Month: April 2013

  • TBA at CBA

    TBA at CBA
    The big news is that today, after three weeks of downtime at home, I returned to the ranks of the gainfully employed!

    My new commute is slightly annoying, mostly because I’m based at Olympic Park (when I’d hoped to be based at Darling Harbour). So I have to take the train, and it costs twice as much as the bus. But the actual train ride itself is only 20 minutes, and I’m going against peak traffic in both directions so it’s easy and not crowded at all. I’m also getting a little bit of exercise on the 15 minute walk to/from the station. So really, it’s not that bad. I’ve just been spoiled working in the city for the last 4 years and essentially being able to walk to work.

    The offices are pretty darn nice. I’m a little disappointed I don’t get to work at the new FUTURISTIC office, but this one is only slightly older and it’s still pretty schmick. And hey, last month I had 3 days at my old job with NO ELECTRICITY. Look on the bright side, right?

    I spent my entire first day just “onboarding” – getting introduced to the team and the company, learning where the fire escapes are, setting up my passwords on everything, etc. Tomorrow I think I’ll be doing more of that, likely with a big helping of “elearning” as well. There are a lot of acronyms and processes to learn, but thankfully nobody seems to expect me to pick them all up instantly. My manager told me it took him a couple months to feel at home with everything. That was reassuring.

    The culture shock is pretty big, but I don’t think it’s bad. I think it’s less about “corporate” stuffiness and more just about the fact that it’s a massive company. It’s literally hundreds of times larger than any place I’ve ever worked for. I spent like 20 minutes cumulatively today trying to figure out what actual department I’m in. (For the record, it’s Enterprise Services – which is basically internal I.T. – and then Implementation and Process Delivery. I think. I saw a lot of acronyms that I’m still deciphering.) Everybody has been friendly though, and nobody asked me to fill out a TPS report. (Yet.) My new clothes fit in just fine – though I’ll admit I was skeptical when I saw several people come through the lobby this morning dressed in jeans. (They weren’t on my floor though, which makes me think they may be the developers.)

    Mostly I’m just trying to hang in there, stay positive, and not to give in to imposter syndrome. They hired me because they think I’ll be an asset, dammit! I told the Snook tonight: I need to stop thinking about it as a job, because a job is something you have to worry about messing up. Instead it feels more like starting college. I’m going to Corporate BA School, and I’m going to learn a lot of marketable skills that will give my career a massive boost, and the best part is that they actually pay me to go! So I’m lucky, and it’s all worked out so far, and nothing is ruined, and it’s all going to be good.

    But they lock down the Internet pretty damn hard, so I doubt you’re going to get much blogging/tweeting from me during work hours for the foreseeable future!

  • Photo post

    Photo of my first day outfit as styled by @mrs_sockvictim. TOTES PROFESH.
    Photo of my first day outfit as styled by @mrs_sockvictim. TOTES PROFESH.

  • Photo post

    The Adoration of the Petey Cat. Sometimes he loves me...
    The Adoration of the Petey Cat. Sometimes he loves me…

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @witty_knitter @buddhaontheroad @qui_oui Wrong URL, I think. Try this:

    Friggin’ blow-in hipsters in Chippendale. @ The House Speciality Coffee

    @RoseRed_Shoes I was told about these. I am very, very glad they are over there and I am over here.


    @redambition You should. Roald Dahl wrote the screenplay! (It’s ridiculous. Austin Powers mocks this one mercilessly.)

    Laying out my clothes and working out transport for my first day at CommBank tomorrow. Nervous like it’s the first day of school!

    @Helen__H Yep, accepted a Technical Business Analyst role at CBA!

    @Helen__H Ahahaha, I can’t. My IIBA study group is that night. GAHHHH.

    RT @CommBank: @web_goddess Hi Kris, thereโ€™s no need to be nervous, weโ€™re glad to have you on board. Goodluck on your first day!

    The Adoration of the Petey Cat. Sometimes he loves me…

    @witty_knitter Lucky for you, the guild site accepts “Dr.” as a title (thanks to the whinging of @drkknits). Congrats!

    @redambition There was all this weird crap where Dahl claimed to be a spy like Fleming but nobody can prove any of it. I think it’s more…

    @redambition … that he liked fine dining and alcohol and beautiful women, and script doctoring for Hollywood let him indulge that. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @pinkcatknits Welcome aboard. Which branch will you attend?

    @drkknits @knitabulous Until you mind-meld with her and thus she will be your Nymeria. #warg #puppy

    @pinkcatknits Ah, then youโ€™ve picked the best one! And if you come this weekend, youโ€™ll even get my treats for morning tea. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @ozdj No. Because my friend @mrs_sockvictim told me what Iโ€™m wearing on my first day, and itโ€™s a skirt.

    @brittanieshey I like Cover Stories. Hook it up to your Twitter and FB and itโ€™ll pull in all the links people share.

    @pinkcatknits Oh, you can come to 2 meetings as a non-member. Weโ€™re not huge sticklers. And a lot of the Exec come to IC anyway!

    @brittanieshey @shadowbottle Oh, I donโ€™t use it much for RSS reading. I did have it hooked to GReader, and it pulled in my folders.

    @brittanieshey @shadowbottle Ah. Yeah, Iโ€™d say its probably not what you want. Iโ€™m using @TheOldReader and liking it so far!

    Managed about 6hrs sleep, which is good considering I’m such a worrier. Getting dressed. Thanks for all the well-wishes!

    @misswired Haha, usually but not today! Got good tips on nearby cafes.

