Month: June 2013

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    “Game Of Thrones” Actors Doing Normal Stuff Is So Weird // For @drkknits and @imdominating

    Kiss me, Ketut!

    @KaisaKaisaKaisa They were handing them out at Geek Girl Dinner at Suncorp last month! They’ve got the AAMI logo on the back.

    @GGDSydney Thanks! Do you know if it’s cool to go if you’re an absolute Ruby noob?

    Chicago in crosshairs of severe weather threatening parts of Midwest // Hope all my family and friends will be okay!

    RT @RealTimeWWII: RAF’s chivalry has let French prepare air defences: planes badly damaged on return attack. 1 flown by young British pilot…

    RT @phoebegoh: “Yahoo will reset inactive accounts this July to free up the user ID you’ve ‘always wanted’”

    @imdominating Yikes! Crossing fingers for you here…

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    Kiss me, Ketut!
    Kiss me, Ketut!

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    Fantastic. Looks like Ariston repairman was able to fix our oven in one visit! Thanks @HarveyNormanAU!!

    RT @aunty_toots: A wonderfully condescending knitting article in today’s Tele // And the photog dissed us!

    @blakkat @stamf I would!

    Packed with Googlers. These guys love their free food. (@ Pizza Hut)

    There are multiple people here wearing unironic propeller beanies. We are through the looking glass, folks.

    …And there’s a dude wearing Google Glass. Seriously.

    Bottles of soda and boxes of popcorn on every seat! Nicely played, Google. Nicely played.

    Getting ready to see “The Internship” with 800 Googlers and their +1s. (at @eVent_Cinemas w/ 5 others) [pic]:

    The guy who announced the closure of Google Reader is 3 rows ahead (ie prime popcorn throwing distance). TEMPTATION.

    @chewxy Are you here? Yeah, I’m in cinema 7!

    @chewxy Are you a Googler? I thought you worked with @richbuggy!

    Just spotted @catehstn in the bathroom!

    A blurry shot of me and @catehstn! NOW, MOVIE.

    That movie was RIDICULOUS, and Googlers really don’t need any more boosts to their sense of entitlement. That said, I laughed a couple times

    Like when the Golden Snitch came out. I am incapable of not laughing at a man in a silly costume appearing to the strains of “Jump Around.”

    @jezfletcher Yes. My favourite part was the jealous murmur of the Sydney crowd when they realised Fake Movie Google has pudding cups.

    @drkknits Saw that. Damn. At least I don’t have any of the contributing factors!

    RT @imdominating: Hair drying in its own = take THAT, Superman

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    A blurry shot of me and @catehstn! NOW, MOVIE.
    A blurry shot of me and @catehstn! NOW, MOVIE.

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    Dresden Plate. Slightly wonky. Only one MetaQuilter block to go!

    Cathedral Windows. The very last MetaQuilter block. I’M DONE!

    That is not how I would have written the 3rd season finale to Game of Thrones.

    @drkknits It didn’t have any of the bits I wanted to see. My favourite scene was the one with the sausage.

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    Dresden Plate. Slightly wonky. Only one MetaQuilter block to go!
    Dresden Plate. Slightly wonky. Only one MetaQuilter block to go!

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    A fashionably late breakfast at Chippo’s newest cafe with Rodd. (@ Something for Jess) [pic]:

    We made it home with our new piece of furniture. We nearly killed ourselves getting it inside though.

    Via @nprmusic: OK Go: A Tiny Desk Concert In 223 Takes // LOVE IT.

    We bought ourselves a vintage sideboard today. I absolutely love it.

    @RoseRed_Shoes You are a sex maniac.