Month: July 2013

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    @neil_killick Is this show going on the road? I’d love a #NoEstimates preso in Sydney… šŸ™‚

    For someone already disinclined to group activities, organising a big event for a volunteer organisation is DOING MY FRIGGING HEAD IN.

    Got my team testing out @HipChat today. I am gaining a reputation as an @atlassian fangirl.

    RT @henrytapia: @web_goddess This usually helps adoption: // Ooh, thanks! (Attn: @knitterjp @hoganau)

    Red hair, red wine. Enjoying the new salon! (@ Travis George Hair Lounge) [pic]:

    @brown_note @lynnecazaly Hear hear. I am busier than ever at my new job, yet strangely really energised. Iā€™ve never had that before!

    @neil_killick Can you point me to details? Holding my first retrospective tomorrow!

    @Alegrya Yikes. Glad you made it out okay!

    Wait, what? Kitty Pryde is dating Eric Northman? NO FAIR. Also, heā€™s like two feet taller than her.

    I look like a freakish Eliza Doolittle. I hate the steamer.

    What. The. Hell. Katherine turned me into a red-headed ROCK STAR. @ Travis George Hair Lounge

    I like how it looks, but letā€™s be honest. Iā€™m never gonna have this much product in my hair on a daily basis.

    Google Local has taken over at Broadway. I preferred the onesie vendor.

    @drkknits @randomknits Holy shit. DROOOOOL.

    @Justacogitating Way, way too much product. I feel like Iā€™ve got jam in my hair.

    Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats are pretty much the best thing ever.

    @eileenDCoE I found proper marshmallows AND FLUFF at Aldi! Itā€™s the weirdest grocery store!

    @witty_knitter Itā€™s not uncommon for melted chocolate to be drizzled on top. I just couldnā€™t be bothered. šŸ™‚

    @drkknits @imdominating I think they have them all at Kinokuniyaā€¦

    Goddammit. Stuck outside Town Hall (aka biggest 3G black spot in CBD) when Game of Throne tix went in sale. Saw them; couldnā€™t get any. šŸ™

    Very disappointed. Anybody get tickets? Let me know if you got an extra.

    @chrisgander Opera House in Nov. GRRM and Tyrion in conversation. I posted to FB a while back. Presale was Wed, public today. Missed out. šŸ™

    @chrisgander Yeah, there was a $300 “Lannister” package on there too but it’s gone. @AgileRenee got one of those.

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    I look like a freakish Eliza Doolittle. I hate the steamer.
    I look like a freakish Eliza Doolittle. I hate the steamer.

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    I don’t understand. Just got email from the Opera House that GoT event tickets are available – but all I see are $300+. All gone already??

    Ah. I think pre-sale has sold out. Real sale starts Friday. Drat.

    Watching State of Origin tonight? You should check out Jump-in!

    Getting ready to watch State of #Origin with the @Jump_in team! (@ Mi9)

    @Booperesque I think itā€™s on the Origin Extras panel??

    @AgileRenee More going up Friday at 9am, apparently.

    RT @didwa: Hope @Jump_in shows the streaker from all angles!

    At this point, State of #Origin tastes like beer and pizza and defeat.

    Hey @the_snook. One of your fellow Googlers has a twitter account: @techemployee

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    It turns out the massage chairs in the @Mi9 kitchen actually work. I may never go home.

    @RoseRed_Shoes No. No I do not.

    Final IIBA study group tonight – and I got 41/50 on my final test! Best in the class! Too bad Iā€™m not a BA anymore. #hermione

    Watching #GABO for the first time. Itā€™s cute! Pie pastry is something Iā€™ve never really done.

    The #GABO logo makes me want a donut. Now.

    @Justacogitating @imdominating What she said!

    @TheBACoach Official title is ā€œIteration Managerā€. Itā€™s Scrum Master, basically.

    Replace Geek with Knitting and itā€™s still SO TRUE. Five Geek Social Fallacies: (Hat tip @carlfish)

  • Gathered Sundress Pattern by PatternRunway on Etsy

    Gathered Sundress Pattern by PatternRunway on Etsy – Anybody ever used a PatternRunway pattern before? This one is very cute!

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    Wow. I was going to say ā€œlong day,ā€ but I was so busy it flew right by!

    RT @catehstn: Notes from Girl Geek Dinner Sydney: Life as a Network Engineer –

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    Nephew is playing Sim City on NES emulator. Earlier introduced him to Tetris – which he had NEVER PLAYED. *boggled*

    @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim Sorry, it had database error when I looked at it on web.

    The Cory Monteith headline made me gasp.

    @drkknits @redambition Aww. Poor Issy. Werenā€™t you paying attention? What did Theonā€™s friend say about happy endings?

    RT @Orange_Swan: The review of the October 2013 issue of Knit n’ Style is up! #knitting #knitnstyle #theknittingneedā€¦

    @Orange_Swan Brilliant as usual! I LOLed at the silk worm molestation.

    Aaaand I think thatā€™s it for the cricket tonight.

    RT @JennaPrice: I’m going to vomit. #ashes // Same here!!

    Boo! Stalling cheaters! #Ashes

    That was depressing. Would have preferred a less anticlimactic victory or loss.

    RT @Sitback: New site launched for Northcott – // Nice! I wrote the spec for that!

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    Whoā€™s going to Guild? I have a wicked headache. Can someone give my apologies? (cc @knitterjp @Yarna_ @witty_knitter @mrs_sockvictim)

    @witty_knitter @drkknits Iā€™m still in the onesie. Onesie for Life!

    @knitterjp Thanks. If Camp comes up, please tell folks that weā€™re up to about 25 attendees now. Class schedule published soon. Donā€™t delay!

    @imdominating @Lackadazy @awkwordly @rainbowrowell Count me on that particular bandwagon.

    Pacific Rim – EXTREMESCREEN! (at @HoytsTheatres w/ 2 others)

    Pacific Rim: EXCELLENT. Robots, monsters, kickass Mako Mori, Idris Elbaā€™s butt, but also the worst Aussie accents ever committed to film.

    As soon as I give up on sleeping, the Snook stops snoring.

    @mrs_sockvictim I think your blog is broken!