Brickfields, Chippendale | Grab Your Fork: A Sydney food blog – Oh, CRAP. They’ve turned the old coffee roastery in Chippendale into an awesome looking sourdough bakery. THIS IS TORTURE. The carbs are calling to me! The only thing worse was when Bourke Street Bakery had their Broadway outlet right at the bus stop where I got home every night. I was addicted to those “Personal Sourdoughs” in a very real way. And then one night I worked out the Weight Watchers points in one of them and it was 2/3 of my daily allowance. Whoops.
Month: February 2013
Dear Mark: Fruit Wax, Placentophagy, and Second Hand Smoke | Mark’s Daily Apple
Dear Mark: Fruit Wax, Placentophagy, and Second Hand Smoke | Mark’s Daily Apple – If I ever have a rock band, I’m going to call it ENCAPSULATED PLACENTOPHAGY.
Photo post
The garden wall is going up!
Women who dress cute
Women who dress cute – Interesting opinion piece. As someone who regularly wears sneakers with dresses and has been known to rock a Peter Pan collar, I do occasionally wonder whether other people are judging me for it. I wear what makes me feel comfortable, and it’s definitely not for the appreciation of men. I feel way more self-conscious and fake when I glam it up heteronormative style.
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@drkknits Okay, now it’s the Warblers singing Teenage Dream. That’s totally about you hooking up.
@drkknits “Let’s go all the way tonight. No regrets, just love. We can dance until we die. You and I will be young forever!” #thinkaboutit
@drkknits Okay, I’ll stop tormenting you then. THRASH METAL IT IS! π
@drkknits Okay, I’ve got another schmoopy one for you though. My fave Pogues song. It’s also good to dance to.
@imdominating @drkknits Take her to the hipster place with this tasting plate of artisanal pickles. She’ll fucking love that shit. π
@drkknits YAY!
@drkknits I just don’t understand academia at all. But I gather that it’s all good stuff. So double yay!
Going to my first @iiba study group session tonight! Very excited.
@QRCodeART @DrMiaow Actually, I got it to read when scanning from photo of item, not knitting itself. So maybe resolution/too much noise?
Survived my first #iiba study group and even made a friend! Looking forward to the next one. #hermionelovesschool
Having very well deserved whiskey and soda as a nightcap.
@StuartCRyan Hang on. The whole time at sydneyaug last week I was thinking “How do I know this guy?” I know you through @stufromoz!
@StuartCRyan @stufromoz I should’ve said hello in person. Sorry! I was one of the few girls there towards the end. π
@StuartCRyan @stufromoz I actually went to the Support talk, so I missed it! But I saw your shirt and was like, I KNOW THAT GUY SOMEHOW. π
@StuartCRyan It was good – small but informative. I was mostly just curious. Sounds like their support team is very similar to Google’s.
@drkknits You’ve got one more monitor than me, but I’ve got fuzzy cat butt too.
Photo post
The landscapers brought their dog, Digger. He’s so energetic this was the best photo I could get. (The cats HATE Digger.)
Oscar Contest Winner
Congratulations to Jeremy Cropf, who won the big prize in this year’s Oscar Contest! Jeremy tied with five others for first place with 13 out of 14 correct: Allison Kucera, Dan Vogel, Gerri Kuhn, Gordon Purcell, and Preston Nicholson. It all came down to the dead people in the obituary montage though, and with a guess of 43 (the real number was 41), Jeremy won! It turns out this was his first year entering, and he’s an NYU film school grad working as an independent filmmaker and freelancer in Portland. (Yep, this is him!) Very cool – and congratulations, Jeremy!
Thanks to everybody who entered this year. And if you think of any sock monkey concepts throughout 2013, be sure to send them to me…
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RT @imdominating: YOU GUYS! Last chance to win custom Avengers SOCK MONKEYS in my cousin’s contest! …
My 2013 Oscar Contest is officially closed for entries! There are 509 of you competing for the Avenger Monkeys. WHO WILL REIGN SUPREME?!
