Month: January 2013

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    This is momentous. There is Android in our house. See? Not total fanboys.
    This is momentous. There is Android in our house. See? Not total fanboys.

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    It’s too hot to wear actual shoes. Luckily @the_snook hooked me up. #swag

    Officially joined the Pale Women Who Carry a Parasol Club today. #hot

    Observatory Hill (which I can see from my office) just registered 44.9C. That’s 112F. Hence the parasol. #effinghot

    RT @steven_noble: @web_goddess You managed to get “parasol” and “effing” into the same Tweet! // I’m such a lady, I know. 🙂

    RT @RoseRed_Shoes: Wha? Just turned over to cricket. Aus 7/37 in 15th over?! I’d be demanding my money back. // Now 8/38!! What the hell?!

    @chrisgander Hey, kinda! Beard and similar glasses. That dude’s got a little more hair though. 🙂

    @drkknits @pinkcatknits Damn you! In thumbnail I didn’t realise there were feet in the photo. Then I clicked.

    @lemon_lime @drkknits @pinkcatknits Only in recent years. Mostly due to a flood of horrible feet photos from knitters.

    @lemon_lime @drkknits @pinkcatknits You did. My own feet don’t gross me out like others’. 🙂

    Dear lace knitting: I HATE YOU AND YOUR ASS-FACE.

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @lemon_lime I’m just annoyed I didn’t use it as the title of my Easter Show Entry. “ASS-FACE RED LACE SCARF”

    @drkknits @lemon_lime @RoseRed_Shoes @randomknits I GODDAMN DID THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN! YOU MOCKERS TOTES CURSED ME!

    *Somebody* doesn’t mind that I suck at knitting lace. *Somebody* is the handsomest boy in the whole world!

    THE LACE IS OFF THE NEEDLES! Phew. I’m never doing *that* again. Now, who’s got blocking wires? @randomknits?

    This is momentous. There is Android in our house. See? Not total fanboys.

    Snook: “It has voice search, see? ‘What is the weather like?’” *reads from screen* “‘What is… a retard?’” Me: “BWAHAHAHA!” #android #fail

    @knitdra Oh man, that seriously sucks. I love the light in that kitchen!

    Breakfast (@ Hoochie Mamma Cafe)

    I bought a Brie from Harris Farm last Saturday. We ate it all up. Now @the_snook is imagining he has listeriosis.

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    *Somebody* doesn't mind that I suck at knitting lace. *Somebody* is the handsomest boy in the whole world!
    *Somebody* doesn’t mind that I suck at knitting lace. *Somebody* is the handsomest boy in the whole world!

  • Hottest. Day. Ever.

    Hottest. Day. Ever. And for once, that’s not just Comic Book Guy hyperbole. It hit 45.8 degrees Celsius today in Sydney, which is the hottest ever temperature recorded here. That’s 114.4F! I hope the kitties are okay at home…

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    It's too hot to wear actual shoes. Luckily @the_snook hooked me up. #swag
    It’s too hot to wear actual shoes. Luckily @the_snook hooked me up. #swag

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    Holy shit. Manti Te’o’s dead girlfriend was a HOAX? Internet, you are SO WEIRD AND CRAZY.

    @witty_knitter Claims he didn’t know. I hope he didn’t. There was a big sentimental push for him to win the Heisman (award for best player).

    @witty_knitter So presumably argument is that it was a ploy to get votes. But it’s the internet – just as easily could be hoax on him too.

    @mrs_sockvictim I thought you were going to Russia. Did you go to Russia?!

    @mrs_sockvictim Good. I read that Russia was really, really, REALLY cold this winter.

    @witty_knitter Whoa. Some commenters guessing that he might be gay, and as he’s a Mormon he was using a fake girlfriend as cover.

    @MrMikeLawson Shower and blow dry at work. That’s what I do.

    Got a reply back from @131500buses in response to my complaint yesterday. This is like my third angry letter to them. I’m so on a list now.

    Somehow I only think about having kids when I hear Paul Kelly’s “Deeper Water.” But that’s messed up, because *SPOILER* the Mom dies!

    Who’s going to knitting? @knitterjp @smark31 @yarna ? I’m thinking of heading straight to the Bowlo…

    @knitterjp @smark31 @yarna On my way! I’m walking so it’ll be a bit.

    Samuel L Jackson Singing Taylor Swift Attention @randomknits!!

    RT @BarackObama: Happy birthday, @MichelleObama!

    Thanks to CBD gridlock, I had an impromptu 25min walk to work in 30C heat. Drenched now. Late. Enraged. FIX IT, BARRY.

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    Tonight's FoodConnect veggie box included the biggest Black Russian I've ever seen. Get in MAH BELLEH!
    Tonight’s FoodConnect veggie box included the biggest Black Russian I’ve ever seen. Get in MAH BELLEH!

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    Best AskMeFi ever: Are we given any indication about the nature of Fozzie Bear’s sexuality?

    Haha, apparently #Fitbit allows me to “taunt” my friends on there. I just taunted @crumpet. TAKE THAT! 😛

    @richbuggy I have no idea what the “taunting” does. Or do you mean on account of exercise? Rest easy; I am mostly sedentary due to injury.

    @chewxy @richbuggy Easier said than done. I’m having an MRI on my knee in about 15 hours.

    Tonight’s FoodConnect veggie box included the biggest Black Russian I’ve ever seen. Get in MAH BELLEH!

    @drkknits I cut it up and had enough for three salads!

    @Ascasewwen Zig zag for me too. Although I learned recently from Negroni shirt pattern how to do flat felled, which is awesome.

    Getting MRI on my knee. MAGNETS – HOW DO THEY WORK?! (@ Alfred Medical Imaging)

    There are, like, 10 babies in the waiting area. I hope I don’t get sick. (@ Broadway General Practice)

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    Very disheartening seeing friends get screwed over professionally. Seems to be the theme of 2013 so far. Poo.

    Ouch. That’s gonna leave a bruise.

    I tried to cheat Fitbit’s altimeter by taking an escalator. It didn’t work. Smart, #Fitbit.

    Just officially entered three items in the Easter Show. One cabled thing (as always), one intricate thing, and one wacky thing. #hermione

    Real-time bus data means my Angry Old Lady complaint emails to @131500buses are that much more specific.

    Highlight of my commute: girl on bus reading Lady Chatterley’s Lover with illustration of boob on the cover. #notsarcasm

    @drkknits I wish you were on Spotify so I could hear it too!

    It appears I have converted another person to #paleo. One more and I get a free bison to eat!