Month: January 2013

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    @drkknits @gilmae I’ve never bothered. Nobody at work uses them and we’re all on Macs. I’ve never had a virus. *knock on wood*

    @drkknits @gilmae No idea. I think if you buy through Apple Store, you can claim ed discount online.

    @witty_knitter @randomknits Wait, what? I’ve used my ANZ card in the US to get cash, no problems.

    @randomknits @witty_knitter Oh, yeah. We just make sure we get out decent amount each time to minimise the fees. I hate traveler’s cheques.

    @drkknits Mine is my email address.

    @drkknits @randomknits @gilmae Oh right. Well, I think I’ve got a USB cd/dvd drive you can borrow if required. I never use it.

    Pre-meeting caffeination. (@ Pompidou)

    @drkknits @knitterjp I agree, but sucky thing is that studies show women who ask are seen negatively. Bitchy and aggressive. We can’t win!

    Meetings at Luna Park do have their unique charm! (@ Luna Park w/ @adrianbritton) [pic]:

    @RoseRed_Shoes It was rampant in the office this afternoon. I started giving middle finger in response. 🙂

    Made-Up Kris is still dubious about this whole “performing femininity” thing. #youaskedforit

    @drkknits Jealous! Feel free to send through anymore questions.

    @drkknits Heh. I always turn the backlit off because it annoys me. It’s very tomorrow though!

    @twelveeyes I didn’t do much. It’s just weird that so many people commented on it.

    Context for that selfie: several people said today that I looked nice. Not really sure what that means. Do I have to wear makeup every day?

    @twelveeyes Sorry, there was discussion on FB. I forgot to give context. Yeah, on makeup.

    @twelveeyes Yeah. I can’t figure out of they’re just being polite because I’ve made effort, or whether I should do this all the time.

    @twelveeyes Exactly!

    So I’ve been watching Dr Who, and mostly feeling like I don’t get it. But the damn show finally made me cry. I blame @imdominating .

    @drkknits @gilmae @randomknits Gimp? You need a Photoshop clone?

    @goshling @eileenDCoE The Snook is a mega fan. I prob know more of Docs 1-8 than most latter day fans. I just never had emotional connection

    @goshling @eileenDCoE But I just finished David Tennant’s first season. Damn that Billie Piper…

    @brockleyboyo Just working my way thru new series. The one where Billie Piper leaves and she cries on the beach in Norway.

    @brockleyboyo I know. I’ve seen several episodes from last 40yrs (Snook is a fan) but never cared for it. Just going thru new series now.

    This is why we’re not moving back to the Midwest anytime soon. Stay warm, @imdominating! @wsjphotos

    RT @mumbrella: News Limited to switch on autoplay video from next week // Oh FFS time to install Adblock.

    @Alegrya That’s me and every new cable project. WHAT WILL IT DO NEXT? MUST KEEP KNITTING AND FIND OUT.

    @Alegrya I never use ’em. Google “cable without cable needle.” Life changing. 🙂

    @Alegrya I am the ultimate tight knitter, and I can still manage a 6 cross.

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    Made-Up Kris is still dubious about this whole "performing femininity" thing. #youaskedforit
    Made-Up Kris is still dubious about this whole "performing femininity" thing. #youaskedforit

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    Tonight I made @nomnompaleo's Super Porktastic Meatloaf. YUM. +5 for the bacon!
    Tonight I made @nomnompaleo’s Super Porktastic Meatloaf. YUM. +5 for the bacon!

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    @Alegrya @AustraKnits I find knitting much, much easier. It’s logical and linear. Crochet can go off in any direction at any moment.

    @Alegrya @AustraKnits Sad truth is that there are much nicer patterns for knitting. Check out Easter Show crochet section. *horrors*

    @Alegrya @AustraKnits Sure. Crochet is much better for making a hyperbolic coral reef. I just never wear them. 🙂

    @aimee_maree Not in my experience. I use Google Apps just fine on my iPhone.

    @aimee_maree Yes. Sitback use Google Apps for email, calendars, etc. I have them all syncing just fine.

    @aimee_maree Possibly specific to Windows Phone. Exchange server provided by Google seems to work fine on iOS.

    @drkknits Hey, it’s MacBook Air Eve! Only one more sleep to go!!

    Just posted a 4.86 km bike – Ride home – a little rainy! #RunKeeper

    @drkknits Oh no! What happened?! You know that’s gonna make you feel terrible after.

    Dear Internet: What do I need to do to ensure that @smh’s shitty auto-play video never, EVER plays in my browser again?

