Month: May 2013
Favorited today on Twitter: kyliemmason: Everyone Else Is Doing Something Great Except Me: mindykaling: "@nytopinion: Angelina Jolie on why she had a double mastectomy, and how it can save lives:" a must-read for women! You can follow me here.
Shared today on Instagram: Hermione won a prize for participation. 🙂
Favorited today on Twitter: lif_au: Five Best Coffee Makers – You can follow me here.
Shared today on Instagram: What else would you wear to see the new Star Trek movie? #livelongandprosper
Shared today on Instagram: This is civilised.
Favorited today on Twitter: imdominating: I had a grown ass manchild blow me a kiss using both hands because I fixed his Ed Hardy sunglasses. I’m not very proud of either of us. You can follow me here.
Shared today on Instagram: They’re putting out flowers for the Buddha’s birthday.
Binder Clip Bag New at LitKids: Little Bo Peep
Shared today on Instagram: It felt like the day for purple tights.
Shared today on Instagram: The blue ribbon vest made its first appearance in Corporate Land…