Month: February 2013

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    This headache has been going on for 12+ hours. I feel like I’m going to barf. Does that qualify as a migraine? #backtobed

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    Well, whaddaya know. Knitted vests work a lot better when you remember to put ARMHOLES IN THEM.

    @knitabulous WAY TO GO!

    @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @knitdra I knew that was coming. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • The Social Psychology of the Selfie

    The Social Psychology of the Selfie“A recent study showed more online photo sharing from people whose self-esteem is based on “public contingencies,” defined in this instance as others’ approval, physical appearance and outdoing competition.”

    Note to self: Do not peer into the dark recesses of your soul before you’ve had your coffee.

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    RT @aimee_maree: “Designers learn to code so they know when a dev is lying to them” @chrisbernard << That is gold ๐Ÿ˜‰ // Same goes for BAs!

    @aimee_maree I spent a good hour yesterday finally learning what a Drupal feature is and why the term “revert” is used so confusingly. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @randomknits I want to praise the knitting, but all I can think is: BARBIE VAGINA PINK!!!!

    I am the Hermione of physio. Shane’s very happy with my improvement! (@ The Sports Clinic)

    I just ousted @nicstaru2 as the mayor of The Sports Clinic on @foursquare!

    On one hand, the phrase “muscle wastage” really sucks. On the other hand, I managed my first squat in over 6 months!

    I tried to be a cynic, but @amandapalmerโ€™s Bed Song video made me cry. I found her wedding ring really affecting too.

    @eobeara Unfortunately I gave in to temptation this week, so Iโ€™m back in the land of Carb Flu.

  • These Dogs Are Probably Better Than You (or Me) at Most Things – The Triangle Blog – Grantland

    These Dogs Are Probably Better Than You (or Me) at Most Things – The Triangle Blog – Grantland – LOVE IT. These dogs just made me giggle like a maniac. And then I tried to get Dr. Amy to watch, but she was too busy licking herself.

  • Colette Cinnamon Pattern

    Join Us in Supporting Equality this Valentine’s Day – Lovely idea from Sarai at Colette Patterns. Buy the digital download of the Cinnamon dress pattern today, and all proceeds go to Freedom to Marry. Win-Win! I got me a new dress pattern. ๐Ÿ™‚

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    Just another Friday in the Rocks...

    Just another Friday in the Rocks…

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    RT @RealRonHoward: โ€œ@MassBNLfan: @RealRonHoward what is your favorite possession that you have kept from a movie set?โ€
    Winthrop’s horn f …

    RT @kjbalberto: This. Women in tech mostly in the “caretaker” role. // Absolutely brilliant, and true to my experience.

    This year’s SMH Half Marathon has a RELAY option! Too bad I won’t be up to 7km by then. That would be so fun!

    For those following the Great Expired Sausage Experiment: it’s seven hours later, and I aten’t dead yet.

    @drkknits Sweet! I just bought red sunnies today. Clearly we are starting a Thing.

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Bring on the junk food. @ The Dip

    Grilled corn, hot wings, sliders, pulled pork nachos, chili fries, mini hot dogs… and now the ice cream sundae. #bliss

    @mrs_sockvictim Have a wonderful trip Miss Fee! See you in a week!

    Just another Friday in the Rocks…

    @drkknits Woohoo! We are listening to Key-dollarsign-ha in the office this morning. Having the same effect for me.

    I just bought @ColettePatterns Cinnamon pattern. Great dress, and all proceeds today go to support marriage equality!

    RT @ASPE_SDLC: Where do you see the BA role in the transition to Agile? Would a BA move to the Product Owner or Scrum Master role? http …

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    Happy Valentine's Day! Bring on the junk food.
    Happy Valentine’s Day! Bring on the junk food.