Month: April 2013
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View from the 6th floor garden deck. Nice. #exploring -
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My week has basically been following @brown_note around. (@ Planit Test Management)
Waiting to absorb some Agile brilliance from @brown_note, @AgileRenee, and @littlehelper! #meetup
@knitterjp @brown_note Ha, yeah. I’m a sucker for anything involving audience participation.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes I WAS AVOIDING THE FEET. GAHHH.
I’ve decided what I’m making for Guild morning tea on Saturday. It combines daggy retro ness with arts & crafts. SO MUCH WIN.
RT @BuzzFeed: “Arrested Development” vintage album covers. Awesome. // Call Me Maybe, Maeby. HA!
Wasn’t sure about casual Friday, so I played it safe and wore dress. I’m fine! Lots of people wearing jeans. PHEW.
Benefits of working in Darling Harbour office: 20min commute, door to door. I like that.
@sebr So everybody wears black flip-flops, presumably? 😛
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Put a bird on it – corporate style. -
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Heh. Salesman sells job at pub and brings in napkin with cost, scope, and deadline? Yep. Been there, pretty much. #auscrum
Fixed date, fixed price projects put you in adversarial relationship with client from day 1. Again – AGREEING ALL OVER THE PLACE. #auscrum
Productivity vs. number of projects. This graph reminds me strongly of @kunaal84. #auscrum
RT @brown_note: Great, and comprehensive talk by @krubinagile at #auscrum // Agreed!
Interesting that @ilagile suggests agile should value attitude over aptitude. Pretty sure that’s why CommBank hired me. Happy! #auscrum
Ha. “Rockstar” developer who is more like a Dementor from Harry Potter? Yeah. Still recovering from that, years later. #auscrum
RT @lynnecazaly: My fast n furious visual notes from @krubinagile #auscrum presentation Economically Sensible Scrum
RT @bartmasters: Good point from @ilagile “don’t tell someone they’re wrong. They will stop sharing ideas, even the excellent ones.” #au …
Having an argument with Seb from @atlassian on the virtue of BA’s. Typical engineer! 🙂 #auscrum
RT @msmorrisk: Management 3.0 Meddlers fun at #auscrum
The perils of trying to be paleo at a conference! Fled carby lunch at #auscrum in favour of cafe.
Just met @mrembach before his talk starts. Interested to hear how Transport for NSW uses scrum… #auscrum
Collective gasp as @mrembach mentions secret Transport NSW functionality that allows bus driver to change red lights to green! #auscrum
Ha. QA’s goal (in traditional non-agile) is “to break the will of the developer.” Heehee! Right, @rajsingh2505? #auscrum
Uh oh! @mrembach mentioned #NoEstimates! If he says it two more times, @neil_killick magically appears. #auscrum
“Deploying is risky. The best way to lessen risk is do it over and over and over to get good at it.” #continuousdelivery @auscrum
@KurtSolarte @mrembach @neil_killick He said it again! DRINK!
RT @rbanks54: Great war stories session by @mrembach #auscrum // Agreed. Great talk – very engaging and useful info!
@mrembach If you hadn’t said you were nervous, I never would have guessed! Totally smashed it. 🙂
@AgileRenee @neil_killick We’re making a drinking game out of it. 🙂 cc @KurtSolarte #auscrum
@The_Ausmerican I’m pretty sure they’re a different cut. I prefer the girl style – less boxy and fit boobs better.
@The_Ausmerican Oh! Then I totally agree. That’s silly.
“Deliver business value rather than just products.” Can’t argue with that. #auscrum
“That’s why we go to Agile – because we don’t want to work with project managers. Ha! Saw @msmorrisk’s head snap up. 🙂 #auscrum
A menstruation joke? *wince* #auscrum
@knitterjp An otherwise good preso, but some of the “jokes” were a bit cringeworthy.
RT @msmorrisk Management 3.0 Meddlers fun at #auscrum // Oh! That’s my nose in lower-right corner. Really.
@imdominating “Rode Hard, meet Put Away Wet.” Did you get to that one yet? LOVE IT.
How to be exhausted: start a new full-time job right after Daylight Savings Ends. WHERE DID THE SUNSHINE AND FUN GO?
@Helen__H Just feeling like total sensory overload! Scrum was good. Especially liked keynote and cool talk on how Transport NSW went agile.
@Helen__H Met several Atlassian folks too!
Ha! Just got SMS from gardener: “Dropped off plants, as you’ve probably seen…” What? Oh yeah! Out there in the dark. We totes missed them.
@drkknits Oh thank god. In the thumbnail, I thought it was a frickin’ beret.
Put a bird on it – corporate style.
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Had to make a slight correction to my name tag. #scrumaus -
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On the inter-office bus to the city. Excitement!
@randomknits I love it!
@ozdj Heading to CBP for the afternoon! You free to say hello? 🙂
@ozdj Yep. Have to leave at 5 though to get to class.
I feel like Buffy on her first day at college.
@drkknits Yes. And everybody else knows what they’re doing and has it all together and I’m flailing. Trying to keep up.
RT @ozdj: Achievement Unlocked: IRL meet’n’greet with @web_goddess. +50XP
@imdominating @TrinityMartinez Did you solve the mystery of Lily’s killer, or was it a total surprise??
Just aced my third IIBA study group test. W00t.
Very sorry to have missed tonight’s #GGDSyd! I’m sure it’s awesome. (Waves at @pyko and @Helen__H and everybody else as bus sails past…)
@drkknits I think the other students are gonna kick my ass.
The lady behind me on the bus is counselling somebody over her mobile, telling them how to pray to God to quit smoking. It’s awkward.
God damn I love Diana Rigg. That’s some perfect GoT casting there. #nospoiler
Made it to #auscrum. Anybody I know here?
Scrum Australia conference! Anybody else here I know? (@ NSW Teachers Federation)
Had to make a slight correction to my name tag. #scrumaus
@Helen__H There are several @atlassian guys sitting right in front of me!
@KurtSolarte Are you here at @auscrum? I’ll be on the lookout for you!
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@JulieKalitis A variation that wears jeans on a Monday?
@randomknits Fast! So much to learn. I’ve never worked in a place that big before. So many acronyms, processes, etc. Team are friendly tho!
On my way home. Brain frazzled, but in a good way. So much to learn! Everybody at @CommBank is so friendly though.
I should also mention that the wardrobe is a win. With what @mrs_sockvictim picked out, I fit right in. Maybe even at the stylish end!
@mrs_sockvictim New shows gave me a blister on my heel though. 🙁
@mrs_sockvictim shoes, that is.
@pixel8ted @mrs_sockvictim Most of it is from Sportscraft at Myer.
@drkknits If you don’t teach her to behave now, she’ll eat some peasant kid in a few years and make all sorts of difficulty for you.
@mrs_sockvictim @pixel8ted Oh, did I make a fashionista faux pas? Am I meant to keep my sources secret? 🙂
@drkknits She totally looks like Drogon there. DRACARIS. Instant foot warmer!
@mrs_sockvictim @pixel8ted Like *I* would ever buy “off the rack”! *flounces*
(Did I do that right?)
RT @CommBank: @web_goddess Hi Kris, we’re glad to hear your settling in well with the team CommBank. We wish you all the best with your …
@redambition @randomknits I have some neon yellow Rowan cotton. No joke. Only like 3 balls though.
@redambition @randomknits No, you’d have to find a lot more somewhere. It’s pretty vile.
Thatcher dead? That’s a good time to shut down the computer and step away from the social media for the night, I think.