Month: September 2013

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    We don’t have a coffee machine, but the massage chairs almost make up for it. #bliss @ Mi9

    Ravelry insanity of the day: someone claiming that reviewing a yarn as “splitty” is libel.

    Check out “Girl Geek Sydney Dinner @ Bigcommerce – September 2013” via @eventbrite

    @BendalongMorgan No, no, not worth it. And the comment wasn’t public anyway. 🙂

    Funniest misspelling of the day: “a smorkesboard of options”. HA!

    @virtualwolf Somehow that actually looks more Swedish than the real version. 😀

    Mystery! @timparsons met a wan who knows me at Mobile Monday. I wonder who it was? @VenessaHunt? @Opheli8?

    @VenessaHunt @timparsons @Opheli8 That was my first guess, but no, not @ozgamer! Definitely a woman.

    @VenessaHunt @timparsons Hmm, don’t know @bantermm!

    @VenessaHunt I did think to ask @timparsons those questions, silly! He had no clue. Hence my public plea. (You were my first guess, FWIW!)

    @VenessaHunt @timparsons Exactly!!

    @drkknits I reckon you’d be one of those ones filmed kicking parcels and chucking them over fences. Also, brown = not your colour.

    RT @DrMiaow: No aerial, no real Internet, everything in boxes. So… it has come to this.

    Pre-voting breakfast with soft baked eggs and jamon. (at @ReubenHills Coffee Roastery & Cafe w/ 2 others) [pic]:

    Theme of the day: bureaucracy. First task: renew drivers license. (@ Roads & Maritime Services (RMS))

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    We don't have a coffee machine, but the massage chairs almost make up for it. #bliss
    We don’t have a coffee machine, but the massage chairs almost make up for it. #bliss

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    Anybody at 99 York? @smark31 @Yarna_

    Quick beer with the knitters. Thanks to @smark31 for letting me vent! (@ 99 On York)

    Dubious Achievement unlocked.

    @drkknits I did. In fact, I said to the barkeep: “I could MURDER a Fat Yak.” He looked at me as if to say, “You sad, weird woman.”

    RT @amandapalmer: if you haven’t read this blog about the communication between john hughes and one of his supporters…do. huge. http://t.…

    Now dinner. (@ Australian Youth Hotel – @aussieyouth w/ 3 others)

    RT @scottfarkas: This is Genius! Beautiful parody of Microsoft and Nokia:

    @randomknits Gorgeous!

    RT @kapravel: probably the saddest graph ever shown in a CS conference. #Linux #tshirtsize

    @Justacogitating I asked the CEO of my company today (Australian arm of MSN) if we’d all be getting Nokias. He chuckled. 🙂

    Lucky dip! None of the ticket machines on this bus are working. Free ride.

    @imdominating Very similar to the paleo version I make for us, but mine has more fat in it. 😀

    @imdominating Except I gruesomely injure myself every time I try to use the effing mandolin. BLOOD = EXTRA TASTINESS.

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    Dubious Achievement unlocked.
    Dubious Achievement unlocked.

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    Testing! via @jump_in

    Testing again! @BBAU9 via @jump_in

    @witty_knitter Haha, nope. The day job.

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    Best part of my training session today!

    @chrisgander Haha, I didn’t peg you as an Extended Universe fan, Gander. 🙂 I thought they weren’t using Thrawn at all?

    Decision: Marimekko Chucks or Liberty Vans?? @knitterjp @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @the_snook

    @randomknits @knitterjp @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @the_snook This is last pair that fits me. They’re a little roomy.

    @witty_knitter @knitterjp @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @the_snook I have too many sneakers! Should only get 1 pair. 🙂

    It was the artificial scarcity that swayed me. I went with the Vans. My first ever! And pretty, pretty Liberty…

    @RoseRed_Shoes I’ve already got a couple pairs of Chucks. Went with Liberty. ENABLER!

    @randomknits Platypus still had some sizes, I think. And I can see some inside Vans store at TGV too…

    @mikeefreedom My first ever Vans. I feel like a skater chick now.

    @drkknits Too late! I got Liberty. Mostly because he said Marimekko are easier to get; they have lots. Might try US next month.

    @RoseRed_Shoes Pretty much! I think the Liberty were a little more. These were like $95 at Platypus.

    @knitterjp They didn’t have the orange/pink in my size in all NSW. If they had, I wouldn’t have even hesitated. 🙁

    @witty_knitter No, no. Just the Liberty Vans. Marimekko can wait a bit. 🙂

    @RoseRed_Shoes @witty_knitter @knitterjp @drkknits @randomknits Maybe the Marimekko will be the reward for surviving Camp! 😀

    Good grief. Like 40 tweets about buying sneakers. In my defence, I do at least recognise how ridiculous I am.

    @RoseRed_Shoes @witty_knitter @knitterjp @drkknits @randomknits HAHAHAHA… (Can of worms. Backing away slowly…)

    Well, OF COURSE I’m gonna pair the Liberty Vans with my Sentient Xylophones Onesie. #headsasploding

    @redambition Too late! I went the Vans. For now

    @eileenDCoE I agree. I’d probably even go further. Being on the cultured meat, I say! I’d have tried that stem cell burger.

    @christine_jt Sure. I’m 36 and taking Yaz.

    @christine_jt Sure. kris.howard at gmail. I know @JennaPrice; happy to help. 🙂

    @Hartsyard Actually @daphnechong and I had an argument yesterday at work over whether the po boys were better than the poutine!

    RT @SerriLaw: Oh gosh ! #feelingFamous // Woohoo! Totes famous.

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    Well, OF COURSE I'm gonna pair the Liberty Vans with my Sentient Xylophones Onesie. #headsasploding
    Well, OF COURSE I’m gonna pair the Liberty Vans with my Sentient Xylophones Onesie. #headsasploding

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    Best part of my training session today!
    Best part of my training session today!

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    The indignities continue. Our intern @SerriLaw had never posted a letter before. And had to ask me – as village elder – where to put stamp.

    Definitely one of those “screaming in my head like Elaine” days.

    @imdominating Did you like the reference to Chicago? 🙂

    Somebody got a new toy today. Even as an avowed iHipster, this is pretty schmick.

    @handmethepanda Yup. With Retina touchscreen.

    Damn. @hartsyard got a #goodfoodguide hat? Now I’ll never get another table!

    @drkknits It has a shiny, shiny touchscreen. I may or may not be stroking it while I drink my red wine.

    @manaboutnewtown I thought Oscillate Wildly had one several years back.

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    Final Guild Camp site visit! with @Aunty_Toots and @ClareLouise1308 (@ The Tops Conference Centre) [pic]:

    Lunch. I love this place. (@ Scarborough Hotel) [pic]:

    This is quite possibly one of the best Reddit posts ever.

    9 questions about Syria you were too embarrassed to ask // Thanks MetaFilter…