@drkknits If you want to tweet me each award as it happens, that will save me looking them up! π
@drkknits Same as @imdominating! Good counting, ladies.
@miftik Awesome, thanks. 41 seems to be the consensus!
@bezthomas Thank you!
Ang Lee was the upset. None of the perfect guessers got that one right, so I’m back to an 11-way tie for first place!
With one award left, it’s a 6 way tie – and they all picked Argo. If Argo wins Best Pic, it’ll come down to the Dead People! COME ON, UPSET!
Congratulations to Jeremy Cropf, who triumphed with 13 correct answers and a guess of 43 dead people. First time entrant too, I think!
@redambition @131500buses Just go to the website and fill out the feedback form.
Spotted two cops cycling on the footpath at Broadway this morning. I guess I don’t have to worry about that law anymore!
The landscapers brought their dog, Digger. He’s so energetic this was the best photo I could get. (Theβ¦
Day 2 – Stump grinding and delivery of pavers & bricks!
I’m actually enjoying how slow the bus is moving in traffic today. This A/C is the best I’m going to feel all day. #broilingoffice
@aimee_maree They pay a lot, but most of my fam in the US are still on unlimited data plans. Those never existed here!
@aimee_maree I’ve been here since 2001, and I’ve never seen an unlimited data plan on a mobile. SMS/calls, maybe, but not data.
@aimee_maree The only one listed there with unlimited data is the Optus for $2 a day?
@aimee_maree I’m just pointing out that I have never met an Aussie with an unlimited mobile data plan.
@aimee_maree Yet US relos listen to streaming radio on their phones in the car for hours a day. It’s weird.
If @the_snook and I ever go to NYC, I think we’re going to hit all the landmarks from Cub’s “New York City.”
@pauleyphillips That’s because it’s less embarrassing to read on the bus. (That’s how I read it.) π
@drkknits You will be gratified to learn Spotify now seems determined to play songs completely unrelated to you. Unless you are Stacy’s Mom.
I don’t know about anybody else, but I find the IKEA horse meatballs thing quite thrilling. Woohoo! I might be part of the story!
Oscars 2013
The Oscar ceremony is just starting, which means that my 2013 Oscar Contest is officially closed! I had to weed out a few duplicates and obvious attempts to game extra entries, but I believe we ended up with 509 entries in total. You will be able to follow along with your score as the awards are announced. (Note: I’m at work so the scores might not update immediately each time.) Best of luck!
And if you’re watching at home, can you count dead people in the obituary montage for me? Thanks!
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GAHHHH. Friggin’ hell. The only thing worse than knitting lace is blocking it. IT’S KILLING ME, BUSTER.
Managed to fix horrendous mishap and get scarf blocking. (I think @miss_reecie has a voodoo doll of me.)
Who’s watching the Oscars tomorrow? I need volunteers to count dead people for me for my Contest tie breaker… ( @imdominating?)
@drkknits @imdominating Actual awards start at 5:30 PST, which is 12:30 here.
@drkknits @miss_reecie I soaked it in the sink and two threads caught on the motherf*cking drain stopper. Pulled way out. I nearly screamed!
@drkknits @miss_reecie Had to laboriously adjust thread tension stitch by stitch to fix it. NEVER KNITTING LACE AGAIN.
Second attempt = also FAIL. I think I’m throwing in the towel. π
@pyko Wait, what?! Which reader? We couldn’t get it with Google Glasses or QRReader for iPhone.
@pyko You know what this means. It means I’ve got to spend the next two weeks frantically knitting mittens!!
HOLY CRAP. Thanks to @pyko, I just discovered that the QR Code DOES work – when I read it from my laptop screen. IT’S BACK ON, BABY!
In the car on the way to North Ryde at 7:25. It’s a good thing I didn’t sleep at all last night
Garden reno has begun, and @the_snook is quoting Kevin McCloud: “It’s only the first hour of day 1, and already the project is over budget.”
@Ezzles Nah, I’m with non-sewist colleagues. π
@handmethepanda @the_snook I keep saying at least we don’t need any glazing. The windows ALWAYS come late!