Month: September 2013

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    GoGet van safely driven across City and parallel parked in front of my house. BOOYAH. #knitcamp

    Grabbing lunch with @SallyPompom before heading to #knitcamp! @ Something for Jess

    If you feel a disturbance on the Force, it’s because I just taught @SallyPompom to play Angry Birds.

    Your @KnitGuildNSW #knitcamp committee, hard at work! @ The Tops Conference Centre

    Successfully ferried everyone from the train to #knitcamp!

    Techniques Turntable is going off at #knitcamp!

    Thanks @GoGet for sponsoring the PeopleMover at #knitcamp!

    More learning at #knitcamp!

    Isn’t it the way? You work and prepare for something for months… only to end up sick at #knitcamp. Just need to survive another 40hrs!

    RT @KnitGuildNSW: Tracky Dacks & champagne is the go #Knitcamp // At least you can’t see my Ugg boots.

    @justasitsounds @knitterjp I’m very sorry I missed it! Did you change it up from before?

    @drkknits Cold. Yes, please. Bag of cough drops would go down great. Also maybe some Tums or antacid?

    @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Brilliant. Thanks.

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    Techniques Turntable is going off at #knitcamp!
    Techniques Turntable is going off at #knitcamp!

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    Your @KnitGuildNSW #knitcamp committee, hard at work!
    Your @KnitGuildNSW #knitcamp committee, hard at work!

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    GoGet van safely driven across City and parallel parked in front of my house. BOOYAH. #knitcamp
    GoGet van safely driven across City and parallel parked in front of my house. BOOYAH. #knitcamp

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    Agile training, all day… (@ Karstens)

    @knitterjp @smark31 HAR HAR.

    @garethrhughes Good night? Did you go out for leaving-dos after work?

    @suzyhausfrau @KnitGuildNSW @RoseRed_Shoes You need me to resend the info pack?

    @randomknits And to think, I was already heading over to Broadway this morning. SCORE!

    RT @gilmae: The Science ministry was a storm in a teacup. The lack of diversity was to be expected. But giving himsef Women’s Affairs? That…

    RT @SallyPompom: Everyone packed and ready for @Knitguildnsw Camp?

    I would like to commend @randomknits for successfully guessing the hash tag we’ll be publicising tonight! #knitcamp

    Forgot to mention: my update to iOS7 last night went incredibly smoothly and I actually really like it! Feels like a new phone. 🙂

    I love that there are all these knitters out there prepping for @KnitGuildNSW #knitcamp and I’m still sitting here in my pyjamas.

    @imdominating Yay! Also your eyes are so crazy intense there, like Elijah Wood or something.

    @halfwrittentale Not sure. They must have a Guild though. Ask around! Or start your own! (Or join ours as a postal member!) 🙂

    RT @Yarna_: Travel safely all campers and have a great time #knitcamp

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    @ImagiNERDtive Rodd has one. We just use it to play music, really.

    @ImagiNERDtive Meh. The retina Chromebook is the only one that made me drool a little, and it still has massive limitations.

    RT @drwitty_knitter: Only two more days to #knitcamp Very excited! @KnitGuildNSW

    @drwitty_knitter Not much left to do! I keep obsessively refreshing the “Track your prints” page at @officeworks.

    @RoseRed_Shoes So I guess we know what you’re bringing to Show and Tell? 🙂

    Paid for another vet visit to confirm that, essentially, Petey is neurotic. *sigh*

    @drkknits Wish you were staying with him. I’m worried us leaving will stress him out even more.

    @BendalongMorgan Not as easily as you’d think. He’s got idiopathic cystitis, and it kills me to hear him cry and wee every 5 minutes.

    @drkknits You can’t. You’ve got Drogon.

    @drkknits @Ezzles is going to watch him. I just hope he doesn’t drive her nuts!

    I’d ride my bike to work tomorrow, but I’ve got an off-site training session with nowhere to park. Suck it, @dailytelegraph. #onyerbike

    We have a knitter coming along to @KnitGuildNSW Camp this weekend with a BROKEN FOOT. That’s dedication! #badass #knitter

    @randomknits If the lady with the broken foot can come, YOU’LL SURVIVE.

    WTF. Not feeling well this morning so called Red Cross to postpone til after our holiday. There’s a 4 week waiting period after visiting US!

    @imdominating That’s basically what the Snook said. “You’re dirty, dirty people.”

    Is it tempting fate to kick off the iOS7 update before work? Will an hour be enough time?

    @betsybookworm The 4 weeks is for the US specifically. There may be other waiting periods for other places.

    @randomknits @drkknits I’ve done the backup and download… but I think I’m gonna chicken out and wait til tonight.

  • The Best Bike Lock | The Sweethome

    The Best Bike Lock | The Sweethome – U-locks are evidently the best. I could’ve guessed that.

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    @drkknits I SENT THAT OUT A WEEK AGO.

    Petey is not well. I think another vet visit is in order.

    @randomknits Is she an old bunny?

    Oscar Wilde and Walt Whitman Probably Had Sex Once via @TheToast // I’ll admit it. This made my morning!

    @happyspider6 @RoseRed_Shoes I am terrible at keeping secrets. 🙂