Month: February 2013

  • Women in Tech and Empathy Work

    Women in Tech and Empathy Work – Brilliant. This part rang especially true for me:

    …part of me wishes I’d kept my coding skills up if only so that I could keep up my side of a tech-centric conversation, and so that I could stop having dark nights of the soul thinking that I’m playing into cliches and conventions about women in tech.

    Interestingly, it was the fact that I was taking on extra “caretaker” work as a developer that led me to my career as a BA. I was the one giving presentations, writing documentation, and training users, and eventually I decided to move over to that side entirely. If my male teammates hadn’t been so slack at that side of it, I might still be writing code!

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    Getting my twee on for Valentine's Day!
    Getting my twee on for Valentine’s Day!

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    @imdominating Also, aren’t Chick-fil-A homophobic jerks? Now I’m double boycotting them!

    RT @anildash: Imagine if a rapper had 1. Threatened the President 2. Brandished assault rifles 3. Got invited to the SOTU 4. Showed up i …

    RT @neil_killick: “..when engineering provides the Basis of Estimates, reality of what it takes to complete job clashes with Price to Wi …

    @emmainsydney Brilliant, thanks! Have forwarded @technocrat_au’s website to my friend. Will be on the lookout for more for you… 🙂

    I find it amusing that SEO “experts” (i.e. spammers) think I’d give them business when they don’t have an online presence themselves.

    @knitdra I’ll buy yours from you! 🙂

    @joshmillard Shh. There’s a secret club of devotees to old Tweetdeck. You can still find it online…

    @knitdra Awww, thanks! If it’s free, I might be able to talk Rodd into going with me. 🙂

    @RoseRed_Shoes Yeah. I’ve got one freebie (for me); I’d like one more (for him)

    Getting my twee on for Valentine’s Day!

    It occurs to me that with my purple shoes and skirt covered in owls, my “twee” is another person’s “manic hipster clown.”

    @rachievaichie Yeah. My stepmom made my sister and I them for Christmas. Basically like a necklace!

    The breakfast sausages were 3 days expired. I ate them; @the_snook didn’t. At the end of the day, we shall see who is right and who is dead.

    @justalex75 Take some time off and see if it fixes itself. I didn’t – and still dealing with it a year later! Knees are tricky things.

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    @lemon_lime At least a lot of the comments are good. Looks like there’s a movement to fire that bigoted asshole teacher.

    Amazing talk at #ggdsyd tonight about Aaron Swartz. Lots of stuff I didn’t know about him…

    This is by far the most subversive #ggdsyd talk I’ve heard. She’s reading a transcript of an Anonymous video! It’s cool. I like it.

    Look! @redambition is talking at #ggdsyd! (KNITTERS GUILD REPRESENT.)

    @nazzer I had debate with @the_snook after about your topic. Shouldn’t the net be decentralised enough to withstand such gov meddling?

    @nazzer Sure, I can see where Syria can cut off ties to world. But could US or AUS do it? I think there’d be major outcry, wouldn’t there?

    Success! Donation made. Now for a cookie. (@ Red Cross Donor Centre)

    Does anybody remember the name of the company at @GGDSydney last night that was looking for Drupal devs? I might know one. 🙂 #ggdsyd

    @Helen__H Wait, you were there? Dammit! I was sitting like three seats to the left of @redambition!

    @wheelyweb When I switched, Telstra gave me a better package for less than Optus. Being willing to switch gives you leverage! Worth a try.

    @wheelyweb That’s weird. I went into Telstra shop at Broadway 18 mth ago and said I wanted to switch, and he did me a deal. New policy?

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    @catehstn I’ll be interested to hear what you think! I got a Fitbit One for Xmas. I like it but I worry I’ll lose it since it’s so tiny!

    Dear @the_snook: Will you be my Valentine… at @DoTheDip? 😛

    RT @the_snook: @web_goddess @DoTheDip What are you waiting for sweet cheeks? BOOK IT ALREADY! // This is why you are my Valentine.

