Month: July 2013

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    @Yarna_ Same here! Hoping @knitterjp made it home okay after duelling with asshole on Chippo side street

    @randomknits @gilmae Haha, you were tempted too! Excellent. What colour? Did your dough make the top portion jiggle around?

    Watching Grand Designs, and hilarious Pom just disparaged IKEA while assembling the exact couch I’m sitting on right now.

    @codepo8 That would be hilarious porn that included an IKEA critique. 🙂

    Shocked from seeing strong, capable woman reduced to tears by sniping of others. Making resolution to be kinder to everyone this week.

    @chrisgander Is it really good? The trailer looks amazing. Almost made me want to buy a console!

    Eight hours of hand sewing on the weekend have left me with carpal tunnel pain and a blister on my needle finger.

    RT @flipsimmons: Game of Thrones lovers – how great are these?!

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    There seems to be some confusion about the “sentient” xylophones. They are not actually self-aware. It is HYPERBOLE.

    Portrait of a sad hipster whose iPhone won’t charge. @ Leura Garage

    They actually call it The Hair of the Dog. (@ Leura Garage) [pic]:

    RT @the_snook: @web_goddess away for one day and I’ve already got a bunch of limey tarts in the house.

    Shhh! I’m subverting the knitting weekend by doing patchwork! @ Leura

    @randomknits What seam? I see no seam!

    @ozdj I’m in Leura. It’s Christmas in July all over the place up here.

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    Shhh! I'm subverting the knitting weekend by doing patchwork!
    Shhh! I’m subverting the knitting weekend by doing patchwork!

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    Portrait of a sad hipster whose iPhone won't charge.
    Portrait of a sad hipster whose iPhone won’t charge.

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    @the_rovingeye No idea about the party; a friend on FB just mentioned she was going to one. And a Google employee told me about the day.

    @witty_knitter @SandraHW Hooray!!

    @drkknits Yay! Are there any beds that are by themselves in a soundproof room? Because save that one for Ms Cranky Sleeper (aka ME).

    My first Agile team retrospective! #bravenewworld

    #YDTestYes – my work ultra book is pretty schmick!

    @drkknits @knitterjp We were in a meeting! Getting ready to head out shortly. (Where is @Yarna_?)

    @Yarna_ @drkknits @knitterjp Bathroom and then I’m coming down…

    @knitdra That’s about as much as I’ve done.

    @randomknits PHEW!

    @brown_note I did! Really loving it so far. 🙂

  • Australian bushman claims to have footage of legendary night parrot

    Australian bushman claims to have footage of legendary night parrot – Brilliant! Dude spent FIFTEEN YEARS trying to find this parrot! Australian ecology is nuts.

  • Quilts

    Hey Mom! Remember that quilt exhibition I told you about in Brisbane? My friend Lyn recently visited it and she blogged about it here with some nice photographs.

  • 14 Terrifyingly Awesome New State-Fair Foods for 2013 — Grub Street New York

    14 Terrifyingly Awesome New State-Fair Foods for 2013 — Grub Street New York – Nome of these seem that OUT THERE to me. Heck, that meatloaf on a stick looks really good! I’d eat that!

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    I bought onesie pyjamas. For me. With sentient xylophones. #gianthipsterbaby

    @surrenderdotty Awww. I think being WHIMSICAL & WARM shows lots of self respect! (I’m not wearing the thing out of the house, I assure you.)

    @surrenderdotty A) yes. And B) it can’t be any worse than my usual trackies and sweatshirt. 🙂

    @surrenderdotty I think you have highly overrated the extent to which “sexiness” is a goal in our household.

    Ooh, I nearly forgot! Happy birthday, @mrs_sockvictim!!

    @lemon_lime @drkknits RUN AWAY! YOU’VE UNLEASHED THE KRAKEN!

    @lemon_lime @drkknits Hey, I like him. He’s a nerd. I respect that. I also get that some people don’t like him. That’s okay.

    @lemon_lime @drkknits My nephew Kurt met him in a bookstore when he was PM and Kevin was very nice to him, FWIW.

    The Snook said: “It’s not as sexy as I expected.” #understatementoftheyear

    @drkknits I know. I thought that was rather precious.

    Patriotic whoopie pies! Thank you #silpat and #kitchenaid !

    @steven_noble I’m told that “block their cookies” is an effective workaround.

    RT @writingmiranda: You can’t afford me knitting for you. You’ll have to make me love you. #knittertruth

    @witty_knitter @SandraHW Yikes. I’m sure she’ll be okay. Thinking of you both.

    I think I’m packed for the weekend away. Two knitting projects, some patchwork, whoopie pies, toothbrush, wine, and MAH ONESIE. #beprepared

    Woohoo! Giant deer art finally arrived from @TempleWebster! I think we’ll probably hang it off-center to the right?

    @witty_knitter @surrenderdotty You didn’t see him taking me to task over it yesterday? 🙂

    I saw on FB last night someone going to a “Onesie Party” in Newtown. And Google Sydney are having Onesie Day soon, apparently. #influencer

    But again, I reiterate: I will not be wearing a onesie out of doors. My onesie is too magnificent for the wider world.

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    The Snook said: "It's not as sexy as I expected." #understatementoftheyear
    The Snook said: "It’s not as sexy as I expected." #understatementoftheyear