Month: September 2013

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    Um, LegoLand was pretty much The Best.

    @StuartCRyan Southern California!

    It’s probably a parenting fail when you return the children so hyped up they pull a shrieking tantrum before bed.

    @drkknits There may have been a spanking. I felt responsible.

    @StuartCRyan Couple of weeks!

    @AtelierMeg I think you got hacked! You just sent me a dodgy DM.

    Ah, sunscreen. I have a perfectly formed white print of my hand alongside my sunburnt shoulder…

    RT @garethrhughes: Why am I working when I should be doing more of this? #skydive

    Made the school run for the first time today! (Yeah, still not regretting not having kids.)

    Uncle Rodd finally gets some baby time.

    Baby fell asleep in my arms, so I had to not move for 30 minutes. My right bicep is now MESSED UP.

    Managed to pick the kids up from school without incident. Acceptable Replacement Parent Achievement Unlocked!

    Except I was alone in the car with the 6yo for five minutes before he asked me if I believe in God. So there’s that.

    @chrisgander Definitely not.

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    We’re two grown-ass adults. We can totally handle two kids at LegoLand, right? #famouslastwords

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    Uncle Rodd is her favourite.
    Uncle Rodd is her favourite.

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    Straight off a 12hr flight, and they put a baby in my arms. She’s only puked on me once so far.

    Jetlag kicking in. 7pm here, and I’m fading faaassst.

    @justasitsounds Styling! Congratulations. 🙂

    Indie keeps calling me Grandma. Evidently I look a lot like my Mom. This amuses @the_snook terribly.

    Uncle Rodd is her favourite.

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    Straight off a 12hr flight, and they put a baby in my arms. She's only puked on me once so far.
    Straight off a 12hr flight, and they put a baby in my arms. She’s only puked on me once so far.

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    Frantically packing. Half an hour til the taxi gets here.

    Enroute to airport. So far have realised I’ve forgotten: belt, eye drops.

    Many thank you’s to @Ezzles for looking after the stupid cats while we’re away!

    Okay, this is pretty swanky. (@ Air New Zealand Koru Lounge – @korulounges w/ 4 others) [pic]:

    Free wifi AND a hot dog cart? Air New Zealand Lounge, you win EVERYTHING.

    @drwitty_knitter Still in Sydney. Mr Google is a frequent flyer so we’re getting star treatment here. 🙂

    @justjussi @korulounges That’s the one I just ate a hot dog from! It was good. 🙂

    @justjussi Nah, just passing through on our way to the US…

    @daphnechong Thank you!

    @NessNomster So tired. I got more codeine from the chemist. I think the key is knowing I need way more than normal dose.

    About to board plane! Going dark…

    Made it! Pretty good flight, actually. (@ Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) – @lax_official w/ 169 others)

    @drwitty_knitter Oh right. It’s that day.

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    Full day off-site on branding and roadmap! Last day before vacation… (@ Karstens)

    @redambition Til mid-October…

    It’s very, very windy outside today.

    @lahondaknitter I’ll be there in like 10 days!

    @lahondaknitter Would love any recommendations you have for things to do/see within a day’s drive of SF (probably north?).

    Came back to @Mi9 to say bye to @justasitsounds before his wedding – AND HE ALREADY LEFT. FAIL.

    @justasitsounds How could you not have expected it? Like we wouldn’t give you a gift! I blame @hoganau for not doing it yesterday. 🙂

    @knitterjp No problem. That’s the point of working with friends – to pick you up after a shitty day!

    @danivv @iusebiro @Dashkruck It would be a while! Heading overseas for a couple weeks tomorrow…

    FFS. It’s 1am. I’ve been lying in bed for two hours coughing and trying to get to sleep. Not even codeine working. I hate this so much.

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    It's very, very windy outside today.
    It’s very, very windy outside today.

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    @drkknits Way to go!

    @crumpet I never have.

    @crumpet I mean, I’ve never declared my prescription medicine. I only declare purchases that are above the duty free threshold, I think.

    Um, Jenny Kee friended me on Facebook. EEEEP!


    RT @Orange_Swan: The review of knit.wear’s Fall/Winter 2013 issue is up! #knitting #knitwear #interweave

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    Use Only as Directed | MetaFilter – Timely. This past Friday at Knit Camp, I could tell I was getting sick and feverish so I took a couple paracetamol in the evening. Then when I was helping hand out the champagne, Zena asked if I didn’t want one myself. I said, “I can’t have any, as I just took some paracetamol.” But she said that didn’t matter. So we went over to Sandra (a nurse PhD) for a second opinion. “Sandra,” I said, “Is it okay to have alcohol with paracetamol? I was always told that would destroy your liver.” “No, no,” she said chuckling. “The paracetamol is doing that anyway.” So yeah, as the TAL episode and the MetaFilter thread point out, Tylenol is a lot more dangerous than most people realise.