Month: January 2013

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    Schmick new pedals for my bike!

    @justtaff Meh. Crap. Sports Phys next week, who will probably tell me to quit all exercising. *sigh*

    @justtaff Going by Dr. Google, nothing but physio and maybe taping. But I’ll find out for sure next week.

    @drkknits What did I tell you about hard-boiled eggs? I wasn’t kidding. 🙂

    @redambition @drkknits But that’s fine. Good protein! The point is that you shouldn’t say you’re hungry if you really just crave sweets.

    @GeorgieKnits Not really Aus Post’s fault. There’s like a $9 “security charge” to the US, I’m fairly certain. 🙁

    Frustration. My @blancomoments induction cooktop has died 6 months out of warranty, and it will cost us $700+ to fix it.

    @HarveyNormanAU My Blanco induction cooktop I bought from you has died 6 mos. out of warranty. Going to cost $700+ to fix. Disappointed.

    @drkknits @BLANCOMoments It’s 2.5 years old. It’s the .5 that’s the problem.

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    Schmick new pedals for my bike!
    Schmick new pedals for my bike!

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    @zephyrama Is this revaluing for the purposes of putting up the council rates? We got one this week too.

    @randomknits Someone stole your credit card… and used it to pay Telstra??

    “Tony Abbott wants to hear from you Kris” is just about the scariest email subject line I’ve seen in a while.

    @richbuggy It was actually from Australians for Marriage Equality, asking us to pester Tony since he said he “wants to hear from people”. 🙂

    @chrisgander I discovered the cafe at Yahoo does a “European Coffee Frappe” today. COFFEE SLUSHIE, GET IN MAH BELLEH.

    @chrisgander Haha. Normally I just get coffee here. We have a Nespresso thingo. It’s not great, but at least not instant. 🙂

    RT @witty_knitter: Julia’s stitching up the knitting vote with this tweet: // We just need her to join Ravelry!

    @witty_knitter Nice Sorbetto!

    @KaisaKaisaKaisa What sort of sofa? Link?

    @KaisaKaisaKaisa I got rid of a similar one last year. Nah, will stick with what we’ve got! But thanks. 🙂

    First trip to the gym in over a year. Knee is… not great. Okay.

    @witty_knitter Seeing specialist next week. Cross fingers.

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    RT @BuzzFeed: How To Make The Ultimate 47-Layer Dip // cc @drkknits for Halloween next year. 🙂

    @witty_knitter Me? Who?

    I signed up for a gym contract today. This may or may not be related to the Great Cheese Baby Incident of Australia Day 2013.

    @knitterjp Nah. Broadway Gym had an Australia Day special on and I jumped on it. < $50 a month.

    @CupidRunAUS Unfortunately I’m injured at the moment, so no running for me!


    @catehstn Broadway Gym – right by my house!

    My back-to-work Tuesday has been immeasurably improved by leftover roast onion salad. Thanks @Yarna_…

    @witty_knitter It went to everybody. Also the previous to Tammi!

    @drkknits We already did one a few years back. Totes ahead of the curve there. 🙂

    @randomknits Ooh, very cute!

    See? Petey-Cat does exist. He just doesn’t like strangers.

    @drkknits I just put a frickin’ moussaka in the oven! (Low carbish, tho.)

    MRI results. My stupid kneecap ain’t sittin’ where it’s supposed to, basically.

    @Helen__H I had the same thing last year. Yep, had to get card with new number. 🙁

    @lemon_lime Have you ever worn a brace? I’m curious if it would help me v

    I keep forgetting to remove this temporary Australian flag tattoo off my arm. And today I’m wearing a sleeveless shirt. Bogan BA!

    @drkknits Did you send him “New York City” by Cub? 🙂

    I am in the middle of a freaking baby boom. Seriously. Three people have told me they’re pregnant in the past fortnight. WHAT’S GOING ON?

    @randomknits @knitabulous @rachievaichie @knitterjp @drkknits Not all in Aus, actually. I’m going to go ahead and blame climate change.

    @drkknits You are a Spartan. You need nothing. You are cleaning out, cutting away all that is non-essential. Enjoy the void. The emptiness.

    @drkknits Also, SUCK IT UP AND QUITCHER WHININ’. 😛

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    See? Petey-Cat does exist. He just doesn't like strangers.
    See? Petey-Cat does exist. He just doesn’t like strangers.

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    Love is: a partner who will go out in the rain and buy you Zyrtec so you can stop sneezing.

    Australia Day desserts. SUGAR RUSH!!

    @witty_knitter Sorbetto is the hot trend of the Sydney sewing summer! We need pics. 🙂 (cc @ColettePatterns)

    @eileenDCoE Wait – where? Channel?

    Instead of dinner I went nuts on cheese platter leftovers. Oh, and I finished off the Cereal Milk Ice Cream. And now I have a CHEESE BABY.

    I wonder if a cheese baby is enough to boot me from @mrs_sockvictim’s No Babies Club?

    Cheese babies, in case you’re wondering, are totes scientifically proven.