    @witty_knitter Snookums found me a Chrome extension called Fairfax Video Blocker. 🙂

    @stufromoz @witty_knitter I refuse to give them my personal details.

    @lemon_lime They’ve changed it to not use Flash. Fuckers. Snook just found me a Fairfax Video Blocker Chrome extension tho.

    @gilmae Trying a Chrome extension called Fairfax video blocker. Seems effective so far.

    @witty_knitter Whoa.

    Tonight I made @nomnompaleo’s Super Porktastic Meatloaf. YUM. +5 for the bacon!

    @bakevin Haha, congratulations! Clearly the result of epic practice sessions. 🙂

    The’s are in town – very cool.

    Today is my one year anniversary at @Sitback! Very grateful to work with such great people every day.

    RT @JeffreyGoodReq: Reading: Programmer Interrupted | Doesn’t affect just programmers! BA’s benefit from flow state too

    @redambition Seriously, this like bad Chick Lit. Don’t listen to her!

    @redambition This is when I’d be playing the “elope” trump card. It’s not her wedding!

    @drkknits Sexy!

    @witty_knitter What is?

    @drkknits The welcome boot up is really nicely done too, as I recall.

    @drkknits @Michael_60 Whadday mean, airport? Do you have an icon in the upper right that looks like this:

    @drkknits @Michael_60 Okay. Turn on Wi-Fi and tick the box at the bottom to show status in menu bar.

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    I'm sick. I get it this time every year. It's CABLE FEVER, BABY, YEAAAAHH.
    I’m sick. I get it this time every year. It’s CABLE FEVER, BABY, YEAAAAHH.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    I rode my bike to work this morning. It was momentous. I just hope my stupid knee holds up.

    @drkknits Ooh, such an awesome way to start the week! I wouldn’t be able to wait. 🙂

    @drkknits WTF is this weird app. Are you a knickers-in-a-twist Instagram defector?

    @drkknits Not in goddamn Tweetdeck they don’t. *sigh*

    @drkknits I don’t have new shitty Blue Twitter-owned Tweetdeck. I have the three year old Yellow Awesome Tweetdeck.

    @drkknits IG took them out when Facebook bought them. Facebook hates Twitter, ergo no pics in feed.

    @drkknits You can still have old Tweetdeck. *cough*

    @messicat Yay, I have one too! Add me as a friend when you get logged in. 🙂

    Either @crumpet hasn’t entered her #fitbit data in a while, or else she’s dead. Either way, I’m enjoying the novelty of being ranked higher!

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes I don’t actually use it on mobile; I prefer TweetBot on mobile. But on Desktop, I have all my lists in columns.

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Mine looks like this.

    @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits I like my Twitter to look like the cockpit of the space shuttle. 🙂

    @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits We’ll teach you on Monday.

    I’m sick. I get it this time every year. It’s CABLE FEVER, BABY, YEAAAAHH.

    @knitabulous Ding dong! You’re meant to build up! I still have foot issues from switching to forefoot strike too quickly. 🙁

    @drkknits o_O

    @randomknits You need some help? Because I know a good song. 🙂

    @randomknits Now I gave myself the earworm.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Costco WIN: $100 spiral cut glazed ham for $30. I cut it up into ten portions for dinners. My hands smell like ham. I don’t mind.

    @randomknits Lovely! I am a big fan of the Sorbetto. Which sleeve pattern did you use?

    @randomknits Cool – same one I used on my Tana Lawn version.

    @imdominating Wow, he looks different.

  • Losing my religion for equality

    Losing my religion for equality – Excellent essay by Jimmy Carter on why he left his church over their insistence that women should be subservient to men.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    A tubular cast-on in the round with 280 stitches is tedious… but at least it ain’t lace.


    The Mobius strip incident turns out to be Divine Providence: I was totally doing it wrong! This one is MUCH BETTER. Knitting rocks again.

    @imdominating Does he drink milk straight from the carton too? *sigh*

    @drkknits I’m using that grey wool I got from you at destashing. Where did you get it? Any details on what it is?

    @drkknits Not a single from what I can tell. Knitting up *beautifully*, actually! Loving it. Was I going to buy more, or is this it?

    @drkknits I’m not sure I’ll need them. Just good to know there’s a safety net just in case!

    @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits I only know the one that T.Swift dated. 🙂

  • How-To: Simple Tubular Cast-on | pieKnits

    How-To: Simple Tubular Cast-on | pieKnits – Bookmarking this brilliant tutorial. I’ve just used this method on a new project and I think it’ll be my go-to cast-on from now on!