Month: August 2013

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    My colleague made Poo Cupcakes!

    @randomknits I like the bunnies, but man, I can’t stand designs that preclude wearing a bra.

    Surprised to run into @snarkyboojum at @Mi9 today leading an AWS session! It took us like 5min to recognise one another. (He’s beardless.)

    @drkknits I had a splinter a few weeks ago. I channeled my Indiana heritage and made a BAKING SODA POULTICE.

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    My colleague made Poo Cupcakes!
    My colleague made Poo Cupcakes!

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    RT @Orange_Swan: New Kids on the Block and Vanilla Ice fan sweaters. Oh yes. #NKOTB #VanillaIce #Ijustboughtposters

    @clepetit Luckily I realised it as I was doing it. I was still tempted though…

    TIL: Google All Access in Chrome requires Flash to play music. The UI doesn’t tell you that at ALL. Spent 10 minutes trying to troubleshoot.

    Warm Rocket Salad with Bacon & Poached Egg. The rocket’s from my garden! #myfoodstory #produce

    My other RSPCA Cupcake Day offering: Heisenberg Blue Cupcakes! Kicks like a mule, yo.

    @drkknits I was tempted to take off my pants. But I didn’t.

    Inside the Heisenberg Blue cupcakes!

    Knitters: what is a decent but not too expensive bubbly? I need a case of it for a, uh, unnamed knitting event.

    @lifeasdaddy That took me, like, 5 minutes to get.

    @witty_knitter Haha, $8.50 per bottle if you get 6 at Dan Murphy’s! WINNER.

    @RoseRed_Shoes Too much, given that I need to buy like 15 bottles. 🙂

    @drkknits I’m getting some fake ones too. What do you like? (However, this is for Friday night…)

    Let’s put it this way, everyone. Is Yellow awful?

    @RoseRed_Shoes There will be, but you guys aren’t coming Friday night, right?

    @stufromoz The less I spend on grog, the more I can spend on things like masseuse and raffle prizes and cupcakes.

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Cool, thanks!

    @AusVintageGrrl Cool. Given that I’m really only allowing like 1 glass a person, it’ll do. 🙂 Thanks…

    @drkknits I’m sure there will be other non-drinkers. And if there’s any left, you can drink it Saturday! 🙂

    Next question: mini-cupcakes. I want to order a lot, but they don’t need to be fancy as I will decorate myself. Ideas?

    @mrs_sockvictim That’s what I was thinking. Thanks!

    @twalve Hahaha, now there’s a mental image!

    @trudib73 Should be fine. We’ve got 3 fridges in the lodge!

    Made it onto the bus bearing 23 cupcakes. Cross fingers I make it to work without jostling!

    @jeaniebabb It was sacrificed for Quality Control. 🙂

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    Inside the Heisenberg Blue cupcakes!
    Inside the Heisenberg Blue cupcakes!

  • Photo post

    My other RSPCA Cupcake Day offering: Heisenberg Blue Cupcakes! Kicks like a mule, yo.
    My other RSPCA Cupcake Day offering: Heisenberg Blue Cupcakes! Kicks like a mule, yo.

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    Warm Rocket Salad with Bacon & Poached Egg. The rocket's from my garden! #myfoodstory #produce
    Warm Rocket Salad with Bacon & Poached Egg. The rocket’s from my garden! #myfoodstory #produce

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    This one loves his Papa the most.
    This one loves his Papa the most.

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    Exec meeting is happening, yes? I’m on my way… @SallyPompom @witty_knitter @ClareLouise1308

    Last pre-Camp Guild Exec meeting! (@ Powerhouse Museum – @phmuseum)

    I have 12 things on my To Do list. Then we cracked open the Breaking Bad DVDs for the first time. Whoops.

    This one loves his Papa the most.

    Was up til 2:30 helping with a DR simulation for work. Now I’m so groggy I just poured the salsa meant for my scrambled eggs into my coffee.

  • I need terrible female engineers – Women and Work – Medium

    I need terrible female engineers – Women and Work – Medium – Great stuff. Yeah, I was one of the not-so-great coders, and that may well have contributed to my desire to get out of the field.

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    Lunch with 10 smart IT women! (cc @GGDSydney) I had a post-hangover meatball sub. (@ Palings Kitchen & Bar) [pic]:

    The Libertification of the world continues:

    Thrilled to discover Mr. Honeybee on our new citrus trees today! Pollinate away, friend. #MyFoodStory…

    How to Politely React to Your Friend’s Terrible Engagement! // Heh.