Month: May 2013

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    It felt like the day for purple tights.

    @BorkInDaRidge Caffeine is an appetite suppressant, I think. But only if you don’t load it up with sugar and cream/milk!

    @BorkInDaRidge Could just be a plateau. It sucks. Try using measurements rather than weight. Maybe you’re putting on muscle!

    @nolim1t Okay – $450, pending approval that there’s nothing wrong with it! I trust you to take better care of iDevices than most though. 🙂

    @nolim1t I figure you’re more trustworthy than the average eBayer! When can we meet up? Are you able to do a wipe on it for me?

    @nolim1t Sooner the better! I’m running out of space on mine…

    @nolim1t I’ll be at Atlassian User Group tomorrow night. You going? Otherwise will be at Darling Harbour CBA office Friday.

    @nolim1t In the morning? Ugh. So early! Could do on Friday.

    @nolim1t DM me bank details please and I’ll put it through tomorrow.

    @nolim1t Sure, if you like. I’m kris.howard at gmail if you want to invoice me…

    True Blood season 6 trailer! Shirtless Viking vampire alert!

    19 Totally Hygienic Foodbaths // #2 made me LOL.

    @nolim1t Yes – where is the cafe at town hall?

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    It felt like the day for purple tights.
    It felt like the day for purple tights.

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    The blue ribbon vest made its first appearance in Corporate Land…

    So freaking hipster. Drinking a $20 Soju-based cocktail out of a mug. (at @UncleMingsBar) [pic]:

    Even Hermione has her limitations. Turns out “studying” while watching GoT only gets you 8/10 on study group quiz. #ashamed

    @imdominating I have no willpower. I went straight to IMDB to look. Yep. I totally guessed it anyway. I MEAN, DUH.

    @miss_reecie Whoa. How did I miss this?! So happy for you!

    @Justacogitating Wow! No, haven’t seen that. Thanks!

    Had a rare @surrenderdotty sighting on the bus just now!

    Me and Mamaw (my great-grandma) courtesy of my cousin @Justacogitating. Push your damn glasses up, bookworm!

    @nolim1t Thinking of upgrading soon myself. What’s your recommendation? Get the 5 now or wait for next one?

    @nolim1t 4. I’m mostly interested in updated Bluetooth, more storage space, better camera. Wish dock connector didn’t change. 🙁

    @The_Ausmerican I thought there was a difference in the amount of foam or whatever. Work machine has them as separate items.

    @nolim1t Yeah, more that I’ve got a few things – Mophie Juice Pack, stereo – with old connector.

    @nolim1t Do you have any idea how much a 4 is worth? What’s your preferred method to sell?

    @nolim1t What’s the size? 16GB?

    @nolim1t Make it $400 and I’ll give you cash for it tonight. 🙂

    @nolim1t New one is only $200 more, and I’d have warranty. Hmmmm…

    @nolim1t I’ll discuss it with the Snook when he gets up in about 7hrs. If he wants my 4, then I won’t get as much selling his old 3GS.

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    The blue ribbon vest made its first appearance in Corporate Land...
    The blue ribbon vest made its first appearance in Corporate Land…

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    Disappointed that @tobysestate have discontinued “promotion” of free coffee with bean purchase. Tempted to switch to @Mecca_Espresso.

    @johnallsopp Toby’s is more expensive, but I was able to justify it with the “free” coffee. I’d rather save the extra couple bucks tho.

    @redambition But… Reese’s Pieces aren’t chocolate!

    @witty_knitter I use that word a lot, but context is less about sickness and more culture at some offices of working very long hours.

    @witty_knitter @redambition Those are Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups. Different thing. Pieces are like M&Ms, but peanut butter.

    @eileenDCoE It’s the “Kissed by Fire” Club. I’m in it too. If you’re lucky, Jon Snow will mack on you in a cave. That’s the hope, anyway.

    @Lackadazy @imdominating The place was 75% Awkward Females. It was the closest I’ve come to actual Twi-hards. Couldn’t get near him. 🙂

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    @BriWrites I have started that book once a year for like 4 years now. Never managed to make much of a dent.

    That’s odd. It appears “Spend four hours reading the whole Internet” was *not* on my To Do list for today. I could’ve sworn…

    HEY. Is that Ann Veal in Tegan & Sara’s “I was a fool” video?! (Also, T&S programmed Rage this week. #win)

    I had just about concluded that @teganandsara programmed the best Rage ever. And then Like a Prayer came on and my brain exploded.

    @Alex_Manchester Interesting. But I don’t actually want any of those things. Facebook and Google are already too invasive!

    @Alex_Manchester That may be a legit argument. I just think they picked three bad examples of what I’m “missing out” on.

    @Alex_Manchester I’m OCD enough to not need an app to manage my life – I do it! Would need to be hugely useful to merit loss of control.

    Proof that the Snook’s not the only one that cook pork belly in this house!

    The Snook is sending photos as he wanders around Soho. I’m listening to the clothes dryer and getting ready to scoop the litter box. *sigh*

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    Proof that the Snook's not the only one that cook pork belly in this house!
    Proof that the Snook’s not the only one that cook pork belly in this house!