Month: June 2013

  • Shared today on Twitter

    In honour of the PM, I’m rocking some truly awesome cleavage today. But in honour of my Dad on US Father’s Day, you’re not getting a photo.

    Liberty Print Sneakers. Oh, yes.

    MetaQuilter – I’m finished! 12 different quilt blocks over the course of 18 months. A retrospective:

    @drkknits @randomknits HERMIONE IS NOT AMUSED.

    @randomknits @drkknits And yes, I am rocking a plush tiger dressing gown and drinking red wine. Classy, I know.

    @RoseRed_Shoes I don’t think anybody is remotely close to finishing theirs!

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @randomknits HAHAHAHA, IT TOTES IS.

    @randomknits @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Sometimes @the_snook does. But then, he’s a bogan.

    RT @CecileRichards: Love that 4 of the 8 new astronauts @NASA named today are women – the highest percentage ever:

  • Deep Fried It’s It

    How to torment your pregnant sister: link to a tutorial for making a Deep Fried It’s It.

  • MetaQuilter – Finished!

    MetaQuilter – Finished!
    What a long, long eighteen months it’s been! Way back at the end of 2011 I signed up for a quilting group through MetaFilter. There were 16 of us in the “adventurous” group, and every month a different person would send out fabric and instructions for making a block. Of course a lot can happen over 16 months, and four of the people ended up dropping out. The pace started to slow towards the end as well, so I finished well after the scheduled end date (and I think I’m still the first one done). Ultimately I ended up making 12 blocks (counting my own) using a lot of different techniques! Check it out…

    Metaquilter - Finished

    1. Jan 2012 – Nonesuch by ocherdraco; 2. Feb 2012 – New York Beauty by katemonster; 3. Mar 2012 – Earn Your Stripes by amelioration; 4. Apr 2012 – Half Log Cabin by bayliss; 5. May 2012 – Cathedral Floral by heyforfour; 6. July 2012 – Fractured Diamond by lollusc; 7. Aug 2012 – Redwork by rumposinc; 8. Nov 2012 – November Rain by vespabelle; 9. Grandmother’s Garden by ME; 10. Jan 2013 – Celtic Bias Tubes by nat; 11. Mar 2013 – Dresden Plate by medeine; 12. Cathedral Windows by artychoke

    Many, many thanks to ocherdraco (aka Margaret) for setting up the group; and for everybody who saw it through to the end!

  • With access to free massages, arcade games and wave pools how does anyone find time to do any work a

    With access to free massages, arcade games and wave pools how does anyone find time to do any work at Google HQ? | Mail Online – I really shouldn’t have looked. You probably shouldn’t either. (But what’s up with that quote from Marissa? She doesn’t even work there anymore!)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @toastman Considering using Birko urn to try sous vide. Lots of folks have hacked urns. But why? It has thermostat. At idea? Go for it?

    DIY sous vide is happening. Will it be GOURMET BOTULISM? Only time will tell.

    @toastman We chickened out on Birko; went with Serious Eats method of Ziploc in an Esky water bath. Will post results later!

    @witty_knitter @SandraHW YAY, WELCOME BACK!

    Sous vide steak success!

    Tested out my new Silpat with Maple Pecan Refrigerator Cookies!

    @Lauren_lolly_ These are branded differently too – got em at Costco. Clearly the same though! Worked great on cookies.

    RT @Orange_Swan: For Father’s Day, a selection of #knitting patterns just for men. #theknittingneedleandthedamagedon…

    Monday. Heading to Olympic Park for a 9am meeting. Just found out my Grabdad had a stroke last night. (He’s okay.) BLEURGH.

    @chrisgander Seems to be. Mom said he’s up and eating. He’s a tough guy.

  • The Elaine Benes Look Re-appears as New York Style –

    The Elaine Benes Look Re-appears as New York Style – – I’ve been re-watching Seinfeld lately and found myself admiring Elaine’s style. I’ve always been a fan of the chunky, comfortable shoe, and some of hers are great. (I want those two-tone loafers!) That said, this article is kinda ridiculous and the bit about Chloe Sevigny made me laugh and laugh. OF COURSE she doesn’t have a TV. *snort*

  • Photo post

    Sous vide steak success!
    Sous vide steak success!

  • Advent of Google means we must rethink our approach to education | Education | The Observer

    Advent of Google means we must rethink our approach to education | Education | The Observer – I get what he’s driving at, but I still believe that literacy and numeracy are essential to being a good, smart human being. Yes, your phone can do math. But if you can’t make change or calculate a tip without it, I will continue to think you’re an idiot (no matter how well you can search Google). And hey, doesn’t his entire argument assume that you will ALWAYS have access to technology? What happens if you’re stranded in the mountains or a storm knocks out all the power or the zombie apocalypse comes? I’ll be over here using MATH to make my shelter, and you can go “collaborate” in a cave.