They Finally Tested The ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’ On Actual Prisoners – And The Results Were Not What You Would Expect | Business Insider Australia – Interesting. I suspect the Snook will enjoy this, in a “game theory nerdery” type of way.
Month: August 2013
- – Shark Hat – Shark Hat – Super cool.
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@witty_knitter Very pretty! Well done.
Surrounded by sick people at work. Unsurprisingly, starting to feel kind of crap myself.
Damn! Where the heck is Revesby?!
@BendalongMorgan For Amanda Palmer? I’m already going! And so is @justtaff. Lots of people going. You’re asking the wrong ones. 🙂
Am convinced the Snook is frogging 5 rows of these damn sleeves every night. THEY’RE NOT GROWING. #sisyphean
@JennaPrice Heehee. Wait. Is he saying I could earn more money as a lesbian? Where do I sign up? 🙂
That’s 44 attendees at @KnitGuildNSW Camp! I said I’d do cartwheels if we hit 50. This may be an issue. I can’t do a cartwheel…
On one hand, I’m running late. On the other hand, @JennaPrice just stopped me at the bus stop and said, “I love your legs.” #worthit
Today’s look: Preppy Peacock.
@thisismywww I know. I’ve been using Old Reader for a long time! They were going to migrate me to private app, but I’m glad it’s still open.
@thisismywww You made it sound mysterious, like Google were backing it or something. 😀
@thisismywww My Google insider hasn’t seemed to have any knowledge about it…
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RT @crk5: If KRudd wins the election, the Liberals might ditch Abbott and put @TurnbullMalcolm in as leader. A vote for Kevin is a vote for…
@randomknits When my Mom came to visit last year. Went over all the marks with a Magic Eraser WHICH IS THE BEST INVENTION EVER.
My KitchenAid fights for justice, love, peace, and sexual equality.
SO HELP ME GOD I am going to finish these sleeves today if it kills me!
Is it wrong that my biggest concern about the election is that it NOT fall on @KnitGuildNSW Camp weekend?!
Up to 42 attendees for @KnitGuildNSW Camp! Don’t delay, or the class you want might fill up! (Some are way more popular than expected.)
@AusVintageGrrl Whoa, it’s like seeing a ghost! 🙂
RT @DavidJCMorris: Great game analogy in this SlideShare: Learn #agile development through Tetris ~ @heavysixer (via…
@carlfish I just don’t even. I mean, I got really mad about Google Reader. But never like that. WHO DOES THAT.
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My KitchenAid fights for justice, love, peace, and sexual equality. -
Inside a Vegas Wedding Chapel – Intelligent Travel
Inside a Vegas Wedding Chapel – Intelligent Travel – This is where we got married in 2004! Nice article.
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Abundance. Of seafood, of people, of gulls, of stinkiness. (@ Sydney Fish Market w/ 9 others) [pic]:
Today’s accomplishments: I went on a walk and I had a nap. #goodday
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Not only do I love my job, today I got Jump-in SWAG!