Month: August 2013

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    Thrilled to discover Mr. Honeybee on our new citrus trees today! Pollinate away, friend. #MyFoodStory #Produce
    Thrilled to discover Mr. Honeybee on our new citrus trees today! Pollinate away, friend. #MyFoodStory #Produce

  • D.I.-Why?: Emily Matchar on the Allure of the “New Domesticity”￾ | The Hairpin

    D.I.-Why?: Emily Matchar on the Allure of the “New Domesticity”￾ | The Hairpin – Interesting. We were talking about this at lunch today. I was sitting at a table with ten other women in I.T., and we realised that several of us were knitters and others were bakers. My standard explanation is that being a knowledge worker means I build things that you can’t touch, so making things is a tactile hobby that appeals to me. But I can see where the author’s theory of “New Domesticity” could also play a part in its overall trendiness.

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    Team event! (@ Kingpin Bowling) [pic]:

    Post-bowling pint! (@ Quarrymans Hotel) [pic]:

    You know the expression “back teeth are floating”? Yeah. That. cc @hoganau

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    @supercres MSG! The secret ingredient in most of my family’s Korean recipes. 🙂

    @supercres I just knew it as Ajinomoto growing up. It was ages before I realised it was MSG.

    Lunch with the Sitback boys! (@ Nakashima)

    RT @chieftech: DISRUPT.SYDNEY on 5th Sept is now a free event – register at (cc @timparsons)

    @catehstn Hey, fellow Mi9er Sam B got invite to Sept 11 event, but @knitterjp and I haven’t yet. Did we miss out? 🙁

    I was due for a reality check, I guess.

    is in no mood to suffer fools or social niceties tonight.

    @witty_knitter @redambition Oh, just a few minor annoyances in quick succession. That stupid Rav thread didn’t help.

    @redambition @randomknits @witty_knitter Extra fun part: one of the other mods is retiring. Who wants the job? I nominate M-H, just for fun!

    @witty_knitter @randomknits @redambition BOOM. Go forth and wreak havok.

    @randomknits @witty_knitter @redambition Some knitters just want to watch the world burn…

    @witty_knitter @randomknits @redambition There’s no could about it. I pulled the trigger. You’ve got the power.

    Drinking $10 cooking port. Just about the last alcohol in the house.

    @drkknits It’s to the point now where we’re timing international flights to keep the duty-free bar stocked up.

    @witty_knitter @randomknits @redambition What would be the point of being a mod otherwise? 🙂

    Only a few people left who haven’t booked into their Camp workshops. *LOOKS STERNLY AT @randomknits AND ALSO ZENA WHO IS NOT ON TWITTER*

    @randomknits WHAT?! This is what I get for fast-forwarding commercials. What happened to Ketut??

    @garethrhughes Is it the name or the concept you disagree with? 🙂

    @garethrhughes Everybody sucks at estimation. I agree it feels a little juvenile, but I’m also enough of a data nerd to want MEASUREMENT.

    @garethrhughes Ah. I come from that world too. Unfortunately we sucked at it so, so badly. Everything ran over every time.

    @garethrhughes So it’s just abstraction then. 1 pt for me = 8 hrs, or some such equivalency.

    @garethrhughes I’m still new to it. I’m surprised how well it’s averaging out on Jump-in though, in spite of all the fudging!

    @randomknits Tunisian’s closed – you missed the boat on that one. It’s really only important if you want Dairing or Lace.

    @randomknits Cool, cool. You are officially booked in for NOTHING then! (I still get the satisfaction of crossing your name off my list.)

    @drkknits @randomknits Breakfast from 8am, lazy boneses.

    @randomknits @drkknits I’m just sad Tianne isn’t bring the cornet.

    RT @catehstn: Women in Computer Science: It’s a Hard Problem (a rant about men who think they have the answers, but don’t)…

    @catehstn I made it to my mid-20’s before I dropped out. Only came back because we got a mortgage.

    @witty_knitter @randomknits @drkknits More time with the masseuse for me! (Did I not mention the masseuse?) 🙂

    “Whoopie pies have failed to catch on.” TELL ME ABOUT IT.

    @catehstn @knitterjp Got mine! Thank you!

