Month: June 2013

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    After Your Job Is Gone // Fascinating. I plan to be a craftsperson making stuff for the nouvelle Vickies.

    It appears that our oven is broken. Starting to regret buying all our appliances through @HarveyNormanAU. 🙁

    @witty_knitter @knitterjp @randomknits @HarveyNormanAU This is the oven. Cooktop was a few months ago. I think it may be under warranty tho!

    @witty_knitter @knitterjp @randomknits @HarveyNormanAU Manufacturer warranty is 5yr for Ariston ovens, I think. That will be nice.

    @randomknits @witty_knitter @knitterjp @HarveyNormanAU Oh yeah, two callouts in 3yrs so far. Door shattered, and electronics shorted out.

    @Lauren_lolly_ Ariston. Just shy of 3 yrs.

    @HarveyNormanAU Will do. Hubby is calling Ariston first. Confused why HN website says 60m manufacturers warranty but receipt says 2yrs!

    According to Ariston, warranty was upped to 5yrs in Dec 2011. So ours, bought in June 2010, is out of luck. Really sucks. @HarveyNormanAU

    @HarveyNormanAU I’m having trouble getting your contact form to work. Not sure if its our corporate firewall or what. It’s just blank!

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    Everything I Know About Project Management, I Learned from Game of Thrones –

    @chrisgander Actually the first part looked pretty damn fun! Better than the last one, for sure.

    RT @marcooda: Reactions of tonights episode #GoT // SPOILERS, of course. But so funny too…

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    Went to buy a bus ticket this morning and was confronted by Camel Balls. Really.
    Went to buy a bus ticket this morning and was confronted by Camel Balls. Really.

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    WHERE ARE THE ROBUST LADYGARDENS? My Problems With GoT Ridiculously Anachronistic Pubic Hair // Tonks = THE BEST.

    @randomknits I do too! I love all the scrappy ones. 🙂

    RT @RoseRed_Shoes: Ask (sort of!) and ye shall receive @web_goddess // BWAHAHA I love it!

    @randomknits I would be tempted to put on my most American accent and say seriously, “For my gun, of course.”

    Rick Stein’s Slow Cooked Beef Cheeks, courtesy of the Snook. Very, very good.

    @RoseRed_Shoes It was practically a purée!

    @kunaal84 Ugh. That sucks.

    Went to buy a bus ticket this morning and was confronted by Camel Balls. Really.

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    Rick Stein's Slow Cooked Beef Cheeks, courtesy of the Snook. Very, very good.
    Rick Stein’s Slow Cooked Beef Cheeks, courtesy of the Snook. Very, very good.

  • scarfshop | main

    scarfshop | main – I am rather tempted to order a scarf or two to go with my coloured tights this winter. Anybody want to combine orders with me?

  • Arrested Development Tobias Blue Mug Style 1 by abirdinthehand

    Arrested Development Tobias Blue Mug Style 1 by abirdinthehand – I am torn between blogging this because it is AWESOME, or keeping it a secret so I can make one for Kylie for her birthday later this year.

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    Bacon Bacon Cafe forced to shut down due to complaints about… the pervasive smell of bacon. YOU SUCK, NIMBYS!

    The Snook and I have been sitting silently reading the Internet ALL DAY. At some point, it became a contest. Who will break first?