Rather restrained at the fabric store, mostly because luggage is pushing the weight limit!
Month: January 2013
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Pineapple Express and a Dole Whip! (@ Dole Plantation) [pic]: http://t.co/hHrtemkc
Some amazing waves on the north shore today! (@ Pipeline Beach Park) [pic]: http://t.co/EuAnkvAb
Some excellent BBQ chicken sandwiches for lunch. (@ Maui Mike’s) [pic]: http://t.co/qjSCwrUR
Kickin’ it old school tiki style with Mai Tais and Pina Coladas… (@ La Mariana Sailing Club w/ 2 others) [pic]: http://t.co/kZA1hudI
@drkknits Finally getting to the end of Wolf Hall. Have to buy you a new one – the shine is off this copy! 🙂
@knittydotcom Ahh, missed on shaved ice on North Shore. Will look for Shimazu!
@drkknits Missed this. He’s such a cutie!
@knittydotcom I’ve looked at ukes, but I’m wary of the hassle if trying to bring anything wooden home to Oz. It’s Frowned Upon.
@randomknits Really?! There was a big crowd today watching the crazy surfers!
@twelveeyes @knittydotcom My traveling companion stresses out about declaring things, so it’s easier not to subject him to it. 🙂
Oh sweet baby Jesus. PORK CHOPS. (@ Side Street Inn on the Strip) [pic]: http://t.co/jL66tLu9
When Anthony Bourdain tells you to eat a pork chop, you eat the hell out of i @ Side Street Inn on the Strip http://t.co/HG8T4kc9
Weather has been so odd. Rain and sun mix all day long. We saw like six rainbows today!
@drkknits No room for US version, I’m afraid. I think we’re pushing the weight limit! One more day. Very ready to come home. 🙂
@drkknits And yes, I like it! Excited to read sequel, since everybody says it’s even better.
Last day in Hawaii before heading home to Sydney!
Big breakfast. Worth the wait! (@ Cinnamon’s Restaurant w/ 2 others) [pic]: http://t.co/lgeqwGKu
Proof that the sun shined a little bit… (@ Makapuu Beach) [pic]: http://t.co/lhmcly4r
Mecca. (@ Fabric Mart) [pic]: http://t.co/bplrPUze
Rather restrained at the fabric store, mostly because luggage is pushing the weight limit! http://t.co/OB5TgcpH
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When Anthony Bourdain tells you to eat a pork chop, you eat the hell out of it. -
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Fun at the Dole Plantation! -
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I think this is our 4th brewpub in as many days… (@ Kona Brewing Co.) http://t.co/c9AGLz1J
Morning in Waikiki. It’s a little gray and rainy. Planning a trip to the north side of the island.
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Just said bye to Jeff & Tricia – great to finally meet them! @ Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) http://t.co/h0K9m8S6
@drkknits Thanks! They’re filthy. 😛
We had a great 6 hours in Seattle! #whirlwind http://t.co/Hn6z7sGC
@imdominating Pretty much. And now we’ve got a 6hr flight to Hawaii…
Happy New Year! We checked in five minutes before midnight after a VERY long day… (@ Ohana Honolulu Airport Hotel) http://t.co/bjtOyEPn
I can hear the fireworks in Waikiki. They’re too far away to see though. I’d rather sleep at this point anyway.
@drkknits The end of the trip is in sight! Give the cats an extra cuddle, if you can. I know the fireworks always freak Amy out. 🙂
@randomknits I believe it’s pronounced “Aloha”. 🙂
Just realised we’ve been up for 22 hours, with about half of that spent on planes. It’s time to sleep.
Excellent breakfast at cafe filled with locals. Thanks Internet! (@ Ray’s Cafe) [pic]: http://t.co/9RtEu6nY
Made it to our hotel! 77F with patchy clouds and a little rain. But better than snow! (@ Aqua Aloha Surf & Spa) http://t.co/n7F1qKEI
Just discovered two fabric stores with walking distance of hotel. BOOYAH.
I’m at Waikiki Beach (Honolulu, HI) w/ 3 others [pic]: http://t.co/3aAmz9ha
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Just said bye to Jeff & Tricia – great to finally meet them!