I bought onesie pyjamas. For me. With sentient xylophones. #gianthipsterbaby
Month: July 2013
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Should Turnbull replace Abbott? http://t.co/zKRiIobhht #YDYes #YouDecide9
I’ve finally made it onto an Agile team, and I’m loving it. Great to finally put stuff I’ve read from @brown_note & @AgileRenee into place!
@randomknits By my second week at TC, I’d bought a pair of ugly-ass (but very supportive) Kumfs for that reason.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes CRUMBLE CRUMBLE! And I haven’t had rhubarb in ages, so I would like that. IT’S PINK!
@chewxy @brown_note @AgileRenee Yup. I actually had a whole discussion today about ways of measuring velocity. I AM NOW THAT PERSON. 🙂
@neil_killick @AgileRenee @chewxy @brown_note We don’t do estimates or planning poker. 🙂
@AgileRenee It appears my predecessor has been counting “tasks”.
@eobeara So wait – did I miss the meet up? Are you still around? We could catch up in the city tomorrow!
@drkknits I’ve already decided to make my whoopie pies “patriotic” in honour of US Independence Day. Bring on the food colouring!
@timparsons Thanks! Sadly, I barely update it anymore these days! It’s mostly just RSS and Instagram glued together.
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Day 2 of new job: Still great! Got to do a deploy to prod (by clicking a literal BIG RED BUTTON). So busy I barely saw @knitterjp though!
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KitchenAid + Silpat = 21st century Snickerdoodles! -
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@KitchenAidAusNZ @HouseRetailAus Thanks! I think that’s what we ended up doing. Will ring if any further issues.
Day 1: LOVING IT. Loving it for the superficial reasons, but also feeling really inspired about the role. This feels like me.
@knitterjp I’m totally hoping for a lift home on Wednesday, btw.
@knitterjp You’ll need me to document the trip since you’ll be too busy driving and stuff!
@knitterjp I think you’re right. I elaborated a bit more on FB. But the superficial stuff matters, and I didn’t realise how much recently.
@knitterjp Like, I love having a Kanban wall with “Coffee Machine” on it. Small thing, but that session told me a lot about team values.
@knitterjp That is EXACTLY what I mean. It’s easy to write off, but it speaks volumes.
@knitterjp Haha, Nerf guns I can do without. But I’m definitely bringing in Computer Engineer Barbie tomorrow.
Heard about the Arizona firefighters. Immediately thought of Dar Williams’s version of “Cold Missouri Waters.” So unbearably sad.
KitchenAid + Silpat = 21st century Snickerdoodles! http://t.co/6cj23t4g9C
@eileenDCoE Sure thing!
@Helen__H @clepetit Hey, I now work just down the block from you guys! Running is beyond my knee right now, but happy to walk anytime. 🙂
@Helen__H @clepetit Heh heh. Yeah, fled the bank. Back to web/digital, thank god. I’m at Mi9 (NineMSN) at Australia Square!
@codepo8 Well done! Very interesting to read. 🙂
@lemon_lime In my head I was reading along all “… red rocket (pronounced “redirect”)…” and I chuckled. 🙂
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At my new job, the sneakers stay ON. -
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The end result: pork shoulder rillettes on French bread. All homemade. DROOOOOOL.