Month: August 2013

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    Peanut butter affogato. #chubby #hipster @ Something for Jess

    @randomknits @roseredshoes Cars! Nice!

    @redambition I started putting coconut milk in my coffee when we went paleo. Now I just prefer it that way.

    Knitters Guild Convenors meeting. It’s exactly as you’d expect. (@ Customs House)

    A little bored. But @witty_knitter looks very pretty in that teal shirt!

    My bit is done! 95% of the room seemed very enthusiastic. Only a few pooh-poohers.

    Guild duty discharged, I am fleeing back to Chippo to tackle the other dozen things on my To Do list…

    @j_griego I’m taking a similar trip in a few weeks. Sympathy.

    @imdominating @Lackadazy Bwahahaha…

    @codepo8 Americans. It’s on every table at every Pizza Hut, next to the chili flakes. Yep.

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    Peanut butter affogato. #chubby #hipster
    Peanut butter affogato. #chubby #hipster

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    And the @Mi9 Hackathon is OVAH! 45 minutes left before presentation time.

    GAHHHH. The Liberals have a full takeover ad on @smh, and pre-rolls on YouTube videos. #saturation #vomit

    Hackathon script is memorised. There is going to be some epic-level Hermione-ness happening.

    WE WON HACKATHON! GO TEAM SARCASTIC PIG!! @justasitsounds @SerriLaw @ Mi9

    @garethrhughes @Nat_Sutton @hoganau We’re closing up now. @knitterjp just put out the word.

    Post Hackathon beers. (@ Cafe Chicane)

    @gilmae We mashed up snarky tweets with Big Bro catchup video, along with MST3K-style animated pig and sheep overlay.

    @knitabulous The damn cupcake toppers haven’t arrived. Are you at the next IC meeting? Could handover then.

    @knitterjp @garethrhughes @daphnechong @hoganau OR I could retire undefeated from the field of Hackathoning. It’s tempting.

    @knitterjp @garethrhughes @daphnechong @hoganau I have no idea what you’re talking about. Ahem.

    @knitabulous Oh sweet! Didn’t realise that. Coolcool, I won’t stress (about that) then.

    @drkknits I can’t stop.

    Dressing gown, White Russian… Quoth the_snook: “Kristy abides.” #weekend

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    Dressing gown, White Russian... Quoth @the_snook:
    Dressing gown, White Russian… Quoth @the_snook: “Kristy abides.” #weekend

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    WE WON HACKATHON! GO TEAM SARCASTIC PIG!! @justasitsounds @SerriLaw
    WE WON HACKATHON! GO TEAM SARCASTIC PIG!! @justasitsounds @SerriLaw

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    @Ezzles You’ve been hacked, Erin!

    RT @chrisbrownie: He did WHAT to 3000 people!? // ATTN @imdominating! (Aussie candy with “star trivia” on wrapper)

    @bakevin I’m very sorry to miss your Sydney presentation! I’m attending a Women in Tech event that night at Google.

    Woohoo! And we are GO for @Mi9 Hackathon!

    RT @SerriLaw: 3 and a half hours in, and it’s starting to get interesting! #Hackathon

    Hackathon, nearly 4 hours in. Doritos and beer.

    @mikeefreedom Yep. 24 hours. I’ve found a team that will let me play without making me code. 🙂

    Holy crap. 7.5hrs into Hackathon and Team Sarcastic Pig are still going strong! As @SerriLaw put it, “Nobody’s leavin’ til the pig talks!”

    9 hours of Hackathon… and we’re still going. I think it’s time to go home for some shut-eye.

    RT @Slate: REMINDER: Only bad people send their kids to private schools:

    James Franco’s Comedy Central roast: The 26 bestlines via @EW // I laughed. 🙂

    Iconic London Department Store To Feature In TV Documentary – PSFK // Approaching Liberty saturation point!

    A high schooler just offered me her seat on the bus. Must be time to re-dye my hair… *cringe*

    RT @catehstn: All these reasons, and a million more – This Is Why There Aren’t Enough Women In Tech – /via @amygdala

    @catehstn @amygdala I need to use the phrase “brogramming gulag” more often.

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    Eileen met the creepy statue near my office today.
    Eileen met the creepy statue near my office today.

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    Hey @DanielaMilanesi – I think you’ve been hacked! You sent me a dodgy DM.

    @jingerly You’ve been hacked! You just sent me a dodgy DM.

    @randomknits @drkknits Hahaha, I wouldn’t know how to do any of those things. Not sure I ever did. I’d just google it. 😀

    I started saying “Coolcoolcool” as a jokey reference to Abed on Community. And now I do it reflexively and unironically. Coolcoolcool.

    Just had an idea for a guessing game for Camp: guess the number of meters on the arbitrary ball of wool! (cc @ClareLouise1308 @aunty_toots)

    @ClareLouise1308 @aunty_toots Oooh, how about a picture of a swatch, and they have to write out the pattern or chart?

    MEOW Foundation Yarn Collection: // GAH I LOVE THIS. I am totally going to get Tuxedo and Calico!

    @witty_knitter @ClareLouise1308 @aunty_toots Well, we’re not linking the ACTUAL puzzles. 😛

    @jannism A friend from the US is visiting Sydney. I suggested Jamie’s Italian as a dinner option. She said “Jamie who?” Never heard of him.

    @jannism I was just surprised. He was so ubiquitous in the UK – and now in Australia – that I kind of thought he was everywhere.

    Hipster center of the universe. Drinking a beer with hazelnut in it. (@ Frankie’s Pizza)

    @mikeefreedom Nah. I’ve always been a self-hating hipster. 🙂

    Eileen met the creepy statue near my office today. @ Australia Square

    The Vans store at TGV has Liberty print Vans sneakers. LIBERTY OVERLOAD. I AM KIND OF LOSING IT.

    @randomknits I only saw them from the bus. They’re in the front window. Will get a closer look if I can!

  • MEOW Foundation Yarn Collection

    MEOW Foundation Yarn Collection – LOVE IT! I can get knitting wool inspired by Petey Cat and Dr. Amy Jones! I am very tempted…

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    @justasitsounds Ha. I’m just watching the results now!

    YAAAAAAAYYYYY! My favourite won #GABO!

    @justasitsounds I had all sorts of ideas on the way home. User UI, admin UI, all kinds of stuff. I’m excited!!

    @drkknits If Nancy had a patisserie, I’d go to it.

    Apparently, One Direction cover “Teenage Dirtbag” on their movie soundtrack. It’s not on iTunes. This is now my mission. (cc @the_snook)

    @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim I was actually trying to come up with a decent joke there myself. 🙂