Month: April 2013

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    @CastIronBalcony You can get it. I bought a ginormous piece at Australian Meat Emporium in Alexandria.

    Broke out the knitting for the first time at the new job. Not too many strange stares in the communal kitchen, thankfully!

    Craft Enabler and All Around Awesome Person of the Day Award goes to @randomknits, and if there’s any justice she’ll get that new job too!

    Going to yoga for the first time in YEARS. This is going to be painful, I think.

    Yoga. Ow. Ow. I continue to have the proportional arm strength of a baby T. rex.

    Clarification: my gripe about XBMC was in no way a comment on Snook’s technical ability! Rather that OS software sometimes shits me.

    Me: “Dracaris!” Cat: *blank look* Me: “Dammit! Smite my enemies!” Cat: *licks self*

    @drkknits @randomknits I wore black this past Friday. Still trying to gauge corporate reaction to wacky tights.

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    “I want you to feel strong. And you don’t need the comfort of an immigrant in mother’s old stirrup pants to have that.” BWA! cc @drkknits

    @drkknits Re-watching all of AD in preparation for upcoming new episodes. πŸ™‚

    @drkknits @surrenderdotty I don’t want no part of your tightass country club, ya freak bitch! (God I love Franklin.)

    @drkknits @miss_reecie @surrenderdotty Has anyone in this family ever even SEEN a chicken?!

    As the Snook enters 5th hour today of trying to get open source media center to work, I feel less bad about my reliance on iOS ecosystem.

    @laimelde That’s the one. Trying to get it to work with our existing MythTV files and remote has been slightly frustrating.

    @laimelde Do you use it as a DVR to record television?

    @laimelde We mainly use ours for recording and playing back TV.

    @laimelde It does if you hook it up to a tuner card. Theoretically, anyway.

    When the urge strikes to knit a Giant Cabled Thing strikes, I must obey.

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Blackberry Cardigan!

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Some plain brown Zara I bought from @miss_reecie a while back.

    Somehow in the past 5 years I went from the girl who rarely wore dresses to the girl that now owns over 25 of them. Weird.

    @mrs_sockvictim @knitdra @RoseRed_Shoes @randomknits I’m in. I’ve got two squares to finish off for my group and I’m DONE!

    @randomknits Tell yourself you don’t need it. That’s when they want you! You’ll be awesome.

    RT @DhyanaScarano: Brilliant read. RT @newsycombinator Cognitive Overhead, Or Why Your Product Isnt As Simple As You Think…

    Slow to get moving this morning. Luckily only a 15min commute! #lovingit

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    Roast goat with caponata and carrots. Very yummy! #paleo
    Roast goat with caponata and carrots. Very yummy! #paleo

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    I can finally step away from the news sites. Phew. So relieved for Boston.

    @stkilda The Boston thing? Front page of every newspaper. I haven’t bothered with TV news, but I’m sure there too.

    The bread photos are killing me. (AND YES, I AM TOTALLY TALKING ABOUT @randomknits.)

    The first time I’ve been knitting here in ages… (@ Barmuda)

    Bugger the diet. This weather demands a treat. (@ Black Star Pastry w/ 2 others)

    Once again I am suckered into buying plants I’ll probably just kill.

    @katejf The Kate Davies pattern? I think @crumpet has.

    @ozdj BVT? Another acronym. My spreadsheet is well up over 100 of them now…

    Adventures in Omnivorism: @the_snook is currently roasting a goat’s leg for our dinner. It smells FANTASTIC. #paleo

    @eobeara I think I’ve tried it in curry, but never roasted. We saw them last week at a specialty meat shop and couldn’t resist!

    @misswired @the_snook – formerly known as Establishment 218 in Alexandria.

    Roast goat with caponata and carrots. Very yummy! #paleo

  • Carbo-Mobile – Ray’s Fight

    Carbo-Mobile – Ray’s Fight – My nephew wrote a story, and it’s pretty much the Greatest Thing Ever.

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    Once again I am suckered into buying plants I'll probably just kill.
    Once again I am suckered into buying plants I’ll probably just kill.

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    RT @kb: God dammit fucking no that is ENOUGH, world, it is time to STOP. // Agreed. πŸ™ cc @eileenDCoE

    RT @Opheli8: Hodor Gets A POV Chapter via @theinquisitr // Ha! I was totes sucked in. cc @drkknits @kunaal84

    Woohoo! New PM wants me at CBD office three days a week. Short commute FTW.

    @Opheli8 Yep! Theoretically even walk part of the way with @the_snook, except he is a lazy slacker and goes in way later.

