Month: August 2013

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    @knitterjp I think I am now through Zombie Phase and now on to Mucus. Feeling better though.

    On the slowest bus ever to @GGDSydney. Doesn’t this guy know I’m speaking first?! (cc @pyko)

    Getting psyched for my talk at tonight’s #GGDSyd!

    @hoganau @Nat_Sutton @daphnechong I may have hallucinated throughout my whole speech.

    @phoebegoh Thanks!!

    RT @Nat_Sutton: Supporting 🙂 go @web_goddess #ggdsydney

    RT @1n9r1d: Don’t break the chain. Build up habits and cross off on the calendar. #ggdsyd via @web_goddess

    Woohoo! Now @daphnechong is talking about Responsive Design. @Mi9 women representin’ at #GGDSyd!

    @gilmae Do ALL the Things! Productivity Hacks for the Rest of Us. 🙂

    People at #ggdsyd are taking notes during @daphnechong’s talk! I like working with smart women.

    I forgot to mention for the Pomodoro fans at #ggdsyd!

    @redambition I’ll put it on my website. 🙂

    Listening to Robyn Elliott, CIO of Foxtel, talk about women in IT leadership roles. This is relevant to my interests. #ggdsyd

    Note to self: at all my meetings this week, I’m sitting at the table. My opinion matters. #ggdsyd

    Good point @catehstn just brought up about the “likeability penalty” women pay for being assertive. #ggdsyd

    RT @daphnechong: Great speeches tonight by @web_goddess (fellow Mi9 cohort) and Robyn Elliott, CIO of foxtel at #ggdsyd! Loving the communi…

    RT @delitescere: Earlybird for @yow_oz extended for a week or so Dec 12,13 in Syd #ggdsyd

    RT @daphnechong: My prezi for #ggdsyd about Responsive Web Design

    Few things give me as much pleasure as responding to a clueless recruiter who wants to put me forward for PHP roles. Try again, spammer.

    @SerriLaw Yay! So glad you were able to come. 🙂

    @catehstn Dooooo eeeet. Having a clean inbox is like crack to me. SURFACES DARLING. SURFACES!

    @gilmae Exactly. In the end I just used a picture of one.


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    @knitterjp Meh. It’s weird. Slight headache, slight sore throat, slight mucus, slight nausea, major tired. That’s it. Rodd’s got it too. 🙁

    @knitterjp I’m just worried about being away. Stupid. But my role is so hands-on. Feel like I’m dropping balls here!

    @knitterjp I’m practicing my talk for GGD tomorrow night. Are you going?

    RT @brown_note: Agile PM courses in Melbourne #pmot #baot

    @Nat_Sutton Congrats again!

  • Make Kristen’s DIY Cat Tree! | Coletterie

    Make Kristen’s DIY Cat Tree! | Coletterie – Very cool, but I could see Dr. Amy knocking over something like that pretty easily. Our girl has momentum.

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    Whispered “Dracarys” as I turned on the oven’s pyrolytic cleaning cycle…

    Walked alllllll the way down King St with the Snook, checking out antique stores like middle-aged hipsters.

    @randomknits @gilmae Well, did he like the Rice Krispie Treats or not? 🙂

    Anybody know where in Sydney I can buy or borrow a tomato-shaped kitchen timer?

    @liedra I need it by Tuesday night. 🙂

    @pinkcatknits Ooh, that’s great, thanks! I need it by Tuesday. Wonder if they could Express Post…

    @helenwhoknits @Kmart Ooh, how long ago? They don’t show it on their website…

    Made it all the way to work only to have @knitterjp send me home for a Doona Day. Must have looked worse than I thought… #sick

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    I know @kcm74 thinks he’s not funny, but I love Sudeikis in this. Especially when he kisses the other dude.

    On my way to Guild. And goddamnit, I forgot @mrs_sockvictim’s stitch markers AGAIN.

    @randomknits @gilmae I am amused that my name is now synonymous with “white trash American snack awesomeness.”

    RT @richardmclaren: Tony Abbott is paying people to like him. via @zite #youdecide9

    @timparsons @Zite I disagree with heaps of that. Sounds like a mechanic complaining most people don’t fix their own cars!

  • The world’s best worst smartphone app

    The world’s best worst smartphone app – HA! It’s a game where the aim is simple – to throw your phone as high as possible. Not on iOS of course. (My iPhone is rarely more than an arm’s length away.)

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    @drkknits Congratulations! Man, you don’t actually spend much time in that ivory tower of yours. Always flying around… 🙂

    @RoseRed_Shoes Ugh. I’m totes detoxing today. I pulled the bag out of my purse and all the jellies and rock candy had melted together. Ick.

    @drkknits Of course you do! Just like how I knitted all day when I worked at a yarn store.

    @randomknits Meeeee. I’m baking too!

    Manly cookie baking involved ENGINES and HARDWARE.

    Where would I be as a hostess without cocktail onions and cabanossi? LOST, I TELL YOU. LOST.

    @RoseRed_Shoes Rodd thinks it’s pretty much the only one he’s ever seen in Australia. His Nanny had that one too. 🙂

    Okay, straight up @imdominating and @carbolicious: these Mortal Instruments books any good?

    RT @mikeefreedom: The man behind Soylent – a soon to be available food replacement. You know what… I occasionally would eat it. http://…

    @Gin_ev_ra Hey, are you coming to Guild? I sent you an email earlier in the week but didn’t get any reply…

  • Photo post

    Manly cookie baking involved ENGINES and HARDWARE.
    Manly cookie baking involved ENGINES and HARDWARE.