Month: September 2013

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    Dragging my phlegmy self to the doctor…

    Bloody. Hell. Two antibiotics for cough, plus Rikodeine, PLUS antibiotic eye drops for my PINKEYE. Rodd says, “It’s probably lupus.”

    @suzyhausfrau I reckon you did!

    @mudsurfer Yeah, makes me a bit nauseated too. I’m only going to have it for sleep.

    @phoebegoh @Bigcommerce So sorry I missed it! Got hit by my second cold of Spring. 🙁

    RT @SerriLaw: Awesome night out learning the evils of tech debt, how huge the data-verse is and to embrace our soft skills at #ggdsyd !

    Antibiotics consumed and squirted in my eye. Now waiting for codeine to kick in so I can hopefully sleep.

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    Why I was Wrong about Unit Testing – Part 1 – Unreasonability // Great post by one of my team devs

    @zosainsbury TOTES. (Too bad you don’t sit near me anymore.)

    @drwitty_knitter *raises hand*

    @drwitty_knitter @mamabook Wait, does this mean I’m the IT support for the cave? DO NOT WANT.

    @zosainsbury No idea. I got bored of sitting through the bits between Dean Geyer getting his kit off.

    @chrisgander @zosainsbury Recently @venks79 said “abs muthafucken totes” to me in a Skype chat and I laughed and laughed.

    Been fighting with Jira all afternoon. Annoyed that the answer that keeps coming up is “You’re doing Agile wrong. Change it.” GRRRR.

    Ha! Thanks to @merrinmez for pointing out that I actually volunteered for #knitcamp in Oct 2011. Nearly two full years ago!

    @brown_note My team uses story points not so much for estimation but as metric for tracking. Jira does not like this.

    @brown_note The built-in reporting, I mean. So now I’m still exporting and reporting by hand.

    RT @wollombiwool: Wow! We had such fun @ knit camp. Thank you #knitcamp

    @brown_note Yes. We were using cards before quite happily, but after team discussion, thought Jira might make some things easier.

    @brown_note Wiser people chuckled ruefully at me. Now I know why.

    @mikeefreedom More or less. Examples:

    @neil_killick Effort, basically.

    @neil_killick Not sure the background. I inherited a team already working this way; didn’t want to change everything at once!

    RT @ElizaBayne: Big deal, iPhone 5s. Android also has a security feature that prevents theft. It’s called: Being an Android Phone

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    Pork belly and veg, cooked by the Snook. That's the 3rd time I've teared up today. #stress #relief
    Pork belly and veg, cooked by the Snook. That’s the 3rd time I’ve teared up today. #stress #relief

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    Caught in the act! Has anybody seen this woman? #cardy #nabber #knitcamp

    Attentive audience for suzyhausfrau’s talk on starting a knitting business. #knitcamp

    Krista showing off a fantastic knitted necklace from the Dairing workshop. #knitcamp

    Achievement Certificate workshop with @mrs_sockvictim. #knitcamp

    Listening in on @suzyhausfrau’s talk. Lots of good info about pattern copyright, price points, knowing your demographics, etc. #knitcamp

    Killed by #knitcamp. IT’S OVAH! Thank you everyone for attending and tweeting and being awesome.

    RT @aunty_toots: Thank you @GOGET and Jem the I-Max, #KnitCamp has been fun! // Well said!!

    Pork belly and veg, cooked by the Snook. That’s the 3rd time I’ve teared up today. #stress #relief

    @randomknits Nope. Only 4 days til my holiday. Too much to do!

    @Ezzles Sure – we’ll be here from about 6:30!

    RT @AnnaLam21: My 2 cents on #knitcamp 😀 // Great post Anna, and beautiful doily!

    RT @KnitGuildNSW: President Sally giving thanks to all the hard-working people who made the event so successful. #knitcamp…

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    Killed by #knitcamp. IT'S OVAH! Thank you everyone for attending and tweeting and being awesome.
    Killed by #knitcamp. IT’S OVAH! Thank you everyone for attending and tweeting and being awesome.

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    Caught in the act! Has anybody seen this woman? #cardy #nabber #knitcamp
    Caught in the act! Has anybody seen this woman? #cardy #nabber #knitcamp

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    Lace with the Jens. High tech! YouTube videos on the monitor. #knitcamp

    Retail therapy happening at #knitcamp!

