“Game Of Thrones” Actors Doing Normal Stuff Is So Weird http://t.co/u5rzy8P9R8 // For @drkknits and @imdominating
Kiss me, Ketut! http://t.co/vqfgF5pV1O
@KaisaKaisaKaisa They were handing them out at Geek Girl Dinner at Suncorp last month! They’ve got the AAMI logo on the back.
@GGDSydney Thanks! Do you know if it’s cool to go if you’re an absolute Ruby noob?
Chicago in crosshairs of severe weather threatening parts of Midwest http://t.co/jeNQRuhcDj // Hope all my family and friends will be okay!
RT @RealTimeWWII: RAF’s chivalry has let French prepare air defences: planes badly damaged on return attack. 1 flown by young British pilot…
RT @phoebegoh: “Yahoo will reset inactive accounts this July to free up the user ID you’ve ‘always wanted’” http://t.co/LqoRK12SG9
@imdominating Yikes! Crossing fingers for you here…