    Waiting for the Snook so he can walk me home for the first time! (@ Darling Quarter)

    @witty_knitter @stufromoz @SandraHW I am also a massive fan if this app. Cook from it nearly every night!

    @ozdj Okay, that’s hilarious. The guy that owns that scooter lives on my street in Chippo! It’s parked by my house all the time. πŸ™‚

    @ozdj Working on a Saturday again?

  • Laurel Dress

    Don't tell anyone in CorporateLand, but I'm wearing a self-made dress today! #laurel @saraiatcolettepatternsDon’t tell anyone in CorporateLand, but I’m wearing a self-made dress today! #laurel @saraiatcolettepatterns

    So yeah, I finished another dress! This is Laurel from Colette Patterns. It’s a very versatile shift dress, and I opted to make a sleeveless version (since I didn’t have much fabric). The fabric itself is a stretch cotton that I got at Fabric-a-brac last year. I actually cut it too large at first, not realising how much ease it had in it. I then went back and took in the side seams, which helped it fit a lot better. I did have an issue with the back neck gaping, which I’m not sure is attributable to the fit or whether I stretched it out when applying the bias binding. Miss Fee was kind enough to pin out the excess for me, so I then added a few darts there to take it in. I’ll know enough to make lots of changes for my next one! It’s a very simple and quick pattern, and I think I’ll be able to use it for work wear – in a more somber print, of course. πŸ™‚

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    @clepetit @henrytapia Expat edition: I’d leave the Clock app with world times set, so Grandpa doesn’t try to call me at 2am.

    @Helen__H Oh god no. Staying up til 11:30 probably precludes that. πŸ™

    My actual work shoes, since so many of you are worried I’m wearing sneakers!

    @pradsword I’m wearing it right now! My only complaint is that it doesn’t sync with my phone and the Bluetooth dongle is so tiny.

    @drkknits I had that. And then I decided simply delete the thing that pissed me off. The Internet is awesome that way. πŸ™‚

    On the bus to the CBD office, where I shall finish out the week. Yay! Who’s going to M&S knitting tonight? @knitterjp @aunty_toots @Yarna_

    Email from Sportscraft. They have introduced Liberty PAJAMAS! Paging @randomknits…

    Decided to reward myself for a good day with a Diet Coke. CBA vending machine doesn’t have Diet Coke. You win again, universe.

    @randomknits I wonder if the cats could be persuaded to get me a pressie… (*cough* @the_snook *cough*)

    @RoseRed_Shoes My laziness wins out.

    @RoseRed_Shoes Also, I’m a tightarse. *sigh*

    @witty_knitter @SandraHW @randomknits @thesiswhisperer It’s going to make Guild Camp so much more fun!

    @richbuggy Did it make you calmer or angrier? πŸ™‚

    @pinkcatknits @RoseRed_Shoes Yes, but that was a one-off novelty that I regretted the second I tasted them. πŸ™‚

    @pradsword Well, it provides the data. It’s pretty much up to the user to decide what to do with it. I now have proof that my sleep is crap.

    @knitterjp @aunty_toots I am lacing up my sneakers right now! Be there shortly. πŸ™‚

    Knitting at the Bowlo! (@ 99 York St)

    You know who talks sense? @knitterjp talks sense. The next time I am tempted to feed a troll, I am going to stop and think: WWJPD?

    @miss_reecie @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Only if you wear it with a turban and a LOT of eye shadow.

    @aunty_toots Notebook is 7″x5″. Magnetic cover. Pen and post-its inside!

    @mrs_sockvictim From the conference I went to last week.

    RT @TIME: This woman wants you to stop telling her she’ll ‘change her mind’ about wanting kids |

    Nine Reasons Why the Cupcake Boom Went Bust // cc @drkknits

    @drkknits @knitterjp That’s what I’m thinking. Going back to initial requirement: stylish backpack that will fit laptop. Any ideas?

    Don’t tell anyone in CorporateLand, but I’m wearing a self-made dress today! #laurel @saraicat

    @drkknits @knitterjp But you have a tiny sexy Mac. I’m carrying a giant lump of a Dell, and I need to distribute weight better.

    @mrs_sockvictim @witty_knitter @surrenderdotty Actually that’s the cardy!

    @surrenderdotty @drkknits @knitterjp This isn’t really for transport. It’s for walking. And my current shoulder/cross-body solution hurts.

    @zephyrama Agreed. And tights!!

    RT @jasonsantamaria: As usual, The Onion nails it. Jesus, This Week:

    β€œThis fucking week, sources added.”

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    Special thanks to @mrs_sockvictim for finding this lovely top for me at the markets!
    Special thanks to @mrs_sockvictim for finding this lovely top for me at the markets!