Month: February 2013
Dear Mark: Fruit Wax, Placentophagy, and Second Hand Smoke | Mark’s Daily Apple – If I ever have a rock band, I’m going to call it ENCAPSULATED PLACENTOPHAGY.
Shared today on Instagram: The garden wall is going up!
Women who dress cute – Interesting opinion piece. As someone who regularly wears sneakers with dresses and has been known to rock a Peter Pan collar, I do occasionally wonder whether other people are judging me for it. I wear what makes me feel comfortable, and it’s definitely not for the appreciation of men. I…
Shared today on Instagram: The landscapers brought their dog, Digger. He’s so energetic this was the best photo I could get. (The cats HATE Digger.)
Oscar Contest WinnerCongratulations to Jeremy Cropf, who won the big prize in this year’s Oscar Contest! Jeremy tied with five others for first place with 13 out of 14 correct: Allison Kucera, Dan Vogel, Gerri Kuhn, Gordon Purcell, and Preston Nicholson. It all came down to the dead people in the obituary montage though, and…
The Oscar ceremony is just starting, which means that my 2013 Oscar Contest is officially closed! I had to weed out a few duplicates and obvious attempts to game extra entries, but I believe we ended up with 509 entries in total. You will be able to follow along with your score as the awards…
Shared today on Instagram: Second attempt = also FAIL. I think I’m throwing in the towel. 🙁
Shared today on Instagram: Proof of concept = FAIL. I might have to scrap this project.
Shared today on Instagram: It was really cool that #sydneyaug had women’s style and size t-shirts last night. Thanks @atlassian!
Shared today on Instagram: I have decided it’s going to be THAT sort of night. #pimmscup