Month: February 2013

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    The garden renovation project is taking shape! Pavers and wall blocks chosen…

    Me: “I’ve just realised I’ve got FOUR weeks from TODAY to finish my Easter Show entries!” Snook: “Get knittin’, stinker.”

    Watching doc about first moon landing. Tears are inevitable.

    @eobeara I believe in science. ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Eagle just landed. *sob*

    Peter thinks that the knitting project bag @drkknits made me works better as a pillow.

    @jojoconstance That was/is brilliant. Thank you for all the links!!

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    The garden renovation project is taking shape! Pavers and wall blocks chosen...
    The garden renovation project is taking shape! Pavers and wall blocks chosen…

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    "No, Petey, I'm only *mostly* dead. It was the foam roller that did it."
    "No, Petey, I’m only *mostly* dead. It was the foam roller that did it."

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    Four hours of mind-numbing QA. Who else is ready to go home?

    @drkknits A lot of them do “kebab plates” though. At least the ones in the Sydney CBD do. That’s what I used to get.

    Hey, so anyone can apply to be an observer judge for knitting at the Easter Show? Like, ANYONE? (As per @KnitGuildNSW newsletter…)

    @witty_knitter I wouldn’t get selected. I have no interest in being a judge, only in judging the judges themselves. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @drkknits …with Tweetdeck open prominently. Yeah, right. ๐Ÿ˜›

    @redambition Iโ€™m pretty sure thatโ€™s the exact decor of my Grandmaโ€™s dream bathroom.

    My physio plan has 10min of foam rollering my right quad. So 10min of plank position (which I can barely do) + EXTREME TORTURE PAIN. #fml

    @pixel8ted Iโ€™m breaking it into two 5min sessions to avoid dying.

    “No, Petey, I’m only *mostly* dead. It was the foam roller that did it.”

    @knitterjp I may need a Miracle Pill to get up off the floor.

    When I swing my foot back and forth, my knee ticks like a metronome. It’s my new very lame superpower.

    @lemon_lime They had Draco and Euclid when I was home at Christmas. I kind of love it.

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    @liedra Even though I don’t eat it anymore, I won’t hear an ill word spoken about Golden Grahams, aka The Breakfast Cereal of the Gods!

    Second time today! Now for physio. (@ The Sports Clinic)

    A very strange, oddly exhausting, high-tech workout.

    @zephyrama Sadly, I know this because my hardcore fan husband was downloading those off Usenet 12+ years ago.

    @randomknits Like I said before – you are a baby magnet! ๐Ÿ™‚

    @Gidgetknits @drkknits Most amused me. “If we don’t replenish the population the economy will collapse and we’ll all die!”

    @Gidgetknits @drkknits Riiiiiight. Because we’re running out of people.

    @drkknits @Gidgetknits *finger on nose* Ding ding ding ding ding!

    @drkknits Don’t cry! Don’t cry! Massage? New lippie? Something like that?

    @drkknits Maybe just a bath! Always makes me feel better.

    @drkknits I would, but I’m meant to keep the tape on my knee for 3 days.

    @drkknits He told me to dry it with a hair dryer. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @drkknits Hermione the County Spelling Bee Champion to the rescue! Connoisseur .

    @drkknits I am a connoisseur of fine Banrock cask wine.

    @drkknits Just saw this. If I had that hair, I would wear it like that ALL THE TIME. ALWAYS AND FOREVER.

    @knitabulous @drkknits I reckon my new cut is too short. No more top knots for me for a while…

    RT @BestMarrickvlle: RT @mia_will: The 10 best cafes to visit in inner west Sydney –> def a few I need to chec …

    @knitdra Awww, sweet!

    @redambition It’s because I don’t have children. My mindless drive for expensive handbags has created a criminal black market for them.

  • Get Your Shit Together

    Get Your Shit Together – checklist and document templates for all the things you’ll need if one of you happens to get smushed by a bus. (Snook: we need to do this.)

  • Adam Brody and Leighton Meester are totally dating!

    Adam Brody and Leighton Meester are totally dating! – This makes me indescribably happy on a very deep level. I hope they have little brunette babies wearing hoodies and headbands.

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    A very strange, oddly exhausting, high-tech workout.
    A very strange, oddly exhausting, high-tech workout.

  • Most Expensive Cities in the World

    Most Expensive Cities in the World 2013 – I’m amused by how surprised this New Yorker is that Sydney and Melbourne are so much more expensive to live in. Well, DUH.

  • Hilarious African knockoff video games

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