Congrats to the Sitback team on the successful launch of the redesigned Luna Park website! This was one of the last big projects I worked on there, and it’s very cool to see that the spec I wrote has finally come to life. Great job, team!
Month: June 2013
Goodbye CBA
Goodbye CBA
As some of you may have heard, Kris’s Adventure in Corporate Land ends today. It’s been a challenging three months! I’ve made a lot of friends at CBA, and they’re the one reason I’m sorry to go. But the truth of the matter is that I just don’t think I’m cut out to work in financial infrastructure. It’s not that it was too hard; the learning curve was steep but after a month or so I found my feet. I just find it hard to get excited about backend systems. I prefer to work on things that you can see and interact with. And yeah, the working culture is very different to what I’m used to. While I’ve made friends in my department, I haven’t really felt at home in the bank. Part of it was that I’m a contractor, and part of it was the fact that I was shuttling between two offices. I felt a little like a square peg in a round hole. So when the opportunity came up to do explore doing something else, I grabbed it.On Monday I start my new role as Iteration Manager at Mi9 (the digital media company that runs NineMSN* and many other media sites). My friend Jody is the Network Development Manager there, and she’s the one that convinced me to go for the role. It’s a new direction for me! Rather than being a traditional BA, I’m going to be heading up an Agile app development team. (If you want to see what I’m going to be working on, Jump-in!) I’m pretty excited. It’s back into the world of digital and media and apps, which is where I feel most at home. The offices are at Australia Square right in the middle of the CBD, so it’s a very easy commute from Chippo. I’m going to be learning new skills and finally taking on some people management responsibility. The dress code is much more “IT Nerd Casual”. And the role is a permanent one (rather than the contract I was on), so I’ve got a bit more security too. Like, I said, very excited!
So that’s that. I don’t regret my time at CBA; I’d never worked in this type of company or environment before and I think I gave it a good try. I wouldn’t discourage anyone from taking a job here. If you want to work in the finance industry or similar big corporates, I think it’s a great place to be. It just wasn’t a good fit for me.
* For the non-Australians, NineMSN is a joint venture between Microsoft and one of our local TV networks. So yeah, I’m now working for Microsoft! And Snook works for Google! BING VS GOOGLE SHOWDOWN, AMIRITE?
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Chorizo Scotch Egg! -
Shared today on Twitter
Knitters: I just got a message from Anna!! Matthew Wesley Lo born at 12:30 am this morning by C-section. Photos coming soon!
@smark31 I’ve emailed it from my phone. Let me know if that doesn’t work for you…
RT @phillydotcom: Philly-based bloggers @tomandlorenzo celebrate Supreme Court ruling by proposing, reports @phillygossipDN…
Yikes. What if KRudd moves the election to @KnitGuildNSW Camp weekend?!
Official @KnitGuildNSW Camp Update: We’re up to 20+ attendees now. Don’t wait too long to book your spot!
There is *something* on my nose! (Thank you @RoseRed_Shoes!)
Noticed from the lift on my way home: CBA staffers putting a rainbow on the bridge! #unity #equality
@ericscheid 5C? It’s CBA’s offices at Darling Harbour.
@ericscheid Oh. No. I’m an ES BA. ES BA’s are based at SOP mostly, but the project I’m on is at CBP L6. Til tomorrow anyway…
@ericscheid Tomorrow’s my last day! Should’ve told me before. 🙂
@witty_knitter I think so. CBA is great for GLBT rights. There’s a group called UNITY on internal chat with 600 members!
Chorizo Scotch Egg! @ The Duck Inn Pub & Kitchen
@witty_knitter I suspect @ozdj can tell us about it. He is the font of CBA knowledge. Derek – how supportive is CBA of GLBT community?
@randomknits Tweetbot says its been 2 hours.
@ozdj Awww, thank you!
RT @ozdj: All the best to @web_goddess on your last day at CommBank. Keep on being awesome as you take on the new gig. Their gain = our lo…
. @aknevitt Have you been hacked? Or did you mean to DM me a diet link?
For the last time as an employee! (@ Commonwealth Bank Place)
RT @the_snook: Houston, Tranquility Base here. The eagle has landed. // KITCHENAID IS HERE! Thanks @HouseRetailAus!
@the_snook That is a bigass box.
@HouseRetailAus @the_snook RED! But it’ll look even better once the Wonder Woman decals I ordered from the US arrive. 🙂
@HouseRetailAus @the_snook Will do!!
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There is *something* on my nose! (Thank you @RoseRed_Shoes!) -
Paraplegic mum goes duct-taped surfing on South Australia’s West Coast | The Advertiser
Paraplegic mum goes duct-taped surfing on South Australia’s West Coast | The Advertiser – This is pretty much the sweetest thing ever. I’m so impressed he’s able to get up and stay on the board with her on his back!
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This one’s for Grandpa Harter and Uncle Greg! -
Shared today on Twitter
I just bought Wonder Woman decals for my new KitchenAid mixer. I am such a parody of myself it isn’t even funny.
@aimee_maree On Amazon. Just search for “Amazonian Princess decal”, hilariously. Won’t ship here so my sister will forward to me.
RT @PPact: All eyes are on @WendyDavisTexas–only 4 hours to go! RT if you’ve got her back. #sb5 #txlege
@randomknits HEAR HEAR!!
RT @robbedy: I’d be great at filibustering because I’m amazing at talking when people are trying to get shit done #wendydavis
Trying to get one last shot of the monorail before they shut it down this weekend! #nofilter
RT @MikeElk: RT @valentinasweet This is why I always wear sensible shoes. Because #feminism #standwithwendy
RT @i386: Thank you for serving Prime Minister @JuliaGillard. You did admirably.
From Wendy Davis in Austin yesterday, then the Australian leadership spill last night, and waking up to the DOMA news? Whiplash. But happy.
Donation time! (@ Red Cross Blood Donor Centre Town Hall – @redcrossbloodau)
This one’s for Grandpa Harter and Uncle Greg! @ Red Cross Blood Donor Centre Town Hall
470ml in 6:11! New personal record for blood donation. Go me! #hydrated #havetopee
@drkknits You’re coming to the Bowlo tonight, right?
@drkknits I’ll leave at 5 on the dot and head to 99 York!
@stufromoz They were always going to do that. A symbolic victory and stalling tactics were best we could hope for!
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Trying to get one last shot of the monorail before they shut it down this weekend! #nofilter -
Who’s Behind the Sad, Anonymous Truth of ‘My Startup Has 30 Days to Live’? – Connor Simpson – The At
Who’s Behind the Sad, Anonymous Truth of ‘My Startup Has 30 Days to Live’? – Connor Simpson – The Atlantic Wire – All the guys I know in IT who are too young to have been involved in the dot-com boom keep talking about start-ups. They think it’s the path to riches. I hope they read this.