Month: July 2013

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    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Sweet, thanks! I totally missed that. Doesn’t seem to support everything in API yet, but it’s good enough for now!

    @Colgo I’ve had that. It was nicer than I expected.

    I nearly bought a pair of brogues at Topshop, but they didn’t have my size. At least my streak of disliking Topshop can continue.

    There is a Calder in front of my new office. This pleases me immensely. @ Australia Square

    I think it’s onesie time.

    Living the onesie life. This blissful scene goes out to @drkknits and @surrenderdotty…

    @randomknits Is it mine? Mine says I LOVE THE O.C.

  • Photo post

    There is a Calder in front of my new office. This pleases me immensely.
    There is a Calder in front of my new office. This pleases me immensely.

  • Worms!

    Worms 3 coming to iOS as a mobile exclusive – Worms! One of the first video games the Snook and I ever played together, back on Wee Ben’s Dreamcast in London…

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    I have been assimilated. @ Mi9

    @Nat_Sutton I had to photoshop out my phone numbers. Lots of wackos on the Internet. 😛

    @drkknits First Apple, now onesies. I’ll have you singing Taylor Swift before the year’s out.

    North of the harbour. It always feels weird over here.

    @drkknits Now I suspect you are trolling me.

    @drkknits @surrenderdotty I had an idea to knit one for the Show next year. Not kidding.

    Meeting the Snook fam for dinner. (@ Bridgeview Hotel) [pic]:

  • Photo post

    I have been assimilated.
    I have been assimilated.

  • Photo post

    Most of my family back in Indiana have deer heads on their walls. This is my artsy Inner West Sydney version of that.
    Most of my family back in Indiana have deer heads on their walls. This is my artsy Inner West Sydney version of that.

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    @redambition She’s coming to the Opera House. I got an email about it this morning.

    RT @marcooda: More hospitals should do this. Oklahoma City hospital posts surgery prices online; creates bidding war

    @redambition @likeomg Nah, I’d actually never heard of her. Will leave it to you!

    @randomknits If you do, I will wear my onesie to your house and play Taylor Swift over and over. WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER… GOING YARNBOMBING.

    Most of my family back in Indiana have deer heads on their walls. This is my artsy Inner West Sydney…

    RT @vivsmythe: Top 5 people I wish really tweeted: Sybil Fawlty, Flora Post, Miss Mapp, Mrs Bennet, any one of Bertie Wooster’s frightful A…

  • I’m Maps Famous!

    My friend Nathaniel sent me an email this morning with a link to a Google Map. Apparently he was looking up a college in Illinois and noticed something funny about the ring road surrounding it. I’m Maps famous!

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    @BriWrites Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.

    @BriWrites It’s in the book. If you google the phrase on its own you’ll see what it means, but it might be a spoiler. 🙂

    Should the ruling party be able to change PMs mid-term? #YDNo #YouDecide9

    @witty_knitter I think of it like the US Pres election. I don’t elect the Pres either; it’s votes for Electoral College. Which is silly…

    @witty_knitter …because the outcome in the end is as if you’d directly elected the Pres, right?

    @mrbenjaminlaw @rowenaboggle @witty_knitter The typo in the browser title made me scream before I even got to the article.

    @witty_knitter When Obama comes to visit, who does he meet? The Governor General is a figurehead. That’s how it appears to this outsider.

    @witty_knitter The President is the head of the Executive Branch. My understanding is that the PM is also the head of the Exec branch.

    @witty_knitter It’s just that your Executive and Legislative are not separated.

    RT @venks79: Hacking creativity: Making time for innovation @yahoo7 // cc @knitterjp @hoganau @timparsons

    @witty_knitter Regardless of the way it’s meant to work, the Australian (& British) system is taking on the US “cult of personality” aspect.

    @witty_knitter If the majority of voters feel like they’re electing the PM (whether or not they actually are), maybe that’s the new reality.

    @witty_knitter (I am mostly just winding you up here, as I sense you are tilting at a big-ass windmill.)

    @witty_knitter (It’s like me and the phrase “begs the question.” At some point you give up or you go crazy.)

    @witty_knitter What actual difference does it make? They don’t actually tick a box by the PM’s name, do they? They’ll figure it out.

    Testing testing! 1212! @catehstn is about to speak at #GGDSyd!

    The @Mi9 women listening attentively at #GGDSyd…

    Hey @catehstn! Me and @knitterjp would love a copy of that book for @Mi9… #GGDSyd

    @Helen__H I saw @pyko across the crowd. Are you here? Are we finally actually in the same place?!

    Gah, I’m using the wrong hash tag! How embarrassment. #ggdsydney

    Jen just showed video of an actual shark attack on an undersea fiber optic cable. #sharkweek #ggdsydney

    HAVE YOU ENABLED IPV6? #ggdsydney

    OI! @catehstn is dissing the Midwest. This offence cannot stand. #ggdsydney

    Check out @pyko scanning my QR code mittens! #ggdsydney

    I think @tammypetro just admitted to being on the Dark Side. #ggdsydney

    @makarakarn Wait, you were there? Did we talk? I had way too much wine and sugar. 🙂

    RT @helenperris: Dustin Hoffman Breaks Down Crying Explaining Something That Every Woman Sadly Already Experienced

    Apologies for not tweeting the end of #ggdsydney. This happened:

    Just occurred to me that this is the first job I’ve ever had that related to my actual degree. Only took 14 years! ALUMNI MAG HERE I COME.

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    @drkknits for Korean goodness.

    @drkknits Wow! I did not know that. So it goes in upside down but doesn’t charge?

    @drkknits I had a hell of a time finding it in Sydney. It’s in the secret Narnia Asian grocery behind Town Hall Woolies.

    @drkknits But I wasn’t joking; I literally have a kilo. I can bring you some at Guild if you really want it.

    Wow. Margaret Stove knitted Prince William’s baby shawl. I really wish she was coming to @KnitGuildNSW camp. 🙁

    @brockleyboyo We took a bus tour in Edinburgh, and an American lady couldn’t figure out why the royal family “OF ENGLAND?!” owned Holyrood.

    RT @TaylorHerringPR: Oh Mr Darcy! A giant Darcy emerges from The Serpentine this morning to launch new Drama TV channel @drama_channel http…

    Week 2 of new job started with – no joke – 8 hours of meetings. And yet I’m energised and happy! That says it all right there.

    The Snook argues that Ugg boots should be disposable, thus $15 Kmart knockoffs are true blue Aussie. Dissenters?

    I have to say, the “tell us a secret fact about you” question for @KnitGuildNSW Camp is the BEST THING EVER. Our members are amazing!

    @witty_knitter How about the first female commander of an air force task group in Kandahar, Afghanistan? REALLY!

    @randomknits You have a bunny. You can never be boring.

    @witty_knitter I can’t tell or you won’t be able to play along! 🙂

    The epitome of the Internet: thirty seconds of my fat cat snoring and twitching beside me on the couch.

    RT @gruber: Shouldn’t the Message app icon be blue? Green = SMS (gross), blue = iMessage (cool).

    RT @brockleyboyo: Darth Sidious – @JonathanHaynes: David Cameron on the front of tomorrow’s Guardian

    Today’s challenge – how many times can I listen to @teganandsara’s “Closer” on my commute? Up to 3 so far…