  • Soylent: What Happened When I Stopped Eating For 2 Weeks

    Soylent: What Happened When I Stopped Eating For 2 Weeks – I continue to be fascinated by Monkey Chow. A guy did a two week trial on that Soylent meal replacement powder and writes about his results. You know, I’d be totally tempted to do something like that. Interestingly, it wouldn’t save us that much on meals. His pre-Soylent diet was $24 a day? Yikes! I’ve done a quick estimate of our food costs per week, and I reckon it’s maybe $10 a day. Still, Soylent would massively cut down on time spent planning, cooking, and cleaning…

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    @BriWrites Yep. Gaiman says people always think he made it up. We went there in 2010:

    @BriWrites Carousel is surreal. I also got my fortune from the same machine as Shadow. Bonus: it’s near the Frank Lloyd Wright MURDER HOUSE.

    @StuartCRyan @clepetit We have a couple people at @Mi9 doing interesting things with Atlassian products…

    @StuartCRyan @clepetit Probably not me, but I can ask around and see if anybody’s interested!

    @StuartCRyan Oh, I’ll present at the drop of a hat. Just not sure I have anything cool or relevant for that crowd to discuss! 🙂

    @StuartCRyan Sadly, I think it’s too short notice for the people I had in mind here. Sorry…

    Oh good grief. Sportscraft have introduced a LIBERTY HIPSTER HAT.

    @zephyrama @AusVintageGrrl Their incidence among the non-hipster population is sadly dwarfed by their popularity with hipster douches.

    @StuartCRyan Unfortunately not – we’ve got a team event on all afternoon/evening. Maybe next one though! (Is there a mailing list?)

    It is a legit problem that I actually like my job, project, and team so much that it’s hard to leave the @Mi9 office sometimes. #shmoopy

    @StuartCRyan I thought I was on it before, but maybe didn’t re-register after it moved from old system. Will sign up again. 🙂

    The next time I start bitching about how much work the @KnitGuildNSW Camp has been, remind me that I’ve met some genuinely wonderful people.

    @drkknits I just had the nicest talk with a fiber artist who’s married to a SWORDSMITH!

    @drkknits She said she’s got 50 beardy dudes camping in her garden this weekend for some sort of sword making event. TOTES YOUR SCENE!

    @drkknits As the Snook put it, “Mittagong hippies, man.”

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    @pyko Woohoo! I had a very UNproductive weekend, but on the plus side, I think I’m finally over that cold. 🙂

    @surrenderdotty I always make a point of sitting with those people.

    @surrenderdotty I also always sit next to people who put their handbag on the seat, or dudes who splay their legs open.

    @surrenderdotty Whether I’m punishing them or myself is probably a fair question.

    RT @mmastertheone: My father likes to explain preferential voting as “The largest proportion of the population winds up with the candidate …

    @janiematts I wish I’d seen that before I got on the bus at Wynyard. 🙁

    RT @HouseBeautiful: From blush to bubblegum, 10 pink rooms you’ll love // paging @randomknits…

    @drkknits I didn’t even have a bad day and I ate a cupcake within 5 minutes of walking in the door. #fail

    @drkknits I told him to take all three to work with him. He just took one. THE FOOL!

    @drkknits Holy shit. *bows down*

    RT @Orange_Swan: The review of Twist Collective’s Fall 2013 issue is up. #knitting #TwistCollective

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    It's entirely possible that I've been watching too much My Little Pony. #twilightsparkle4eva
    It’s entirely possible that I’ve been watching too much My Little Pony. #twilightsparkle4eva

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    RT @the_snook: Why does @twitter mobile site not allow zooming in on images? People tweet memes and I can’t read them.

    @brittanieshey The One. Friend me on there if you like! I am better at sleeping than walking though. 🙂

    House filled with smoke due to candied bacon in the oven. Really. #hipster #baking #prototype

    Prototyping for RSPCA Cupcake Day. I call it “The Elvis”: banana cake with a peanut butter centre,…

    @drkknits Yeah, Twitter cut off full description. And honey buttercream. 🙂

    @aunty_toots Only a timer though.

    @aunty_toots Nah. It was for a productivity talk on Pomodoro technique. Needed to be a tomato timer! But I got away with just a photo.

    @Ezzles Near Chippo today? I’ve got a few left. 🙂

    @stufromoz I got egged on Parramatta Rd in a mixed group (no handholding). Some people are just assholes.

    Just had to book an extra conference room for the @KnitGuildNSW Camp due to “unprecedented demand.” BOOYAH.

    It’s entirely possible that I’ve been watching too much My Little Pony. #twilightsparkle4eva

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    Prototyping for RSPCA Cupcake Day. I call it "The Elvis": banana cake with a peanut butter centre, topped with honey buttercream and a piece of candied bacon!
    Prototyping for RSPCA Cupcake Day. I call it "The Elvis": banana cake with a peanut butter centre, topped with honey buttercream and a piece of candied bacon!