    Look at @kat13v, blissed out from the massage therapist! #knitcamp

    The Double Knitting workshop was a big hit! #knitcamp

    Shhhh! I have found a quiet spot to hide in and relax for a little bit. #tired at #knitcamp

    @drkknits I’m going to have a shower, then I’ll one find you!

    RT @miss_reecie: Hoping this photography workshop will cure my EMO PHOTO SYNDROME #knitcamp

    Lots of learning and beautiful things happening at the Dair workshop. #knitcamp

    Photographing your Knitting with Wendy. #knitcamp

    Great tips from photographer Wendy at #knitcamp. Talking about manual focus, how to draw the eye to what you want to feature…

    @ozquokka I only heard the last 10 minutes. Maybe somebody else in there can chime in?

    @drkknits @knitdra @knitterjp Thanks guys. So far so good… 🙂

    Listening in on @drwitty_knitter’s Sherman Heel/Toe workshop at #knitcamp…

    Haha, it took < 15min for @drwitty_knitter to tell her class: “Trust me; I’m a doctor. As of yesterday.” WOOOO for #knitcamp PhDs!

    Teresa Dair extols the virtues of knitting jewelry with reflective tape. #knitcamp

    Massage selfie with Ellen from! #knitcamp

    The sunshine brought spinners out to play! #knitcamp

    Swinging knitters. Literally. (Including El Presidente!) #knitcamp

    Tunisian Crochet workshop. Because there’s more than just knitting at #knitcamp!

    Plenty of happy sock knitters! #knitcamp

    RT @miss_reecie: Found the massage lady! #knitcamp // Protip: try not to drool! 🙂

    @suzyhausfrau Are you sure it’s crochet? The top bit looks like knitting! #knitcamp

    @pinkcatknits Me? Ha. Just about to knit my first stitch. 🙂

    I spotted a sneaky double knitter infiltrating the sick workshop! #knitcamp

    “It’s lopsided and it has the wrong number of stitches, but IT’S A SOCK!” #knitcamp #success

    Hearing about Tunisian crochet from Robynn of! #knitcamp

    El Presidente @SallyPompom finally gets her massage… #knitcamp

    RT @KnitGuildNSW: Jen displaying a beautiful example of 150yr old, Bobbin lace & Point de Gaze needle lace. #knitcamp

    My fave knit of #knitcamp so far! Margarita finally finished it. 🙂

    Knitters taking advantage of the fading sun… #knitcamp

    Rosalie’s Beaded Knitting class produced finished brooches! #knitcamp

    RT @metalandknit: Learning how to tweet better and hash tag at #knitcamp // And now you’ve been retweeted!

    Show and Tell has begun! #knitcamp

    A beautiful Shetland shawl! #knitcamp

    WHOA. I covet Penny’s blanket! So gorgeous. #knitcamp

    More blankets! Great American Afghans, to be exact. #knitcamp

    Another amazing lace knit from frillseeker. She’s a legend. #knitcamp

    “Nupps.” *mic drop* Hahaha, well done, @discoknitter. #knitcamp

    Inner City represent! @smark31, @drkknits, and Kel at #knitcamp.

    Amazing log cabin blanket from Sharon. #knitcamp

    @drkknits I’m tucked in too. Thanks for the drugs!

    @Ezzles I’m sorry to keep you waiting! “Send flight details to Erin” has been on my list for way too long. We leave Fri at like noon.

    @Ezzles When are you working? Want to come over Thurs and sleep in the guest room?

    I got some sleep. Phew. Slight codeine hangover, but that’s to be expected. Final 7 hours of #knitcamp… Here we go!

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    Show and Tell has begun! #knitcamp
    Show and Tell has begun! #knitcamp

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    Tunisian Crochet workshop. Because there's more than just knitting at #knitcamp!
    Tunisian Crochet workshop. Because there’s more than just knitting at #knitcamp!

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    Lace with the Jens. High tech! YouTube videos on the monitor. #knitcamp
    Lace with the Jens. High tech! YouTube videos on the monitor. #knitcamp