Month: May 2013

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    Hermione won a prize for participation. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @RoseRed_Shoes Are you joking? It’s a yoyo! ๐Ÿ˜›

    @RoseRed_Shoes I needed a time turner today. This training course is sapping my will to live. At least it’s Tim Tam tea break time.

    RT @nytopinion: Angelina Jolie on why she had a double mastectomy, and how it can save lives: // WOW. Must read!

    @CommBank Yikes! There’s some Lorem ipsum visible on that page (mobile version, anyway).

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    Hermione won a prize for participation. :)
    Hermione won a prize for participation. ๐Ÿ™‚

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    @drkknits That’s the joy of cats. They sleep 20 hours a day. GUILT FREE.

    @drkknits Why are you watching the WRONG SHOW. There is ASS TO BE DISCUSSED.

    Realisation: @Cmdr_Hadfield : me :: Astronaut Mike Dexter: Liz Lemon. (I think it’s the mustache.)

    Training day. Let’s do this. (@ Commonwealth Bank – @commbank)

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    What else would you wear to see the new Star Trek movie? #livelongandprosper

    Star Trek. LOVED IT. (@ Dendy Cinemas – @dendysydney w/ 4 others) [pic]:

    .@janiematts Froyo is the new cupcakes, clearly.

    @drkknits GODDAMIT. Twitter preview hid it, so I was confused, so I clicked.

    Angel series 3 – Does Fred ever stop being fricking annoying? Because she’s making me want to stop watching.

    After much tech fail, ended up holding iPhone (with Snook on FaceTime) to landline so he could wish his Mum a happy Mother’s Day.

    @mpesce I agree. The only folks I’ve talked to who didn’t like it weren’t Trek fans and didn’t get the references. I mean – TRIBBLE!

    Another Monday, another mass shooting, another day of incredulous Aussies asking me if everyone in the US really is a gun-toting nutbar.

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    What else would you wear to see the new Star Trek movie? #livelongandprosper
    What else would you wear to see the new Star Trek movie? #livelongandprosper

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    Post Knitters Guild lunch… (at @OrtoTradingCo) [pic]:

    This is civilised. @ Orto Trading Co.

    @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @knitdra I finished all of Angel season 2!

    “Dinklage is the new Van Dyke. *Terrible* accent, but at least it’s fun!” HA.

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    This is civilised.
    This is civilised.

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    @kunaal84 Congrats on winning! Fun night. A bit more on the techie/dev side than the last one.

    Finally explored the mysterious “strong hazelnut” button on the work coffee machine. YUM. I think it’s got sugar involved though.

    They’re putting out flowers for the Buddha’s birthday. @ Tumbalong Park

    New iPhone is all set up! The spirit of Steve was clearly with me. (cc @nolim1t)

    @nolim1t Syncing with fitbit worked great too! Pretty painless.

    I bought the cats a present. As expected, they won’t go near it.

    I feel rather bereft here without a dog, child, or bearded man beside me. #sadhipster (at @EveleighMarket) [pic]:

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    They're putting out flowers for the Buddha's birthday.
    They’re putting out flowers for the Buddha’s birthday.

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    Who’s going to @atlassian Sydney user group tonight? Guessing @StuartCRyan will be there. (@Helen__H?)

    It took me five weeks to notice the giant flowerpots.

    @witty_knitter It’s a bridge between two buildings. There’s a giant chess set right before it.

    @nolim1t Nah, I’ve got lots of accessories. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @nolim1t Nah, I’m not a fancy photographer like you. ๐Ÿ™‚

    User Group night! #sydaug (at @Atlassian)

    Saying goodbye to @DhyanaScarano at #sydneyaug!

    @clepetit @DhyanaScarano And where are you? I was hoping for more derp jokes!

    Aww. They got @DhyanaScarano flowers and @atlassian Havaianas! #sydneyaug

    Learning about continuous integration and delivery at #sydneyaug…

    @randomknits I know. It’s gone so fast. Can’t believe it.

    Thinking about using Bamboo to build Bamboo broke my brain. #sydneyaug

    Now learning about distributed version control systems. I wish @kunaal84 was here! #sydneyaug

    @DhyanaScarano @clepetit The beers here must be faulty. I don’t feel drunk either. I’m totally following this talk on DVCS (I think).

    Not much tweeting happening at #sydneyaug tonight. @StuartCRyan is doing too much schmoozing as the new host. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @tirsen @carlfish Undertones? There are like two girls in the whole book. There’s a naked shower grappling scene! Bean totes wanted Ender!

    @DhyanaScarano You need to follow @LearnXDGerman. Youโ€™ll be speaking auf Deutsch in no time!

    53 Arrested Development Jokes You Probably Missed. (Not me. I knew nearly all of em!)

    RT @imdominating: I had a grown ass manchild blow me a kiss using both hands because I fixed his Ed Hardy sunglasses. I’m not very proud ofโ€ฆ

    @tirsen I read it before I knew he was a loony. The first one and sequel are pretty good. Then they get very very Mormon.

    Come on, self. Get up and go meet @nolim1t so you can get your new iPhone!

    @nolim1t On my way from Broadway. There very soon.

    Meeting up with @nolim1t to buy his old iPhone! (@ My Sweet Memory)

    When you buy a user iPhone from @nolim1t, he keeps it in such pristine condition you still get to unbox it!

    I wore a scarf. Whenever I wear a scarf, I feel like @mrs_sockvictim, ie. TOTES FETCH.

    @mrs_sockvictim I knew you were gonna say that.