Month: April 2013

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    @imdominating @TrinityMartinez I honestly haven’t memory of any of this. The whole thing ceased to exist from that WRONG theme song.

    Sometimes it’s like Ravelry is Mean Girls, and I’m trying to be the Tina Fey.

    Massive pork chop (courtesy of Meat Emporium), coleslaw, and veg. #paleo #yum

    @witty_knitter Ha! I definitely wasn’t talking about you. Regina George, you are not. 🙂

    @witty_knitter But @drkknits should definitely stop trying to make “fetch” happen. 🙂

    @drkknits That’s closer than my two shitheads ever get.

    @aunty_toots Hear hear!

    @misswired Mexican asparagus is two for $2.50 at Coles this week. I hit it myself.

    @drkknits Ha. I don’t watch live television! Hipsters have DVRs. Except *sniff* mine’s broken. So I’ve missed that BBT entirely. 🙁

    Dear Internet: I really need this red leather satchel/backpack, right?

    @witty_knitter @wazzag Ooh! Do you know if it makes for a good laptop bag? I want a backpack that I can carry to a corporate office.

    @zephyrama How does it handle a laptop? Is it relatively comfortable to wear as a backpack?

    @zephyrama Hm. Laptop is main consideration, as new job has me carrying one around all over. Might have to measure.

    OMG. The Cambridge Satchel was featured in an episode of Gossip Girl. I must have one! Also, a headband.

    Hey @randomknits – how much is 15 balls of Rowan Felted Tweed in your sale? And do ya have these colours? 🙂

    Oddly, I actually feel my knitting mojo coming back. Just cleared out my Rav queue and started favouriting CARDIGANS of all things.

    Special thanks to @mrs_sockvictim for finding this lovely top for me at the markets!

    @Helen__H Same here. This morning I decided my life would be totally fixed if I could wake up rested at 6am.

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    Massive pork chop (courtesy of Meat Emporium), coleslaw, and veg. #paleo #yum
    Massive pork chop (courtesy of Meat Emporium), coleslaw, and veg. #paleo #yum

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    Challenging day. My poor brain hasn’t had this sort of workout in a very long time. Right now it feels like a dumb lump of wood.

    @handmethepanda How’d you know? 🙂

    Have successfully handed over all details of Guild website hosting to @udjamaflip. That’s been on my To Do list for THREE YEARS! *relief*

    @SallyPompom @udjamaflip I actually have no idea! We’ve yet to meet in real life, I think.

    @SallyPompom @udjamaflip Oh, durrr. Just realised his Twitter says he’s from the UK. 🙂

    @clepetit So @pbur is to you, as you are to me? 🙂

    RT @petersagal: My first take at a complete account of what happened yesterday in Boston, for @Runnersworld

    @TrinityMartinez @imdominating Is this VM3? I’m honestly puzzled. Perhaps this speaks to the blackout rage caused by Piz.

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    For those that didn't believe I'd still wear the gumboots.
    For those that didn’t believe I’d still wear the gumboots.

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    @drkknits @miss_reecie @mrs_sockvictim TOTES DIREWOLF!!

    Can anyone explain or send tutorial link on how to wear a TUCKED IN button-down lady shirt? Especially for those with a pot belly? GAHHHH.

    @Illdrinn You’re in Sydney now, right? It KILLED me yesterday. I was honestly researching the Zyrtec median lethal dose.

    Spotted a #DIYRainbow in Chippendale tonight. I hope the rain didn’t wash it away!

    Anybody else go straight to iTunes looking for The Bear and the Maiden Fair? 🙂

    RT @eileenDCoE: My heart is breaking for Boston. Wtf is wrong with this world? // Right there with you…

    RT @SaraMechell: As a runner, I feel like someone just attacked my friends. As a person, I’m just horrified.

    For those that didn’t believe I’d still wear the gumboots.

    @surrenderdotty It’s raining! I had to walk to the station in the rain! (Lady shoes in desk at work.) 🙂

    Remembering my scattered thoughts and exhaustion after running 42K. Can’t imagine having to deal with emergency situation then.

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    I hate this place. (at @Bunnings Warehouse)

    Stocking up on meat. (@ Establishment 218) [pic]:

    I know you’re all enjoying this amazing late summer day, but damn. Something out there is triggering my hay fever terribly. I’m miserable.

    Useless. Spent the whole afternoon either blowing my nose or zonked out asleep on the couch.

    RT @CNET: Here is a ‘Game of Thrones’ throne made entirely out of melted keyboards

    @suzyhausfrau I use both hands when I’m doing fairisle (1 color per hand), but I still prefer to throw normally.

    @randomknits I for one missed them. 🙂

    @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim All three of us working today? Ugh. Poor us.

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    My social life involves a disturbing amount of cabanossi. #notaeuphemism

    I made a Fruit Turkey for Guild today. It came out AWESOME.

    @AgileRenee The Knitters Guild of NSW. 🙂

    A plucked Fruit Turkey. They ate every bit! @drkknits even ate his beak!

    @AgileRenee I’m married to a serious gamer. I think you can only have one per household or nothing ever gets done. 🙂

    @imdominating Just remember: season 3 doesn’t exist. Watch for nostalgia, but it’s so wrong. Theme song wrong, fucking PIZ wrong, etc.

    Fun day at Guild, and then I taught 3 newbies how to knit. Exhausted now. Retreating to cave…

    @ozdj I love that place! Used to work nearby at the Westfield building. 🙂

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    I made a Fruit Turkey for Guild today. It came out AWESOME.
    I made a Fruit Turkey for Guild today. It came out AWESOME.

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    View from the 6th floor garden deck. Nice. #exploring @ Commonwealth Bank Place

    And now the reverse. Looking up towards the city. @ Tumbalong Park

    @imdominating Nah. I’m a fan, but $100? Yowza.

    @knitdra I didn’t notice herbs! Does South have same garden as North?

    @eobeara Most days I’m at our other offices at Olympic Park. The city visits sure are nice though!

    @drkknits I didn’t do anything. SLACKERS CLUB.

    @witty_knitter @drkknits Note to self: don’t take any cash to Guild tomorrow. Safer that way!

    Hell Week is OVAH! New job, IIBA class, Scrum AU, BA meet up, and physio all done. Now I just have to deal with everything I neglected.