    @Illdrinn Unfortunately I come from the Midwest, so I live with this reality. What I paid in Sydney would buy a MANSION in Indiana. 🙁

    @tali3sin I’m not here against my will. 🙂

    @tali3sin There are other downsides to living there. Having to drive everywhere, shit weather half the year, crap coffee, etc…

    @tali3sin My partner & I talk about moving there someday. When I’m older and I care less about going out, etc.

    @tali3sin In a parallel dream world, I am rich enough to alternate summers in Sydney and Chicago.

    RT @ZachWeiner: Every now and then I really wish Hyperbole and a Half were still updating. Hope Allie Brosh is out there somewhere very …

    @Illdrinn We actually checked prices when we were home at Christmas. My brother bought a foreclosed farmhouse for a song.

    @laimelde congratulations!!

    Dear Tegan & Sara: I would get more work done if I didn’t have to stop every 3 minutes and favourite another of your songs on Spotify.

    @Kat13v Good on you. I’m trying again on Wednesday. Got permission from the doc this time. 🙂

    @tali3sin Chicago in the summer is a wonderful thing. Lake, sun, concerts, park, festivals, baseball, everything.

    Saying farewell to @trpurcell in the office!

    Pozole! Slow cooker Mexican pork soup with hominy. YUM.

    @that_alison Google it. It’s corn that’s been treated in a special way.

    Apparently Margaret & David are programming Rage this weekend. That is awesome. However I am old and sleepy, so I will set the DVR.

    @steven_noble Very cool! Jude sounds like a great kid. 🙂

    Dear Leopard Print Trench Coat in the Louis Vuitton window: I love you, but I would wear you with pants.

    @codepo8 I like the use of pink and blue. BECAUSE I’M A GIRL, AND I LIKE BARBIES.

    @codepo8 Sadly, Computer Engineer Barbie is gazing at me with betrayal. I’m sorry, Barbie. Your pink specs are awesome.

    @randomknits I think they should just be more honest and call it DIABETES FLAVOUR.

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    Pozole! Slow cooker Mexican pork soup with hominy. YUM.

    Pozole! Slow cooker Mexican pork soup with hominy. YUM.

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    Lunch today: black olive frittata and green salad. #paleo

    Lunch today: black olive frittata and green salad. #paleo

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    I’ve seen tweets about storms in the Mountains & down the coast… but still no rain in Chippendale. There’s a deliciously cool breeze though.

    @knitterjp @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @Helen__H It’s raining now! We had two brief storm bands come through.

    The cool change has made baking less torturous. Snickerdoodles in process…

    Cooktop repair guy is here, putting new motherboard in Blanco. Fingers crossed…

    Guess what? “Cheap” part didn’t fix it. Next part to try costs triple. I am really, really lucky that Blanco is covering as warranty job.

    @stufromoz Fancy induction. Works great… when it works. Starting to think Blanco quality is less than promised.

    @eileenDCoE This was a weird new recipe. They didn’t spread much; remained very round and tall like little domes. Tasty though.

    Cautiously optimistic about my knee. Three days of foam rollering and exercises have resulted in the loud click nearly disappearing!

    @jojoconstance I should have made banana cake too. Don’t think these were my best cookies. That’s what I get for trying a new recipe…

    @Helen__H Obviously you have been kidnapped and your Evil Roam Roller is actually controlling your Twitter account. Nobody loves a roller!

    @makarakarn Nope. Fail. They have no idea; they’re just swapping parts at random. Next one is 3x the cost. BUGGER.

    @makarakarn I complained last week, so they’re fixing it as warranty, thank goodness. But we can still only use 1 burner out of 3 til fixed!

  • Outguess Ebert? I may have them all right

    Outguess Ebert? I may have them all right – – Ebert has posted his picks for this year’s Oscars, and he agrees with the consensus pics for my contest… mostly. There are a couple notable exceptions. If you haven’t entered yet, get to it! You’ve got two weeks left. Oh, and Ebert is launching his own Oscar Contest, which also has an Avengers-related prize. (You get to go to the Iron Man 3 premiere.) Pshaw. Whatever