Month: August 2013

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    Self, let's be honest. You are too damn old to wear these boots for 12+ hours. #dying
    Self, let’s be honest. You are too damn old to wear these boots for 12+ hours. #dying

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    Pre company Kick-Off drinks… (@ Opera Bar)

    Me, @knitterjp, and @hoganau ready for @Mi9 kickoff!

    I was enjoying the mi9 company kickoff *before*, but then I got a BAG OF CANDY! #hyper @ Sydney Opera…

    TIL I like licorice allsorts. And when you don’t have sugar for a week, candy makes you CRAZY!

    Check out my photo @ mi9 Staff Party!

    @witty_knitter @knitterjp It’s NineMSN. No scarier than any other online content network. 🙂

    Gettin’ down with @knitterjp at @Mi9 kickoff.

    They keep playing Young People’s Music. I don’t know how to “drop it like it’s hot.”

    Is this what they call “twerking”? I’m disturbed.

    All the single ladies have been celebrated. I think it’s time for this married lady to go home. (cc @the_snook)

    Self, let’s be honest. You are too damn old to wear these boots for 12+ hours. #dying @ Circular Quay

    RT @TheAdamBub: Custom-printed lollies! Thank you, ninemsn #mi9 #lovemywork

    @hoganau @Nat_Sutton John Hogan on the dance floor? PICS OR IT DIDN’T HAPPEN.

    @JennaPrice I have Fitbit. I am not fitter than you. But perhaps I can quantify my lack of fitness more accurately. 🙂

    I’m hoarse, I’m tired, and I have random dancing-inflicted bruises. Yep, that was one hell of a party @Mi9!

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    I was enjoying the @Mi9 company kickoff *before*, but then I got a BAG OF CANDY! #hyper
    I was enjoying the @Mi9 company kickoff *before*, but then I got a BAG OF CANDY! #hyper

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    RT @Gelato_Messina: KHALEESI – yoghurt and mango gelato with dragon fruit purée.. Ohhhh Mother of dragons.. // DROOL!

    @witty_knitter @surrenderdotty You’ll note that the most popular names in the US include “Neveah.” It’s heaven backwards. *eyeroll*

    Just used @Telstra Live Chat to change my phone plan. Very easy, except I honestly can’t tell if that was a real person or an AI. Spooky.

    @helenwhoknits That one was very distinctive!! 🙂

    #IIBA event tonight: Business Analyst Soft Skills Essentials. Anybody else I know here?

    MILESTONE – We have reached 50 attendees at @KnitGuildNSW Camp! That was my goal number! We are through the looking glass now, people!

    @gilmae @randomknits But I don’t understand. She knows Taylor Swift. I think she’s TOTES CURRENT.

    @gilmae @randomknits I was about to take umbrage on Taylor Swift’s behalf til I realised you were talking about Donna.

    @imdominating And yet somehow it didn’t cover the surprisingly realistic scenario of a shitty ex naming his baby after your Mom! 😛

    @redambition FoodConnect Sydney! Been very happy with them for many years.

    @drkknits @imdominating Meh. She’d know better than me. I’ve actually only been to Indy a couple times in my life.

  • Remembering ‘The O.C.’ – Grantland

    Remembering ‘The O.C.’ – Grantland – A lovely elegy the one of the Best Shows Ever, at least up until the point Marissa ruined everything.

    Updated to add: Josh Schwartz has provided an update on where the O.C. characters are now. I’ll admit to cheering a little when I saw that Seth and Summer got married.

  • How to Grow a Beard – Beard Maintenance FAQ – Esquire

    How to Grow a Beard – Beard Maintenance FAQ – Esquire – My favourite part is the supposedly old British quote: “A kiss without a mustache is like an egg without salt.”

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    One meeting down… NINE to go. (My new job is not like my old job.)

    @kcm74 Not even as Floyd on 30 Rock?

    Wow. I want this! (Attention @eileenDCoE: you need this on your keys NOW.)

    @ozdj No! It’s awesome! (Did I mention I’m a Channel 9 shill now?)

    I swear, this Oil of Olay moisturiser smells EXACTLY like Exclamation! perfume circa 1993.

    Week 1 back on Paleo, and I’m down 2kg. It’s all water weight (I can tell from my INTERNET SCALES) but it’s nice to feel less bloaty.

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    Today's look: Preppy Peacock.
    Today’s look: Preppy Peacock.