Month: May 2013

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    Me: “Now I’ve got autographed photos from Darth Vader, Captain Typho, AND Obi-Wan Kenobi!” @the_snook: “NEEERRRRRDDDDD!”

    Beer with a view. (@ Commonwealth Bank Place) [pic]:

    Beers with Googlers. (@ Pyrmont Point Hotel)

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    The facilitator said I could knit. Consequently, I think I’m having more fun than @mandy_scott. 🙂

    @randomknits Wow. Hey, congrats on making a decision! I’m sure it’ll work out for the best.

    Who’s going to M&S tonight? (Is the Sale on?) @knitterjp @Yarna_ @aunty_toots

    @knitterjp @Yarna_ @aunty_toots I believe the elusive Kelly Vincent will be joining us at the Bowlo…

    @knitterjp @Yarna_ @aunty_toots …possibly with Ewan McGregor’s chest hair for me. ANTICIPATION. 🙂

    @knitterjp @RoseRed_Shoes @Yarna_ @aunty_toots Did you come through the shop? I was in there yapping to Albie. 🙂

    It’s me and @mcgregor_ewan. SQUEEE! (Thank you to Kelly Vincent, who is awesome.)

    @drkknits I asked her for her celeb crush, such that if I ever meet the person, I can return the favour. She’s having a think. 🙂

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    Um, it's me and Ewan McGregor. SQUEEE! (Kelly Vincent is the best.)
    Um, it’s me and Ewan McGregor. SQUEEE! (Kelly Vincent is the best.)

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    GAHHHH. Every knitter in the Guild suddenly feels very strongly about having a single room. I am tearing my hair out.

    @drkknits I assumed that tight-arsedness would rule the day. Apparently I’m wrong.

    Just want to be clear – not bad mouthing those who prefer privacy! I sleep better alone too. I’m just surprised how many are upset.

    @marcooda Fitbit Aria. I’ve been using a Fitbit One since January, so interested to add in more data.

    @drkknits @randomknits Hey mean girls! I never said that. 🙂

    I think I overdid it walking home yesterday. Feel like my cold has relapsed. So sleepy, yet I have 8 hours of training videos ahead. 🙁

    Final day of training! (@ Symantec House)

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    @RoseRed_Shoes While wearing shitkickers, you have an obligation to kick shit, you know.

    @Helen__H Exciting! Take pics!!

    I bought an Internet-enabled set of bathroom scales today. WTF is wrong with me. This is Quantified Self MADNESS.

    @pixel8ted I strongly considered it but went with Fitbit Aria as I already have their One tracker and like the app/website.

    Haven’t felt like myself for 2 months. Coincidentally the length of time at new job, and also when I started new drugs. Too many variables.

    @witty_knitter I don’t plan on it actually tweeting my weight. I do have some limits.

    @witty_knitter Not ruling it out though. We’ll see. It’s less about privacy (I don’t care) and more about spamming you all. 🙂

    @randomknits You’ll just get a kidney stone. That’s what the Snook always tells me.

    @knitterjp @witty_knitter The Internet is not actually the point. It’s the connectivity that allows it to sync with the tracking app I use.

    I do love a good “Eat the rich” flame war before dinner…

    MOAR training! (@ Symantec House)

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    Gave myself one more day at home to recover from cold. Sadly, the Snook says I can’t watch Arrested Development without him. 🙁

    RT @johnallsopp: Yes. Oh yes. // Agree 100%. One of my pet peeves.

    RT @designsponge: And with this, I am back in love with Taylor Swift: // cc @RandomKnits @drkknits

    RT @PeterHabib: Finally the REAL news: @JuliaGillard loves Game of Thrones PM tells @GuardianAus. FYI PM I’m a fan of Jon Snow.…

    RT @BlueDropAwards: Best Political Website: by @Sitback // Hey, I worked on that! A lot! Woo!

  • Blog post vs. blog: This blog post is not a “blog.”￾

    Blog post vs. blog: This blog post is not a “blog.”￾ – Oh hell yes. This is something that annoys me a lot too. And as an old school blogger, I think I have the right to pull rank here!

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    Replenishing the protein stores. (@ Establishment 218) [pic]:

    Now I know where to get crocodile tail fillets, in case my Dad ever comes to visit. @ Establishment 218

    @misswired The Snook isn’t a big fan of croc, so we gave it a pass in favour of beef cheeks.

    Managed to leave the house for two hours to drive SheldonSnook to meats and Bunnings. And now I’m going to collapse again…

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    Now I know where to get crocodile tail fillets, in case my Dad ever comes to visit.
    Now I know where to get crocodile tail fillets, in case my Dad ever comes to visit.