RT @Orange_Swan: New Kids on the Block and Vanilla Ice fan sweaters. Oh yes. #NKOTB #VanillaIce #Ijustboughtposters
@clepetit Luckily I realised it as I was doing it. I was still tempted though…
TIL: Google All Access in Chrome requires Flash to play music. The UI doesn’t tell you that at ALL. Spent 10 minutes trying to troubleshoot.
Warm Rocket Salad with Bacon & Poached Egg. The rocket’s from my garden! #myfoodstory #produce http://t.co/q8iZEIkuqT
My other RSPCA Cupcake Day offering: Heisenberg Blue Cupcakes! Kicks like a mule, yo. http://t.co/ZYOgwr2Yvs
@drkknits I was tempted to take off my pants. But I didn’t.
Inside the Heisenberg Blue cupcakes! http://t.co/cLI3aWpBMY
Knitters: what is a decent but not too expensive bubbly? I need a case of it for a, uh, unnamed knitting event.
@lifeasdaddy That took me, like, 5 minutes to get.
@witty_knitter Haha, $8.50 per bottle if you get 6 at Dan Murphy’s! WINNER.
@RoseRed_Shoes Too much, given that I need to buy like 15 bottles. 🙂
@drkknits I’m getting some fake ones too. What do you like? (However, this is for Friday night…)
Let’s put it this way, everyone. Is Yellow awful? http://t.co/CWUPz2ay1I
@RoseRed_Shoes There will be, but you guys aren’t coming Friday night, right?
@stufromoz The less I spend on grog, the more I can spend on things like masseuse and raffle prizes and cupcakes.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Cool, thanks!
@AusVintageGrrl Cool. Given that I’m really only allowing like 1 glass a person, it’ll do. 🙂 Thanks…
@drkknits I’m sure there will be other non-drinkers. And if there’s any left, you can drink it Saturday! 🙂
Next question: mini-cupcakes. I want to order a lot, but they don’t need to be fancy as I will decorate myself. Ideas?
@mrs_sockvictim That’s what I was thinking. Thanks!
@twalve Hahaha, now there’s a mental image!
@trudib73 Should be fine. We’ve got 3 fridges in the lodge!
Made it onto the bus bearing 23 cupcakes. Cross fingers I make it to work without jostling!
@jeaniebabb It was sacrificed for Quality Control. 🙂