night to be magical.

    RT @Richard_Kadrey: Fairytale of New York: the story behind the Pogues’ classic Christmas anthem

    Total traffic meltdown on George Street. It’s taken 20 minutes to go a block.

    @Rellarc79 At this rate walking would be faster, so I’d vote for it.

    @Rellarc79 @redambition Or those people could take public transport or bike or walk. It’s not like cars are the only way to move around.

    Would pretty much give anything to be able to ride my bike to work rather than this stupid bus.

    Last day on the giant project, I hope. On the plus side, my keyboard miraculously cured itself from the Great Coffee Spillage.

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    @randomknits Congratulations!

    Just discovered that Mandy friggin’ Moore covered “Senses Working Overtime.” My brain is dribbling out my ears.

    @drkknits Nope. You can eats it raw. Sometimes Rodd grates it and then cookes it in butter to soften a little. Yum.

    Nothing puts me in the mood for a vacation like a string of 10 hour days… (Finally going home. Brain = mush.)

    Google team outing to see Skyfall means I got to come home to James Bond. PHWOAR!

    @drkknits @Yarna_ @randomknits Ooh, yes. Like I said, grated and sautéed with LOTS of butter. Also roasted with OJ and balsamic. Yum.

    Review: Gingerbread Oreos // WANT.

    @catehstn I was told that suits were going to be tomorrow but somebody had bright idea to combine with Bond. Regardless, I’m a fan. 🙂

    RT @Salon: Santa’s little voyeur: Why the Orwellian “Elf on the Shelf” phenomenon makes Christmas creepy via @embeedub

    @imdominating You appear to have left me a little bit. Jerk.

    @imdominating Mine is small, thank goodness, as I have to go to work. I am attempting to kill it with fire (ie coffee).