Month: June 2013

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    Mixing 1st bread dough in KitchenAid. There’s a lot of play in motor head. Is that normal? It’s actually unlocking itself. @HouseRetailAus

    @HouseRetailAus The top of the unit is not locking securely in place. When kneading, it is jostling itself loose!

    @HouseRetailAus This person seems to have exact same issue: Trying the suggestions there to tighten screw underneath

    @HouseRetailAus Noted. Just adjusting screws to see if that helps.

    @RoseRed_Shoes I thought it was, but will check that next time!

    ARTISAN AT WORK, PEOPLE. #baguette #magic


    For the record, these are DELIGHTFUL. No stinkiness at all!

    The end result: pork shoulder rillettes on French bread. All homemade. DROOOOOOL.

    @janiematts This was 1/4 the price! And I can’t get past impression of Thermomix as baby food maker.

    Unfollowing @Y7News. Sick of clicking on news tweets and getting nothing but video with no indication.

    RT @knitterjp: Have a great day @web_goddess in your new job. I know you will be awesome. See you later today!

    @knitterjp THANK YOU! See you there later! 🙂

    @drkknits @randomknits @knitterjp But she’s not my boss! She traded me!

    At my new job, the sneakers stay ON.


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    For the record, these are DELIGHTFUL. No stinkiness at all!
    For the record, these are DELIGHTFUL. No stinkiness at all!

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    ARTISAN AT WORK, PEOPLE. #baguette #magic
    ARTISAN AT WORK, PEOPLE. #baguette #magic

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    Garden update! Our first pink camellia and a bowlful of lettuce.
    Garden update! Our first pink camellia and a bowlful of lettuce.

  • The Knitting Needle and the Damage Done: Knitscene Fall 2013

    The Knitting Needle and the Damage Done: Knitscene Fall 2013 – I don’t know if my knitting friends are aware of Orange Swan’s blog, but her reviews of knitting magazines are brilliant. I think I need to get this Knitscene.

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    RT @codepo8: The New Yorker celebrates one of the most famous gay couples in TV history on their new cover

    Sausage sizzle and new gumboots. (at @Bunnings Warehouse w/ 2 others) [pic]:

    @misswired Not too bad. Rain keeping people away.

    The Snook insisted we check out Aldi. Everybody raves about Aldi. I found Aldi disorganised and weird. It was, however, CHEAP AS.

    Also, I found Marshmallow Fluff. Which means SOME KNITTERS will be getting WHOOPIE PIES next weekend!

    We are definitely not trendy enough for this place. (@ The Grounds Of Alexandria – @groundsroasters) [pic]:

    @jojoconstance I had a list, but I’d organised it according to my local Coles. I was not prepared for a total lack of logical ordering.

    I think it really ties the kitchen together, don’t you? #kitchenaid #love

    @knitdra Saw them, but didn’t buy. We have a cheap enamel cast iron from Kmart where enamel is flaking off. Snook is skittish now.

    @drkknits HELLS YEAH I’m using the KitchenAid!

    Turkish eggs with beans, yogurt, smoked paprika, pistachios, and toast. SO GOOD. @ The Grounds Of…

    RT @steven_noble: Wow. The new e-Tax for Mac has the same Soviet brutalist hand-typed-in-triplicate feel as e-Tax for Windows. True platfor…

    @tinkabel Haha, I just got that one a month ago when I broke the old one. Breville Factory Outlet FTW!

    @ozdj You’re at The Dip!!

    @jezfletcher Blasphemy.

    Game Of Thrones Memes™’s photo: // Now I know what to get @drkknits and @imdominating for Christmas next year.

    Garden update! Our first pink camellia and a bowlful of lettuce.

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    I think it really ties the kitchen together, don't you? #kitchenaid #love
    I think it really ties the kitchen together, don’t you? #kitchenaid #love

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    @aunty_toots I baked all the things before, just in a more laborious manner. I finally killed the hand mixer this past Monday. 🙂

    @aunty_toots RED to match the kitchen. And I’ve got Wonder Woman decals for it on order from the US. 😀

    It’s my last day at CBA! Monday I start my new role at @Mi9 working on an agile team. Very excited for the future!

    @virtualwolf Three months ago. Went fast!

    .@CommBank Thank you so much! Maybe I’ll be back someday. CBA is a great place to work. 🙂

    Congrats to the @Sitback team on the redesigned Luna Park site! I wrote the spec for that; very cool to see it live.

    @jojoconstance Haha, and I was inspired in turn by my friend @venks79. At this rate, all of Sydney will change jobs this year. 🙂

    @miss_reecie LOVE IT. But yes, you are insane.

    Signing off and heading to my exit interview!

    Computer and security pass handed over. Let’s party! (@ Pumphouse Bar & Restaurant – @pumphousesydney)

    @drkknits I’m sure there is!

    The question is: what recipe should we use to christen our new KitchenAid? DON’T SAY PAVLOVA.

    @randomknits But pumpkin pie comes out of a can! No mixer necessary, really. 🙂

    @drkknits Rodd just yelled from the bathroom: NO CHERPUMPLE!

    @witty_knitter I made them once but I didn’t beat for 15 minutes. Or maybe I did, and that’s why my handmixer died.

    @randomknits @gilmae I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I’ve always wanted to live in a castle! You should totally move there.

    @tinkabel RED! No attachments yet other than the default. 🙂

    @carlfish I read the bit about “explicit” and immediately flashed to the Bilquis chapter. Yikes.