Month: June 2013

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    @knitabulous Wow! That looks great!

    History in the making. I appear to be the first official visitor to a @KnitGuildNSW meeting, and I’m tweeting to boot!

    RT @witty_knitter: @web_goddess @KnitGuildNSW yay! Kris reported all about the plans for camp! Everyone come to @KnitGuildNSW camp – it’s g…

    @drkknits @miss_reecie I know you think this joke will never get old.

    You are wrong.

    @drkknits @miss_reecie Remember who has the power to allocate your room. I know just the people to share with you…

    @randomknits I can’t wait til my basket weaving class. And then I’ll be an expert in that too! 🙂

    I don’t know how to act at sad family occasions. Being overseas, I’ve missed most of mine. All I can think to do is bake things.

    Pork-Stuffed Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Breasts. #doublemeat #good

    @randomknits And it’s paleo! 😛

    Dear universe: today is going to be grey and sad enough as it is. We didn’t need the extra symbolism.

  • How Long Can You Wait to Have a Baby? – Jean Twenge – The Atlantic

    How Long Can You Wait to Have a Baby? – Jean Twenge – The Atlantic – Interesting reading. It seems the conventional wisdom that those of us on the wrong side of 35 might have a hard time of conceiving isn’t really true. (NO SUBTEXT HERE. I JUST THINK IT’S INTERESTING.)

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    @halfwrittentale Espresso machine! Preferably with a handsome bearded man to make it for me.

    @blakkat You still at Y7? I hear through the grapevine that a friend is going for a role there…

    WOW. Hey, @Kat13v – any chance you can help me and @drkknits out with tickets? 🙂

    @drkknits @Kat13v It may involve eating a horse’s heart. I hope that’s not a problem.

    Google For Entrepreneurs Women’s Meetup – 26 June 2013 // cc @knitterjp @mandy_scott @catehstn @pyko

    @mikeefreedom @Kat13v @drkknits I don’t think they’ve gone on sale yet. I am just grasping for any advantage in my Lannister-like way. 🙂

    This is the first time I’ve ever waited in line to get into a Sydney bar. It better be good. (@ The Baxter Inn)

    This place has pretzels. I have a pretzel problem. #enablement

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    Let’s get out of here. The usual suspects going to knitting? @knitterjp @smark31 @Yarna_ @aunty_toots @1funkyknitwit

    I am so tempted by the Marimekko Chuck Taylors at Hype. So, so tempted.

    @RoseRed_Shoes You would say that. You’re such an enabler!

    @RoseRed_Shoes But I have three pairs of Chucks already. I can’t justify it!

    A Grand Designs I haven’t seen before? With lesbians? YES!

    @witty_knitter They have separate bedrooms? Is this a thing?

    @witty_knitter Rodd says he suspects it’s an Older British Person thing. I kinda like it.

    @mrs_sockvictim @Yarna_ @smark31 @knitterjp Check Rav. I changed the name of the group. 🙂

    Knitters: check out today. Very nice! Except @google got the start date of Australian winter wrong…

    @laimelde Yes, in the US we go by equinoxes and solstices. But not here.

    @KTunravels Nah, June 1st. But I usually get the doona out by ANZAC day. Sydney is colder than people realise (esp without central heating).

    @surrenderdotty @google Yeah, but the actual search text is “First day of winter”. No Australian staff would have actually approved that!

    @laimelde Yep. Australia is the only place I’ve ever been that doesn’t! I’m guessing tomorrow in N Hemis it will refer to Summer there.

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    @randomknits @gilmae We’re going to the Sunday arvo game. Sitting in the cheapest seats in the outfield…

    @Illdrinn My maternal grandmother is Korean, but typically I didn’t like the good growing up. Now I love it! Amuses her greatly. 🙂

    @gilmae @randomknits I’m fairly certain that I’ve had $4 tickets to see the Cubs at Wrigley before. But then, they usually suck.

    @gilmae @randomknits Crap. I’d been thinking at least SCG was smaller, but no, it has more capacity than Wrigley. *sigh*

    @randomknits @gilmae Wow, so quick!

    Wooden escalator at Wynyard. I’ve never seen another!

    RT @uncrate: DuClaw Sweet Baby Jesus Chocolate Peanut Butter Porter Beer // Yes, please!

    Talked to my grandparents for 1st time since stroke. They’re home and he’s doing ok, but grandma sounds so tired. I wish I could help.

  • Photo post

    Wooden escalator at Wynyard. I've never seen another!
    Wooden escalator at Wynyard. I’ve never seen another!

  • Cabbage Patch Kid Wigs

    Cabbage Patch Kids wigs for babies go viral – I LOVE THESE. I wonder if I can make one for my sister’s new baby later this year?

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    I’m going to suggest the next Guild Camp is hosted at a five-star resort in the Seychelles. Private room? HAVE AN ISLAND.

    @drkknits I’ll see if Ketut is available.

    RT @brockleyboyo: “@jonholmes1: Playful tiff”

    RT @NeuroPolarbear: Proposed new internet slang: BPW;DR. Means, “behind paywall, didn’t read”.

    Man. Sometimes having the end in sight actually makes it even harder to struggle on.

    Once again, @ColettePatterns releases a new sewing pattern and I must buy it immediately. Hawthorn is so pretty!

    @Illdrinn I love Maangchi! The pork bulgogi is a regular fixture at my house.

    @randomknits That is the question. I think I need it.

    @randomknits I was actually thinking about that crazy pink cat fabric. 🙂

    Baseball tickets have been purchased! Baseball! In Sydney! In 9 months!

    @chrisgander Yep, Dodgers vs Diamondbacks. 2 games at SCG next March. Just went on sale! It was in the newspaper last week…

    @chrisgander No idea on teams – I don’t follow it much. Cheapest tix are $70!