Month: May 2013
Elkhart restaurant putting elk on the plate for diners | Dining A La King – Must remember to try this the next time we’re in Indiana!
Shared today on Instagram: Um, it’s me and Ewan McGregor. SQUEEE! (Kelly Vincent is the best.)
Favorited today on Twitter: latikambourke: The most blunt. honest but sensitive piece on obesity you might ever read: You can follow me here.
Blog post vs. blog: This blog post is not a “blog.”￾ – Oh hell yes. This is something that annoys me a lot too. And as an old school blogger, I think I have the right to pull rank here!
Shared today on Instagram: Now I know where to get crocodile tail fillets, in case my Dad ever comes to visit.
Favorited today on Twitter: catspyjamasnz: How to get more likes on Facebook – The Oatmeal You can follow me here.
Favorited today on Twitter: atlassian: Learn 4 fast ways to link to content in #Confluence: You can follow me here.
Shared today on Instagram: Colour-blocking on a really icky, grey, rainy day.
Favorited today on Twitter: cmdrtaco: Open floorplan offices make workers unproductive, sick and sad? designsponge: A peek inside the (new) Arrested Development sets!!! Well done, @housebeautiful You can follow me here.
Favorited today on Twitter: tammypetro: How to Be a `Woman Programmer´ @catehstn What do you think? You can follow me here.