Month: July 2013

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    Artisanal hipster checked shirt in progress, beard not included.

    Seriously pleased with myself re: how well the plaid lines up! Only problem is how much fabric I wasted in the progress. #stilllearning

    Latte art! I think it’s a horse. (@ Toby’s Estate w/ 2 others) [pic]:

    Sleeves added with flat fell seams. Sewing? THIS IS TAILORING, DAMMIT.

    @randomknits Lovely! How was the pattern to work from? Any alterations?

    @neil_killick @littlehelper @brown_note I saw it last weekend. Really good fun! But the WORST Aussie accents. You’ll see.

    Protip from Hipster Martha Stewart: don’t lean your elbow against a hot iron. Ouch.

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    Sleeves added with flat fell seams. Sewing? THIS IS TAILORING, DAMMIT.
    Sleeves added with flat fell seams. Sewing? THIS IS TAILORING, DAMMIT.

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    Artisanal hipster checked shirt in progress, beard not included.
    Artisanal hipster checked shirt in progress, beard not included.

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    I heard strange noises coming from under the table. She’s having a dream…

    Watch Game of Thrones’ amazing tribute to its many dead characters // Ha! I appreciated the Boyz II Men.

    Heal your Game of Thrones anguish with these plush Direwolf puppies // WANT! cc @drkknits

    I spent ALL NIGHT cutting out the fabric for Negroni. Good thing I got so much extra, as I used up a lot figuring out how to handle plaid!

  • MAKE | Giant Macrame Owl

    MAKE | Giant Macrame Owl – WHOA. I like macramé owls, but this one is giving me the heebie-jeebies.

  • Parkour goat is tired of your bullsh*t fence

    Parkour goat is tired of your bullsh*t fence – I love goats. They are so smart and fun. I think I’d like to have goats someday. But then, as this video demonstrates, I probably wouldn’t have them for very long.

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    I made Alton Brown's Cocoa Brownies... kind of.
    I made Alton Brown’s Cocoa Brownies… kind of.

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    Have I mentioned lately that @imdominating is the best? Because she is. The Best!

    Wish I was at SDCC so I could get @ThinkGeek’s con exclusives! Boohoo! #ThinkGeekSDCC

    @eileenDCoE I am uninterested in the Mass. criminal justice system unless it involves perps who have styled your Grandma’s hair.

    Snap purchase decision: what say you, Internet? I’ve been coveting brogues!

    @oelare Seem to be! They were on sale too. Bonus.

    I was disappointed that the two-tone are sold out in my size for the ENTIRE COUNTRY. Damn you, fellow size 41ers!

    I made Alton Brown’s Cocoa Brownies… kind of.

    I discovered halfway through the baking time that I’d forgotten to add the 8oz of melted butter sitting in the microwave.

    @Nat_Sutton @hoganau Sorry I missed it!

    Me: “You think Ricky Ponting had Botox?” Snook: “He looks less of a gnome than he used to. He’s had SOMETHING done.”

    RT @imdominating: @web_goddess NBD, just saw some footage from the VMars movie. #wetLogan // So jealous!

    @suzyhausfrau Hey, have you spoken to @ClareLouise1308? We had an idea for a talk for you to give at KG Camp if you’re willing!

    @suzyhausfrau @ClareLouise1308 Oh cool, thanks! 🙂

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    Snap purchase decision: what say you, Internet? I've been coveting brogues!
    Snap purchase decision: what say you, Internet? I’ve been coveting brogues!

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    What. The. Hell. Katherine turned me into a red-headed ROCK STAR.
    What. The. Hell. Katherine turned me into a red-headed ROCK STAR.