Good grief. Downside of working with lots of contractors – they come to work when they’re deathly ill. This dude’s sniffling is so gross.
RT @dr_nic: Starks making good decisions:
Everybody say bye to @the_snook, who is onboard the A380 and about to head off!
@RoseRed_Shoes @the_snook For the record, I did not put her up to that. 🙂
@drkknits I’m actually feeling quite crappy myself. Maybe the sick guy at work infected me. I might take a pass on quilting tomorrow. 🙁
WIN! @the_snook cleaned the kitchen before he left. Best husband ever.
@drkknits @3DogsBums If you’d named her Drogon, this would have never happened.
The Snook has made it to Singapore.
@geminigrl7680 Aww, thanks. Not at the moment. I hurt my knee last year and its still not better. Can’t even cycle. 🙁
@geminigrl7680 And there’s only 10 episodes. It was fun, but more work putting it together than is expected.