Month: October 2013

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    Me: “OHMYGOD, somebody’s selling a Sexy Willy Wonka costume.” @michael_mander: “Oh no do I want to see… Well there’s that story ruined!”

    RT @GGDSydney: Looking forward to tonight’s Girl Geek Sydney event at Suncorp! See you all there #ggdsyd

    I have to say, today was my best ever attempt with shwoopy liquid eyeliner!

    RT @the_snook: So, this is happening again.

    RT @sebastianparis: @mi9 decided to simulate an AWS Sydney failure; thanks #mi9cloudstorm :/ // Awww, it’s been fun! Maybe not for you. 🙂

    Girl Geek Dinner tonight! Why so many empty seats? PIKERS. (@ Suncorp Place w/ 2 others)

    Fun bingo game icebreaker at #GGDSyd. “Do you collect anything weird?” “Is miniature furniture weird?” “I vote YES.”

    Suncorp redesigned and developed new site in under 3 months? Wow. Hearing how Collaborative Design helped them work more agile. #GGDSyd

    Loop 11 ( looks like an interesting solution for user testing. Bookmarking for later… #GGDSyd

    Using Google Earth as personal world tour! Brilliant. #GGDSyd

    Okay, so we all just sent Laura Prophet Linkedin invites, right? #GGDSyd

    @pixel8ted It was booked out. I’m talking about the no-shows!

    @timparsons Clearly you didn’t get one of mine today. 🙂

    Suncorp Test Analyst talking quality. I just saw a figure of 94.6% code coverage and my jaw literally dropped. Wow. #GGDSyd

    I suggest there should be some sort of official #GGDSyd drinking game where we all drink whenever Jira is mentioned and @pyko salutes.

    @gilmae I am not at liberty to say. But I’ve never worked anywhere with that high!

    @gilmae Oh. CBA was probably high for stuff. Never got that far there. 🙂

    Heh. I wonder if she’ll include the NSA on this diagram about who’s tracking you online. #GGDSyd

    RT @roald_dahl: #TrickorTreat? Vengeance is Mine, Inc would be happy to help… #Halloween #darksideofDahl

    @bechaagsma Brilliant!

    Hey @the_snook – have we had any trick-or-treaters?! (Or did you lock the gate?)

    @the_snook Cans of off-brand Aldi cat food? 🙂

    @barrysaunders Thank you! Australia just needs to learn Halloween etiquette, that’s all. Only go to houses with lights/decorations. Simple!

    @Gelato_Messina Pretty sure there should be some bacon in there for true accuracy.

    OHFFS. It takes a special kind of wanker to connect Halloween with both the Vietnam War and the denigration of the Aborigines. WHATEVER.

    @clepetit I think the word you’re looking for is “Derp.”

    RT @HeldenMommy: Happy Halloween! I *must* love my kids. I give you Hermione, Hedwig, and Hagrid. #harrypotteryourekillingme…

    Co-worker just unboxed an iPad Air. The new new ones that just went on sale, that people are still queuing up for. So very shiny…

    RT @PatrickWeekes: Halloween with Hawkeye and Black Widow ( cc @bellecanto114 )

  • Movember

    Ahhh, Movember. While some women may scoff, I do love a well-groomed manly ‘tache. And there’s none that I like better than the Snook’s. You should donate to his page and convince him to keep it year ’round!

  • Ever, Jane: The Virtual World of Jane Austen by Judy L. Tyrer – Kickstarter

    Ever, Jane: The Virtual World of Jane Austen by Judy L. Tyrer – Kickstarter – A MMORPG set in Regency England where you take down your enemies with gossip rather than guns. Interesting! I wonder if I can play as a Caroline Bingley type and wear turbans and look down on people for being excessively tan. I also love the backer rewards, especially the $10,000 level which earns you the title of Earl in the game (and associated estate), along with an actual handknitted Regency-style item from one of the developers. Very cool.

  • Jump-in is ALIVE!

    The project that I’ve been working on for the past four months, ever since starting at Mi9, has finally been launched! The Jump-in site is now fully responsive and allows you to watch full episodes of Channel 9 (and Go and Gem) shows. We’ve had a Jump-in app for ages, but now we’re bringing that content to the world beyond iOS devices. This is only just the beginning! But man, I’m so thrilled with that the team’s managed to accomplish. This is a great foundation.

