Month: May 2013

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    Basket weaving class reluctantly cancelled. Now sniffling on the couch while @the_snook makes me brekkie.

    Today: sleep, eat, blow nose. Repeat.

    @ronshedgehogs It’s just karmic retribution for stealing one of the Hunt legs last night from @the_elmerfudds. Luke cursed me, clearly.

    11 hours’ sleep and I still feel like death. It’s a good thing we cancelled that knitting outing, @drkknits. πŸ™

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    The Mike & Bruce Hunt 2013 begins! (@ Welcome Hotel)

    @MandBH2013 Columbian Hit Squad, checking in!

    @MandBH2013 OI! There are THREE bun stuffers! Check our photo!

    Team captain @Moodman116 looking dictatorial. #mandbh2013

    My teammates are drinking me under the table! (@ The Sackville Hotel)

    @Jimmysangels @MandBH2013 We think @the_elmerfudds are big cheaterheads!

    I’m at Cat & Fiddle -Rozelle

    Stop #3! (@ The Riverview Hotel)

    @the_elmerfudds We ran REALLY fast!

    Columbian Hot Squad is @Moodman116. We knew the Dawn Fraser connection. Did anybody else?? #mandbh2013

    Abandoning #mandbh2013. Best of luck to the remaining teams!!

    The few, the proud, the Columbian Hit Squad. #mandbh2013 @MandBH2013 @cjtweet65 @Moodman116

    TIL: when competing in a treasure hunt, it’s rather bad form when all the other teams arrive soaking wet & your team is conspicuously dry.

    @the_ppps By which you mean DEVILISHLY CLEVER AND PRESCIENT.

    @the_elmerfudds We were so charmed by the venue we didn’t notice the downpour outside. FOILED!

    @the_elmerfudds Maybe they are already at the end!!


    @the_elmerfudds You came second because you didn’t get to the Sackville in time. Clearly.

    Not good. I’m meant to be going to basket weaving in two hours. Instead I’ve woken up with the onset of a terrible cold. πŸ™

    @drkknits I haven’t been sick in well over a year. A couple weeks of stress and poor eating though… πŸ™

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    @nolim1t @misswired Why LOL? πŸ˜› But yes, of course!

    @MandBH2013 I didn’t get it!!

    @knitterjp @GGDSydney Yes – on my way now!

    Girl Geek Dinner! (@ 321 Kent Street w/ @misswired)

    We had to list our dream job. I said TV show host. Someone else in my group said my actual job. o_O #ggdsyd

    Very impressed to hear about Suncorp’s female CIO. #ggdsyd

    @VenessaHunt Haha, I meant my title, not my actual position. πŸ™‚

    Lisa Phillips talking about empowerment. Realisation: I haven’t been feeling very empowered lately. #ggdsyd

    Suncorp values diversity, because “diversity drives innovation.” Hell yeah. #ggdsyd

    I do love a presentation that includes arts and crafts. #ggdsyd

    “Think about gamification. You know what you probably didn’t think about? Superannuation.” HA! #ggdsyd

    @misswired Yes, we had it as our team name. We were ducks. πŸ™‚

    As usual, I think I was way too loud and annoying at #ggdsyd. I blame @knitterjp for giving me too many beers.

    @drkknits Ugh. Parents.

    @drkknits πŸ˜›

    Best part of #ggdsyd tonight: sharing a toast to the hotness of Alexander Skarsgard with an actual Swedish person.

    @knitterjp You are a BAD INFLUENCE! πŸ˜›

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    Colour-blocking on a really icky, grey, rainy day.
    Colour-blocking on a really icky, grey, rainy day.

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    @Illdrinn Just discovered that my PM at CBA used to work with you – Roy Kravat!

    Team lunch. (@ Stacks Taverna)

    Hey, my nephew Kurt is one of the “millennials” in the @smh today!

    @drkknits I LOVE THE FIRE THINGS.

    Colour-blocking on a really icky, grey, rainy day.

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    @GGDSydney I’ll ask some female geeks at CBA. πŸ™‚

    @toastman @halfwrittentale Ooh, I look forward to meeting her!

    @drkknits Thanks for giving the craving in my stomach a name. Damn. That looks good.

    Finally managed to cross a few items off my To Do list. The last few weeks have been exhausting, and I’ve lost all my oomph.

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    RT @tammypetro: How to Be a β€˜Woman Programmer’ @catehstn What do you think?

    Another day, another training session! (As a school nerd, I don’t mind.) (@ Commonwealth Bank – @commbank)

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    He’s home! Stopping for refreshment. (@ Cafe Ism) [pic]:

    He got us matching Cambridge Satchels, and they’re EMBOSSED! #hipster #squee

    My other pressie – a T-shirt from the London Google office. πŸ™‚

    @rowdyrabbit 15″. Mine’s a backpack; his is just a satchel.

    Damn. Best tasting coffee in two weeks is the first one @the_snook made me at home.

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    He got us matching Cambridge Satchels, and they're EMBOSSED! #hipster #squee
    He got us matching Cambridge Satchels, and they’re EMBOSSED! #hipster #squee

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    Breakfast. (@ Toby’s Estate)

    @nolim1t WHAT?! πŸ™‚

    @nolim1t I knew I should’ve haggled harder.

    @nolim1t Really good! I got Telstra to double my data as I’m using it too fast now. πŸ™‚