Just caught one of the burly builders in the garden singing along to Adele on the radio. I told him he was shattering my worldview.
@drkknits I stocked up. I still have 1.5 jars left. π
By the way, the 8 dozen cookies are happening. Batch 2 just came out of the oven.
@pixel8ted Chocolate Chip. So I can make Martha Stewart’s Icebox Cake for @kunaal84’s birthday tomorrow.
RT @Y7News: Man and woman, preferably married, wanted for expedition to #Mars. http://t.co/5AjToBeaYC // @the_snook – IT IS OUR DESTINY.
@the_snook Bah. Like you wanna be a farmer. Sitting in a capsule and playing Warcraft for a year and half is more your thing!
@sebsharp Because I was being totally and utterly sincere and not at all ironic.
@sebsharp Haha, random. My friends who are lovers of burly men – both gay and straight – didn’t think so. But thanks for letting me know.
The most useful people on the Internet are the ones who pop up out of nowhere to be mean to you.
I guess the higher ground is to assume they’re having a bad day, rather than being a miserable jerk who likes to judge others.
@stufromoz I had a drive-by trolling because of my tweet about the builder and Adele. He didn’t find it as amusing as the builder and I did.
@witty_knitter Don’t worry; I blocked him. Let’s just leave it be. Isn’t that grown-up of me? (I’m having a good day otherwise!)
Is that 4 or 5 dozen? I’ve honestly lost count… http://t.co/sygDqcpFlt
@drkknits Martha says they should be “crispy”, so they’re coming out a fair bit browner than I normally make them.
RT @JennaPrice: Great news for Broadway pedestrians! The RMS has applied for funding to close Wattle St slipway & put in traffic sig …
@drkknits @Gidgetknits Did I ever show you a pic of Rodd’s chocolate pav? http://t.co/bnuYMaIMJJ
@Gidgetknits @drkknits I think he actually prefers to use raspberries. We must not have been able to get them for that one…
Fun = inadvertently opening a 53,000 line Excel spreadsheet from the work server over the VPN. #chugchug
@drkknits @Gidgetknits I believe this is, in fact, the recipe: http://t.co/YCZV3sw6NN
@RoseRed_Shoes Is it… RED?
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @gidgetknits I’ve decided ours isn’t great either. Hot spot in back, and I think it runs hot overall.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @gidgetknits Martha said to bake cookies for 14 min – I had to pull them at 10 before they burnt!
@drkknits I was trying to check it with a manual thermometer today, but I think our thermometer is wonky too. *sigh*
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @gidgetknits Yeah, it helped a bit. But still it’s too hot, and I can’t work out how to compensate.
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Well, duh! I was being scientific trying to work out exactly how much to turn down. Need a better thermometer.
I feel like some brainless, old school gaming tonight. Don’t I still have a Gameboy Color around here somewhere…?
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits I had it down 15 degrees today, and they were still cooking faster than recipe said. COULD MARTHA HAVE MISLED ME?!
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes I was trying to use Rodd’s fancy electric one with a probe. But he thinks it’s broken.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Probe.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes (It’s just fun to say.)
@drkknits @lemon_lime @RoseRed_Shoes Just a big ceramic tile. You can buy them special, or just use one from Bunnings, I believe.
@drkknits @lemon_lime @RoseRed_Shoes Idea is it retains heat and helps even out your oven fluctuations.
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Well, she can’t very well keep an eye on the kitchen timer when she’s busy sucking on all the kitchen implements!
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits (I used a more graphic word at first and then changed it.)
@drkknits @lemon_lime @rosered_shoes I have eaten one of Josh’s homemade pies. *pause* He’s a really good coder. (Sorry, Josh! π )
Awww, just got to FaceTime with @kunaal84 and his wife. The novelty of seeing them together is starting to wear off a little!
I’m still slightly bitter that I missed out on @dothedip’s Seinfeld trivia night last week. I could’ve won. I’M THE BEST, JERRY. THE BEST!
That’s 68 choc chip cookies in 9 layers glued together with copious amounts of cream and mascarpone! http://t.co/DmW4Aq6ZQq
The garden renovation is now on pause for the next three days while the Sydney rain attempts to flush us all into the harbour. Again.
RT @Kev_C_Murray: People really need to stop using the phrase ‘final solution’ on this project.
@neil_killick @brown_note Have been following the whole #NoEstimates debate with much interest. Wish I was in Melbourne to meet up!
@randomknits Hahaha. I’d told myself I was going to stay strong – and then promptly ate two cookies. They did make me feel like ASS though.
@randomknits Unfortunately I already let it slip to everybody at work. They’d lynch me if I didn’t bring it in at this point.
RT @miss_shiny: Nick Cave just impregnated the entire Sydney Opera House.
@clepetit In ONE day? What the hell did you do, walk to Bondi?? I’d friend you on there, but you’d clearly kick my ass.
@clepetit 16,224 was my best since Christmas. Good grief.
@clepetit I injured my knee last year. Went from running marathons to wincing when I climb stairs. Fitbit thinks I am MOSTLY SEDENTARY. π
@clepetit Okay, fine, add me if you like. At least it might provide additional guilt to get moving! http://t.co/NdTj2Btv9n
@clepetit Ugh. I have also worked from home for 2 days due to reno. So I haven’t even cracked 1000 today.
@clepetit Hahahaha. You just jumped to #1 on my friends list by far. This is working already. I might walk to work tomorrow. π
RT @testchick: “No Mr PM, adding a bunch of BAs to the test team two weeks before go live will NOT help productivity.”
@testchick I’m a BA, and I’d wear that on a t-shirt.
@Helen__H I love the wall of wool! Mine is all packed away in tubs in the closet. Hmmm. Ideas…
@pyko Go Peggy Go!
@deewu Sure – it’s this one: http://t.co/K9H5OjqXIv
@mattgemmell I actually dug out the old GameBoy Advance this morning.
Kicking it old school on the bus today… #drmarioforever http://t.co/9kBZe3Zj4g
@mattgemmell I forgot this damn thing has no backlight. Very difficult to see on the bus…
RT @adamliaw: I just ate popcorn before breakfast because no pope, no rules. #nopope
@redambition Wait, what? Which Guild? It’s not IC Guild day!
@redambition @drkknits Haha, it’s just that this Secretary sends out stuff earlier in the month. Throws off my whole sense of time! π