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    Happy Halloween!
    Happy Halloween!

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    Just booked tickets to AN EVENING WITH MANDY PATINKIN #SydOperaHouse #theaternerd

    Orange tights, black dress, sequinned mask, candy, cookies, decorations, pumpkin… I appear to be ready for work. HAPPY HALLOWEEN @Mi9!

    RT @tweeter_anita: So what happens when Halloween and Diwali coincide? Why this wonderful thing happens of course! ht @sunny_hundal http://…

    @surrenderdotty Pumpkin isn’t the flavour. It’s the pumpkin pie SPICE that’s the Shit. Haven’t I made you a pie? Ask @gilmae. THE BEST.

    RT @GordyPls: You realise Christmas wasn’t invented here either yeah?

    @gilmae @surrenderdotty It was sitting on your empty chair at The Breeders, so I gave it to some grotty Newts on the way out.

    RT @TaylorHerringPR: The creepiest Halloween outfit we’ve seen so far *shudders* (via @FelicityMorse + @SocialMedia…

    @randomknits The cupcake toppers took 2 MONTHS from Victoria, with no explanation from Auspost. When in doubt, blame them.

    Okay, today’s Google Doodle is pretty awesome.

    @drwitty_knitter @lizfoschia Nah, that’s cheating. You’re meant to start clean-shaven on #Movember 1. That’s the way @the_snook does it.

    @nolim1t I’m going! Application accepted. 🙂

    @nolim1t Oh wait. I meant for RailsGirls. Are you mentoring at that one?

    Happy Halloween! @ Mi9

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    The @Mi9 project I’ve been working on for four months has just launched! Now you can catch-up on Ch 9 shows at . 🙂

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    The Breeders played all of Last Splash, then all of Pod. Ears still ringing. Inner 16yo very happy.
    The Breeders played all of Last Splash, then all of Pod. Ears still ringing. Inner 16yo very happy.

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    @Jaykavich It’s for the Lounge section upstairs

    @Jaykavich No worries. And if you know anybody who still needs one, let me know!

    @drkknits I was there yesterday and managed to restrain myself. 🙂


    I can’t believe I haven’t been able to find anyone to use a pair of Breeders tickets tonight!

    Catching train to Newtown. Had to queue behind 4 idiot hipsters each paying $3.60 train fare with eftpos.

    Pre-Breeders dinner with the girls! Just waiting for Al to turn up… (@ The Sultan’s Table w/ @knitterjp) [pic]:

    Trying to withstand temptation while everybody gets gelato. I AM STRONG. (@ Cow & The Moon Artisan Gelato) [pic]:

    I discovered the Breeders 20 years ago – when I was 16, staying up late to watch MTV – and now I’m finally seeing …

    The Breeders played all of Last Splash, then all of Pod. Ears still ringing. Inner 16yo very happy. @…

    RT @thebreeders: Sydney Roi

    Ah, LinkedIn. Where my high school geography teacher I haven’t seen in 18 years endorses me for Requirements Gathering.

    @cathempire Fantastic. Probably will never see that many women over 40 kicking so much ass on stage together again in my life.

    RT @heathergracious: Snackable food & the pre cut apple industry via @bec7ford

    Really surprised to see that @HeartI3reaker Fashion received legal threat to change their name. That sucks. At least they’re not closing.

    @knitdra My number one “strength”? Competition. *shaking my head*

    Woohoo! Just got approved as attendee for @railsgirlsau next month. Very excited!

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    I hate this place. Except for the sausages. (at @Bunnings Warehouse)

    @gilmae I DMed you last night…

    @KaisaKaisaKaisa I have one. I think it pays for itself, but you’ve got to take travel into account.

    @KaisaKaisaKaisa Incidentally, I can get you in as a guest if you want to check it out before joining.

    @gilmae Did you want the ticket then?

    @Jaykavich Are you still looking for a ticket to the Breeders tonight??

    @NessNomster Any interest in the Breeders tonight? I’ve got an extra ticket… 🙂