Month: June 2013

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    GOOD LORD. Discovered Dr. Amy was crook. Trod in her own wet poo and tracked it all through the house. Jumped right on my US tax papers…

    …found her on the bed, poo all over the quilt. Yowled when we held her down to clean her up. Had to trim some fur off. Vacuum, mop, etc…

    So now I know what it feels like when parents have a diaper explosion. *shudder* Worst start to a weekend ever!

    RT @codepo8: Hipsters who dress like Jackie from Roseanne –

    @redambition We ran out of her fave dry food so they’re getting just wet right now. I think she’s adjusting.

    Heliostat – up close! It’s Open Day at the brewery development. @ Central Park

    Brunch with Sofie and Rodd! (at @ReubenHills Coffee Roastery & Cafe w/ 6 others) [pic]:

    Teenage dream.

    I have had three excellent parallel parks in a row. Perhaps my latent Howard parking superpowers are finally manifesting!

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    Teenage dream.
    Teenage dream.

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    Heliostat - up close! It's Open Day at the brewery development.
    Heliostat – up close! It’s Open Day at the brewery development.

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    Lamb roast, pumpkin puree, and Brussels sprouts. #domesticgoddess

    Lamb roast, pumpkin puree, and Brussels sprouts. #domesticgoddess

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    Big changes happening. Again.

    @knitdra Nah, it’s actually sad!

    @jojoconstance Yes, I think so! Made a big job decision. 🙂

    @surrenderdotty @witty_knitter @stufromoz @19bk69 Actually the story of how I know Andrew is weirdest of all…

    @surrenderdotty @witty_knitter @stufromoz @19bk69 @lotsofco Yep. I invited a random to Halloween based an blog comments. 😛 And you came!

    @witty_knitter @stufromoz @19bk69 @surrenderdotty I just always assume all The Gays know each other. I mean, you have meetings, right? 😛

    @mikeefreedom I discovered Pogo a year or two ago. It’s brilliant, eh? Great for background listening while coding too.

    OHMYGOD I just realised The Hound from Game of Thrones is the guy in the wheelchair from The Book Club. HOW DID I NOW KNOW THIS. MIND BLOWN.

    Lamb roast, pumpkin purée, and Brussels sprouts. #domesticgoddess

    @mrs_sockvictim You don’t want a realistic looking fake baby to dress up in outfits and sit on your mantle?

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    Spotted in my neighbourhood. Love the Drake! (Actually I have no idea what this sticker means.)
    Spotted in my neighbourhood. Love the Drake! (Actually I have no idea what this sticker means.)

  • before & after: refinished dresser | Design*Sponge

    before & after: refinished dresser | Design*Sponge – Bookmarking. Our new sideboard has some discolouration in a few spots, and I wonder if stripping it would help…

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    The more eagerly you await a specific email, the more junk messages you receive instead.

    RT @jodiemoule: A few yucks for the GoT fans 😀

    @lemon_lime @kunaal84 @nolim1t @highliketower How am I not following Geoffington?! Rectified.

    @lemon_lime @kunaal84 @nolim1t @highliketower And yes, I’m coming. Celebration time.

    Web Blast. I think most people are only coming to meet @toastman’s missus. (@ Pump House w/ @misswired)

    @drkknits Also, @lemon_lime got his PR! See? Some 457 visa holders can become valued members of society. 😛

    I’ve got a table by the bathrooms, and I got an extra beer for the first of you to arrive. @lemon_lime @kunaal84 @the_snook @highliketower

    Hey, I see @pyko!

    @lemon_lime @drkknits Jamie alone has cost the health care system millions. 😛

    @toastman Your public awaits…

    Late night cheeseburgers. (@ The Abercrombie)

    Interesting. 422 bus has been fitted with grey Opal pads. Covered up for now. #bringiton

    Spotted in my neighbourhood. Love the Drake! (Actually I have no idea what this sticker means.)

    @bezthomas Oh wow. I had no idea! Very interesting…