Month: May 2013

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    Wondering where @mrs_sockvictim and @drkknits are?

    @pinkcatknits Sending Breeders email. Can you DM me your email address?

    Sonofa. Knitted for like 7 hours today. Net progress: two rows. Stupid miscrossed cable.

    @drkknits Yep. Again.

    Mr Snook is safe and sound in London.

    Eating my breakfast to the dulcet sounds of cats barfing.

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    Good grief. Downside of working with lots of contractors – they come to work when they’re deathly ill. This dude’s sniffling is so gross.

    RT @dr_nic: Starks making good decisions:

    Everybody say bye to @the_snook, who is onboard the A380 and about to head off!

    @RoseRed_Shoes @the_snook For the record, I did not put her up to that. 🙂

    @drkknits I’m actually feeling quite crappy myself. Maybe the sick guy at work infected me. I might take a pass on quilting tomorrow. 🙁

    WIN! @the_snook cleaned the kitchen before he left. Best husband ever.

    @drkknits @3DogsBums If you’d named her Drogon, this would have never happened.

    The Snook has made it to Singapore.

    @geminigrl7680 Aww, thanks. Not at the moment. I hurt my knee last year and its still not better. Can’t even cycle. 🙁

    @geminigrl7680 And there’s only 10 episodes. It was fun, but more work putting it together than is expected.

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    Thanks, iPhone. I was trying not to think about that.

    So brilliant. I want to CC this to every girl I know.

    Figured it was time to start injecting some Kris Wackiness to the corporate wardrobe.

    @RoseRed_Shoes Heh. @mrs_sockvictim had been wary of the print, but after 3 weeks I knew I’d be safe. Baby steps. 🙂

    @knitterjp I didn’t bring knitting and I can’t stay long, but I could go to the Bowlo for a drink or two… You in?

    @knitterjp @Yarna_ 5:30, most likely

    @knitterjp @Yarna_ I’m packing up now and heading to Bowlo!

    @knitterjp @aunty_toots @Yarna_ I’m gone! Last night with @the_snook for a few weeks. 🙂

    @NessNomster Oh no. New camera??

    @drkknits Gold? Cold?

    Said goodbye to @the_snook for the next two weeks. Take good care of him, London! And now I’m back to being a single crazy cat lady…

  • Photo post

    Thanks, iPhone. I was trying not to think about that.
    Thanks, iPhone. I was trying not to think about that.

  • The Militant Baker: Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls… SO I WILL.

    The Militant Baker: Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls… SO I WILL. – Brilliant. Ignore the title if it bothers you. This should be required reading for all women.

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    @chrisgander Nice! There was a similar blog/website somebody started last year.

    @imdominating I have to vote NO on monkey face boobs.

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Georgina Sparks is AWESOME.

    @drkknits Twitter owns Tweetdeck. Facebook owns Instagram. Twitter hates Facebook. Ergo, they yanked Instagram integration.

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes The answer to every “Why is Chuck wearing that?” question is always “Because he’s Chuck Bass.”

    Hobbit with Thorin Oakenshield and Kunaal! (@ Hayden Orpheum Picture Palace w/ 7 others) [pic]:

    Huh. Thorin is HOT in real life.

  • Photo post

    Huh. Thorin is HOT in real life.
    Huh. Thorin is HOT in real life.