Month: July 2013

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    @crumpet @randomknits @redambition I had no problem with my shipment, but I know others who did. I opted not to go for this one FWIW.

    RT @DanielleWarby: .@SamiGrisafe is my new favourite #badass sporty chick! Girl also plays a mean ukelele #YayGay

    Just realised I forgot to send Exec Guild update. Should I pop in to meeting? @SallyPompom @merrinmez @ClareLouise1308 @witty_knitter

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    RT @timparsons: LOVING the new @youdecide9 #youdecide9 leaderboard – check it out ! @mi9 @Channel9…

    Home from funeral, tracky-daks on, cats climbing all over me. It’s rather comforting.

    More aspects of sewing should involve hammers.

    RT @liedra: Congratulations to @Roceal and Adam on the birth of their twins! Much love to you all. // Hear hear!

    So tired. Passed out on the couch. Had – no joke – 50 emails today split between work and Guild Camp. Too tired to respond to any. Sleep.

    RT @JamesCoyne: The perks of being blind –

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    More aspects of sewing should involve hammers.
    More aspects of sewing should involve hammers.

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    The final steps: cuffs and hem. Check out that sleeve placket! Now it just need buttons to finish...
    The final steps: cuffs and hem. Check out that sleeve placket! Now it just need buttons to finish…

  • Go Ahead, Try Drawing an Outline of the Midwest on a Map – Jenny Xie – The Atlantic Cities

    Go Ahead, Try Drawing an Outline of the Midwest on a Map – Jenny Xie – The Atlantic Cities – Fascinating. My map would have looked like the one drawn by those who’ve lived most of their lives in the Midwest. It’s a pretty meaningless designation outside the US though, as nobody over here understands what it means. I always end up specifying “near Chicago.”

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    @drkknits Zumbo makes a version.

    Anybody found a method to track steps and allow competition between friends with Fitbit and Jawbone?

    @catehstn Problem is that I’ve got Fitbit, and friends have Jawbones.

    @drkknits Why do you not have a rice cooker? No Asian household would be without one. 🙂

    @DanielleWarby Added!

    @drkknits I’d give you mine but I still use it occasionally!

    It appears that @Kat13v has also skipped the “interesting fact” part of the Camp registration. We’ll just have to make something up for her!

    Woohoo! Guild Camp is now up to 34 paid attendees! And barely any of my friends have registered yet! *glares meaningfully* #youknowwhoyouare

    @RoseRed_Shoes And you can’t even type on it as I didn’t have Adobe to make it editable! Fail fail fail.

    @RoseRed_Shoes That said, the form itself isn’t important. You can just put answers in an email if that’s easier.

    @redambition @drkknits @rosered_shoes Did I mention Kylie is sleeping in the GoGet van? THERE’S YOUR DAMN PRIVATE ROOM.

    @trudib73 We’ve set the cut off at August 31, unless it fills up earlier. (Still plenty of room though!)

    The final steps: cuffs and hem. Check out that sleeve placket! Now it just need buttons to finish…

    @zephyrama Colette’s version is complicated but works well if you follow step by step.

    Need to find a house/cat sitter for early October. Anybody available? @Ezzles? (Too bad @drkknits has dragons to tend…)

    I love that they named the #royalbaby George, because @the_snook launched right into his Prince George (from Blackadder) impression.

    On the one hand, having a lie-in on Thursday is an unexpected treat. On the other hand, we’re going to a funeral.

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    Whoa! Just discovered 5 more registrations for @KnitGuildNSW Camp! Sneaky @ClareLouise1308 recording them secretly… 🙂

    @misswired @esmewatson Don’t talk to me about knitting. I’m stuck on an endless pair of sleeves and it’s KILLING ME.

    Incident with mandolin (the food kind) has rather affected my iPhone usage today. Idea: conductive Band-Aids!

    @randomknits Nah, we’re just over 1/3 capacity now. That said, capacity = 90 which would be unheard of. Aiming for 50.

    @ClareLouise1308 Sweet! I will send out initial responses and update budget later tonight then. Woo!

    @smark31 *narrows eyes*

    Channeling my Appalachian heritage to make a baking soda poultice for a crappy splinter in my left hand.

    @tinkabel I can’t tell. If it came out, it was tiny. Seems to be less sore today. If not out, I’m gonna slice the sucker I guess.

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    MT @amandapalmer: FOLK OF AUS & NZ!! we’re coming to sleigh you in september!!!! // I’ve got a spare for Syd 14/09!

    RT @timparsons: At the @Mi9 Connected Experiences seminar in Melbourne w some great agency peeps – writeup of research here…

    RT @ferretthimself: RT @_terri_jones: Why “creep” is the go-to word to stop sexual harassment. Brilliant.

    RT @dreadpiratemick: Name it Joffrey, just to mess with people.