    So far I’ve learned: Walk on the OTHER side of Lawson St. The trains aren’t crowded going west. And $8.80 return – WTF?! #onmyway

    Photo of my first day outfit as styled by @mrs_sockvictim. TOTES PROFESH.

    I should note that I have proper lady shoes in my bag. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Tried it with the jacket too, but I think it’s still too warm. Left it at home.

    @mrs_sockvictim That’s exactly what I did! Woo! I have passed the first WWMFD test. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @randomknits Jesus. I’ve been very spoiled with my commute the last 4 years, it seems.

    @knitdra @randomknits Yep, slightly better. Free Shuttle would be best though!

    Waiting in the lobby. Hmm. Some of these people do not look very corporate.

  • Photo post

    Friggin' blow-in hipsters in Chippendale.
    Friggin’ blow-in hipsters in Chippendale.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @codepo8 ZOMG SO CUTE WANT ONE.

    @pyko Possibly, depending on the other options. However, IIRC my friend @randomknits was stranded by them a few years ago.

    FFFFUUUUU. Totally forgot about Show pickup. Anybody there??

    OMG. We made it. 15min late, but still able to collect. GOOD GRIEF.

    @aunty_toots @RoseRed_Shoes They closed at 4. We got there at 4:15 and thankfully they let us in! Phew.

    So that was exciting. Sudden crazyfast trip to Olympic Park complete. And hey, I got to see my new office for Monday!

    @drkknits *drool* But I’m back in ketosis and hoping to stay that way… ๐Ÿ™

    John Birmingham just successfully shamed me into buying Game of Thrones on iTunes.

    @SMinney Yeah, I hadn’t realised it was available on iTunes. $3 an episode seems like a fair price to me.

    @SMinney Of course, we don’t have Apple TV so may continue to download anyway since we can play that more easily. At least now no guilt. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @drkknits @randomknits We may still download. Paying just means I won’t feel guilty. ๐Ÿ™‚ (ITunes DRM can be stripped. Google FairPlay.)

    Decided I needed a talisman for New Job Success. Love this stuff.

    No, this is *not* my boyfriend’s computer. LOVE IT.

    @mintie I found the site, but I don’t see it available anymore. ๐Ÿ™

    @drkknits @mintie I figured. It’s cool. I’m braindead too; realised when I got home that I had a tube of it stashed away already. DOH.

    @neil_killick I was born in March. March sucks in the US, and it sucks here. I like summer and winter both equally. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @drkknits I honestly forgot that it existed. Was going to chemist for Zyrtec when I thought of getting. Was paying when I realised I had it.

    @eobeara I can’t justify paying $75-100 a month for cable when there are only 1-2 shows on it I want to see.

    @eobeara Australian free TV is pretty good. BBT is on it several times a week. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @eileenDCoE Pics or it didn’t happen.

    @drkknits @knitdra HERMIONE WINS. Check out my sleep graph from last night. I was basically DEAD.

    @drkknits @knitdra That said, on a normal night I usually wake up 10+ times. No idea why I was in a coma last night.

    @drkknits @knitdra No, no, I simply stuck it to the bulletin board in my office with ALL THE OTHER RIBBONS. ๐Ÿ˜›

    @drkknits @knitdra *snort* My days as a professional (or volunteer, for that matter) knitting ANYTHING are coming to an end, you’ll see.

    @drkknits @lemon_lime @knitdra Nope. No booze, no drugs other than antibiotics.

    @drkknits @knitdra Possibly. It’s on my wrist though, so I likely would’ve noticed. ๐Ÿ™‚

    RT @mpesce: Speaking of #GoT, this just in from @bruces // Brilliant! cc @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim

    @Alacaeriel Yes, got them at 4:15.

    @kateslemay I can’t believe she’s one already!!

  • Mobile Usability for Cats: Essential Design Principles for Felines

    Mobile Usability for Cats: Essential Design Principles for Felines – Heh. Somehow I missed this one on April Fools Day. The Snook was especially amused that Fitt’s Law holds for cats.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @drkknits Who? Oh. You mean Drogon! Yes.

    Coles price their cauliflower by the each. Haha, suckers! #biggerthanmyhead

    @drkknits And now you are truly the Mother of Dragon Puppies.

    @drkknits Damn. According to A Wiki of Ice and Fire, they’re all boys.

    @drkknits Oh wait. Maester Aemon says dragons have no fixed gender. They can change back and forth.

    @drkknits I quite like “Meraxes”, which was flown by one of Aegon’s sisters. Arya mentions it on the show.

    @randomknits Goddamnit Donna every time you talk about a parma I want one too!

    @drkknits @3DogsBums She shall be the Puppy that Will Mount the World! Actually wait, that’s not good.

    @drkknits ZOMG. She looks like Petey Cat, but as a puppy!

    @drkknits Well, Petey is actually “P.D.” for Professor Death. Can you think of a “P.D.” name for her?

    @pyko Flew them to Alice Springs a few years back. Didn’t die. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @pyko Pro tip: pre-pay luggage fees. Friend didn’t and got slugged when she tried to pay at airport.

    @TrinityMartinez @imdominating Just remember: Logan the psychotic jackass is mine.

    @drkknits Flea/heart worm meds?

    @drkknits I order Revolution for the cats from Pets Megastore. Best price I’ve found:

  • A statement from Chaz Ebert – Roger Ebert’s Journal

    A statement from Chaz Ebert – Roger Ebert’s Journal – I still can’t quite believe he died the day after yesterday’s blog post. He was an amazing writer, and definitely my favourite film critic.