Month: April 2013

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    Coles price their cauliflower by the each. Haha, suckers! #biggerthanmyhead
    Coles price their cauliflower by the each. Haha, suckers! #biggerthanmyhead

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @The_Ausmerican Agreed. The big visible zipper is up there with peplums as my most hated fashion trend of 2013 thus far.

    Got antibiotics, took them, and slept on the couch for two hours. Productive day.

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Or even a Georgina Sparks, maybe? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Holy hell. Just bought a pattern for a beaded shawl. You’re all quilting, so my brain has decided to be perverse, it seems.

    @RoseRed_Shoes @miss_reecie Celestarium: Except I’m debating redoing it to be from Southern Hemisphere star chart.

    @Helen__H I love it, personally.

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes I’d shag Jamie in a heartbeat. Now Lancel, on the other hand… *shudder*

    @drkknits But really, I want to be Margaery. I’d be Renly’s beard any day!

  • My Vegan Diet Caused Health Problems. Would Primal, Paleo, Or “Real Food”รฏยฟยพ Be Better? ร‚ยป Kristen’s

    My Vegan Diet Caused Health Problems. Would Primal, Paleo, Or “Real Food”รฏยฟยพ Be Better? ร‚ยป Kristen’s Raw – Wow. A hard-core vegan of over a decade has recently changed her diet. She hasn’t detailed exactly what’s different now, but it sure sounds like she’s moved to more of a “paleo” mindset.

  • A Leave of Presence – Roger Ebert’s Journal

    A Leave of Presence – Roger Ebert’s Journal – Damn. I’d noticed that he wasn’t writing as many reviews this year as he used to. Didn’t realise it was a new cancer diagnosis. That sucks.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    It feels like time for a big change. Red? Red. (@ Travis George Hair Lounge) [pic]:

    @RoseRed_Shoes Ha! Knew you’d say that. It’s going to be a more grown-up red. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @RoseRed_Shoes I wish mine was grey all over instead of just random bits. ๐Ÿ™

    A blonde walked in and a redhead walked out… @ The Broadway Lounge

    Sent photo to @the_snook. He replied: “Thought I had a message from the Prime Minister there!” HAR HAR.

    @handmethepanda Hahahahahaha…

    @drkknits The hipster filter makes it look little more fire engine that it really is. It’s more on the auburn side of the spectrum, really.

    If the point of yarnbombing is that it’s “unexpected,” how about the fact that I now ALWAYS expect it wrapped around dirty light poles?

    New dress is finished, except for the hem. Verdict – hoochie enough?

    The 25 Best-Paying Companies For Software Engineers

    @sherifmansour I’m interested! I think I’m already in your system though. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @crumpet I can only whistle by inhaling. And I’m 2 years older than you.

    RT @washingtonpost: “Women and girls with mental health issues are not picking up semiautomatic weapons and shooting schoolchildren.” ht …

    @venks79 I thought you’d like that. ๐Ÿ™‚

    One problem: I always seem to stretch out bias binding when I apply it. Anybody know tips to avoid that?

    @zephyrama Foot?! I was just pinning.

    @zephyrama Wow! Never seen one before. I use Clover device to make it, but didn’t know about foot to apply it!

    @zephyrama Janome from like 2002.

    @mrs_sockvictim I’m ridiculously sore too. Can’t move!

    If Game of Thrones happened on Facebook: (for @mrs_sockvictim @drkknits @kunaal84)

    @henrytapia You didn’t watch it? Figure every fan in AU either has Foxtel or downloaded already (or read the books). ๐Ÿ™‚

    @henrytapia Then don’t click on obvious Game of Throne links for the next several weeks!

    @henrytapia I don’t believe in spoiler alerts for shows based on 13-year-old books. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @henrytapia If you think a clearly labelled Game of Thrones link counts as a spoiler, you are a sensitive snowflake. It wasn’t “SANSA DIES”!

    @henrytapia Which is not accurate and therefore not a spoiler, so don’t hyperventilate.

    @henrytapia And in all seriousness, without wanting to be spoilery, don’t click any links about season 3 at all.

    @henrytapia If you truly are unspoiled about what’s in store, that’s great. Try to remain that way. But don’t expect people to make it easy!

    Lucy Mentoring Program for women in I.T.: Sounds fantastic! (cc @GGDSydney @pyko)

    @chrisgander @kcarruthers Yep. I even gave a talk on it at a GGD last year and gave away a license @balsamiq had donated!

  • Photo post

    New dress is finished, except for the hem. Verdict - hoochie enough?
    New dress is finished, except for the hem. Verdict – hoochie enough?

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    A blonde walked in and a redhead walked out...
    A blonde walked in and a redhead walked out…

  • Photo post

    Paleo exercise is lifting heavy things. We did that today. In the rain.
    Paleo exercise is lifting heavy things. We did that today. In the rain.

  • The value of ugliness

    The value of ugliness – Interesting article that relates fan art of Brienne from Game of Thrones to this idea that women must be beautiful to be seen as competent. It’s something that I’ve been thinking about as I prepare to enter the corporate world. How much makeup do I need to wear? If I wear the wrong shoes, will they think I don’t know what I’m doing?