Month: May 2013

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    @RoseRed_Shoes @miss_reecie I will work for you. I love it too!

    I made a new friend at the training session today. He was Indian. This vaguely made me feel like I was cheating on @kunaal84.

    @kunaal84 He reminded me of you, except he played golf and was a BA. It was Bizarro Kunaal!

    Thank you @randomknits for the lovely surprise in the postbox tonight! I owe you a pumpkin pie or something. πŸ™‚

    Mr Snook has discovered, with less than 9 hours left in London, he gets a 20% discount at the Cambridge Satchel store. WAHHHHH!

    @drkknits @JennaPrice I wish he hadn’t said. He’s meant to go on an outing with his team to the Science Museum and then boating on Thames.

    Please be upstanding for the Mayor of SleeveLand.

    Eurovision is great. It prompted me to finally learn how to mute hashtags in Tweetbot!

  • Photo post

    A beardy hipster in a handknit cardy riding a share bike through London. *swoon*
    A beardy hipster in a handknit cardy riding a share bike through London. *swoon*

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    @drkknits Mr Snook bought a flat wool cap in London and sent me a photo of him wearing it and grandpa cardy. #unapologetic #hipster

    @drkknits No, but for sleeping he wears a Kenyan sarong called a Kikoy. Not kidding.

    @drkknits That’s it. An affectation he picked up from a Kenyan in college.

    @miss_reecie But is it actually #Amish, or did you buy $300 worth of Liberty to cut up?

    Power suit and eyeliner. YOU’RE FIRED.

    @surrenderdotty Hahahaha… I’m so stealing that for my next one.

    RT @DoTheDip: New birthday special! The Mac & Cheese Dawg! Mac & Cheese, onions, pickles and ketchup piled on to one…

    @knitterjp @smark31 @aunty_toots I’m just packing up now! Walking from DH so there soon

    @knitterjp @smark31 @aunty_toots I’m at Bowlo by myself!!

    Beer and pizza. IF MY FRIENDS WOULD ARRIVE. (@ 99 York St)

    The blanket has been handed over to Anna! There may have been some tears.

    If I were a Dick Tracy villain, my name would be Carb-Face.

    @drkknits I just got a perfect score, a-hole! Stop mansplaining to me! Bwahahaha…

    @drkknits This is totes stupid but it also made me laugh:

    RT @liztayau: Tax Office tests e-tax for Mac: (May 16 2013) To launch in late June.

    @Ezzles Yay! Although I think the second half of the night is funner, when we retreat to the Bowling Club. πŸ™‚

    @Ezzles I think so, but a lot of folks wander in later as they get out of work.

    A beardy hipster in a handknit cardy riding a share bike through London. *swoon*

    @daveoflynn Meet @TimBags of SkySprint…

    Another day of training! (@ Commonwealth Bank – @commbank)

  • If Game of Thrones Took Place on Facebook

    If Game of Thrones Took Place on Facebook – Hahaha, damn these are funny. (Spoilers though, obviously.)

  • Photo post

    Power suit and eyeliner. YOU'RE FIRED.
    Power suit and eyeliner. YOU’RE FIRED.

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    @msmorrisk It was BSP Day 1. Still crossing things off my onboarding checklist. πŸ™‚

    What would make a person smell like toilet bowl cleaner? It can’t be perfume. Mouthwash? Nicotine gum? It’s driving me crazy. #holdbreath

    @witty_knitter @drkknits Ooh, I shall have to follow both of you on there.

    @awkwordly I’m pretty sure I have a family picture with @imdominating as a child in that exact getup.

    @drkknits @witty_knitter Yes. You can click “share” on any post and it will come up in a section called “Following” for your friends!

    RT @andrewsayer: Google unveils Hangouts: a unified messaging system for Android, iOS, and Chrome | The Verge –

  • F Stop Lounge | Real Women: Forget the Disney Princesses

    F Stop Lounge | Real Women: Forget the Disney Princesses – Cutest photo project ever involving a 5yo girl. Now I want to dress up as Susan B. Anthony too!